You are soo misled.
Money exchanged for a service rendered. It's like renting a movie...well back in the days. If you took the movie home and the dvd is broken, you can still claim back your money.
The guy who posted before you already put it in the most layman term.
Blizzard sells you entertainment. Just like watching HBO, you do not own the movie, but you got entertained... or not.
Thus, if you already paid for the entertainment (a service,) and it was terminated before the agreed duration as per contract (the contract you enter when the transaction is made,) then you are entitled for an explanation. Unless they refund your money. And even then, I believe you are still entitled to an explanation.
Most botters who were banned got an explanation but no evidence to support the accusation. If the person who got banned, disagree and tells Blizzard that they in fact did not bot, and without evidence can we not consider Blizzard lying?
If Blizzard hands over evidence to support their accusations, which MAY reveal that they have intrude upon your privacy (snooping around your comp,) then it is an infringement on the EU anti-snooping law. So they might get into another mess. But these are 2 separate issues. You will remained denied for further Blizzard's entertainment services (unless you buy a new license,) but that does not stop anti privacy suits against them.
Like it or not, when you make a game, put it in the public domain, accept payment from people who pays for your service, you must still play within the laws. Your contract will be superseded by the basic laws.
For an example, we don't need to see so far, take the most recent court case that some claimed may have caused this ban-wave.
Kaesler & Kollegen | Blizzard Entertainment S.A.S. withdraws the application for an injunction at the court of appeal that was an attempt to ban sale of “Gold” for Diablo III.
Won't you agree that ingame gold belongs to blizzard? How is it then someone or some other entity can claim anti-competition? lol Think about it, how laws work. Then come back with a better argument.
I am not sour at all. Matter of fact, I intend to play after the suspension is lifted.
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