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Fight at Joe's

Thank you for the reply back.I have had to stop using this because it is freezing my swtor client.I am not sure why but it does not freeze when i use the default combat.I am still doing some testing and such as i am new to this bot.If i find the problem i will be sure to post it here.Other then the freezing and companion problems i am having this is by far the best routine i have seen.Thank you for your hard work Joe.

Did an update to more-frequently check for a dead comp. If you read this and give it a shot, let me know if it helps. Note that it will slow-down movement while questing (as more time is spent in OOC checking for the dead comp).

Hi Joe,

I've been using your combat routine, its fantastic. I've been trying to get mounting to work. I've edited the MercHelpers.cs located in Joes\Helpers to enable mounting. I didn't bother changing the keybind, instead just set my mount to the X hotkey ingame. The bot displays a message "[20:05:11.047 N] [JoesCombat] Trying to mount using the [X] key." but it never actually presses X and continues on without mounting. Obviously this isn't a huge issue, I'm still getting levels and the routine is doing very well (Currently playing on a Jedi Sage), but it would be nice to have it mount and appear less bot like.

Let me know if you can help, thanks! Also here's the section I changed in the MercHelpers.cs

        private static bool EnableMount = true;
        private static char chMount                 = 'X';                                  // Key to use for mounting - MUST CORRESPOND TO KEY SET FOR THE QUICKBAR BUTTON IN SWTOR 
                                                                                            // - MUST BE UPPERCASE IF A REGULAR CHARACTER - So if 'x' (an X with no Shift) in SWTOR, here it should be 'X'.
In SWTOR, it needs to be 'x' (an X with no Shift), not 'X'. For example:

In SWTOR...chMount
Etc, etc.


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Thats what I have it set to. the keybind is only x (no modifiers) in SWTOR. In chMount its "X". Still doesn't work, I've even put the mount name into Buddywings mount setting.
Sorry, but all I can think of at-the-moment, is to delete everything in the CompiledAssemblies folder, and retry it.

You can also take a look at the MountUp() routine if you like, it's in MercHelpers. Do a Find on bool MountUp.

In there, the code....
using ((UseFramelocks ? BuddyTor.Memory.AcquireFrame() : null))
SendMessage(SWTORHWnd, (int)0x100, (IntPtr)chMount, (IntPtr)0);

You can update the 150 to 300 or so, and see if it helps.
(only caveat on editing code out of C# Express - just make sure you save in UNICODE format).

Been using this to level a tank via group finder with aggravating my carpel tunnel and it's a great profile, but knocking back on cooldown isn't great for group play.

How would I disable the routine from casting knockbacks and death grips? I can comment some stuff out, but I was wondering if there was an easier way?

// if (MercFaceAndCast("Force Wave", TD <= MeleeDist)) return true;
That line is an interrupt (StrongOrGreater and Casting). Per the first post if you have anything better I can update it. Would a Force Pull be better? If so, I can update it, and drop a release.

Let me know

That line is an interrupt (StrongOrGreater and Casting). Per the first post if you have anything better I can update it. Would a Force Pull be better? If so, I can update it, and drop a release.

Let me know


Ah. I should have gone further down in my search through the code. I went and commented all of the lines mentioning the knockback and it's been a much more pleasant kuat and chain flashpoint runs. I might go through and add a toggle for knockabacks/pulls from the rotation for the few classes I'm leveling. I'll share the changes if you want to incorporate them.
Yeah, already did that (commented out the knockbacks) on the last release on 5/21, it's in the current build now (didn't get a reply, and I thought that might be the most prudent measure). Also set up Force Pull in the Interrupt block as well, and moved it out of the regular roration.

So far as the changes you made, you can either PM me, or if you post a snippet, just send the the address on the post.


is there a difference between Looting NPC's and Chests, because while on korriban, theres a chest up an elevator that causes the bot to stop and stand in one place. can i turn off chest looting and leaving regular looting on?
1. Added a setting, ScanForChests, that will now ignore chests if set to false.
2. Updated MoveToAndInteract(obj) to try and hopefully fix the situation you made note of.


Replaced hook [QuestProfileBehavior_Hook] 88521b06-dc3c-4433-8124-525da21e372a
[JoesCombat] Scanning for 'Goodies' (for Rep, or Lockboxes) in inventory...
[JoesCombat] Trying to find a vendor...
[JoesCombat] Couldn't find a vendor.
[JoesCombat] Flushing Cache.
[Poi.Clear] Reason: FightAtJoes: Cache/POI Clear.
Setting force alignment settings.
[JoesCombat] Scanning for loot....
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.()
[UseObject] Started
[Poi.Clear] Reason: Current quest behavior changed to UseObjectTag: X: -401.6209, Y: -130.199, Z: 34.7847, ObjectName: Security Console, Radius: 0, UseTimes: 1, UseRange: 0, WaitTime: 0, BlacklistDuration: 30, Hotspots: null, PlaceableNames: null, IgnoreLOS: True, IgnoreQuestRelation: True, Names: System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[System.String], Object: null, Position: <-401.6209, -130.199, 34.7847>, QuestId: 16140936985794655241, BranchId: 1, StepId: 4, TaskId: 0, QuestName: Quest Id: E00020AB94413409, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector, .
Replaced hook [QuestProfileBehavior_Hook] 7bc2bf97-1276-4d78-b550-361a80eb80ac
[JoesCombat] Trying to find a vendor...
[JoesCombat] Couldn't find a vendor.
Generating path to Security Console <-401.6209, -130.199, 34.7847>
Waiting for path request to finish...
[JoesCombat] Trying to find a vendor...
Nav callback called.
Navigation returned a partial path. Destination may not be reachable by mesh!
[JoesCombat] Couldn't find a vendor.
Generating path to Security Console <-401.6209, -130.199, 34.7847>
Nav Service path generated.
Generated path to <-401.6209, -130.199, 34.7847> (Security Console) with 17 hops.
[JoesCombat] Trying to find a vendor...
[JoesCombat] Couldn't find a vendor.
Moving to next hop: <-122.8, 144.6106, -378.65>, T: None (Security Console) D: 4.088219
[JoesCombat] Trying to find a vendor...
[JoesCombat] Couldn't find a vendor.
[JoesCombat] Trying to find a vendor...
[JoesCombat] Couldn't find a vendor.
[JoesCombat] Trying to find a vendor...
[JoesCombat] Couldn't find a vendor.
Moving to next hop: <-124.175, 144.6106, -377.65>, T: None (Security Console) D: 1.700184
[JoesCombat] Trying to find a vendor...
[JoesCombat] Couldn't find a vendor.
Moving to next hop: <-127.4, 145.1106, -376.25>, T: None (Security Console) D: 3.552554
[JoesCombat] Trying to find a vendor...
[JoesCombat] Couldn't find a vendor.
[JoesCombat] Scanning for loot....
[JoesCombat] Trying to find a vendor...
[JoesCombat] Couldn't find a vendor.
[JoesCombat] Trying to find a vendor...
[JoesCombat] Couldn't find a vendor.
[JoesCombat] Flushing Cache.
[Poi.Clear] Reason: FightAtJoes: Cache/POI Clear.
Setting force alignment settings.
Generating path to Security Console <-401.6209, -130.199, 34.7847>
Waiting for path request to finish...
[JoesCombat] Trying to find a vendor...
Nav callback called.
Navigation returned a partial path. Destination may not be reachable by mesh!
[JoesCombat] Couldn't find a vendor.
Generating path to Security Console <-401.6209, -130.199, 34.7847>
Nav Service path generated.
Generated path to <-401.6209, -130.199, 34.7847> (Security Console) with 15 hops.
Start/Stop Button Clicked!
BotMain.Stop() called
Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop()
[JoesCombat] Trying to find a vendor...
Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop()
We slept way too long waiting for the bot thread to give control back. Aborting thread. Client may crash!
Bot Thread Aborted Thread was being aborted.
[Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot Stopped
Resetting force alignment settings.
QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
Resetting current behavior.
QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
Resetting current behavior.
QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
Resetting current behavior.
Calling OnDone() on current behavior. UseObjectTag: X: -401.6209, Y: -130.199, Z: 34.7847, ObjectName: Security Console, Radius: 0, UseTimes: 1, UseRange: 0, WaitTime: 0, BlacklistDuration: 30, Hotspots: null, PlaceableNames: null, IgnoreLOS: True, IgnoreQuestRelation: True, Names: System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[System.String], Object: null, Position: <-401.6209, -130.199, 34.7847>, QuestId: 16140936985794655241, BranchId: 1, StepId: 4, TaskId: 0, QuestName: Quest Id: E00020AB94413409, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector,
[UseObject] Done

Your combat routine but it keeps trying to look for a vendor. I checked my inventory and it wasn't even full. I tried 2 different questing profiles for the same level and area and it keeps doing the same thing. Its keeps running to a space port or something when I have no space ship currently at that dock. I'm not sure if thats your combat routine though.
Ohh. Shit I see. Well Im at the place with all the Black Sun enemies so there is literally no vendor in sight.
Hey Joe,

Love the build so far, but could you adjust the following:
  • Buddywing gets Priority Realtime, but when i do this the pc just goes bonkers.
    High is really the best setting.
  • Swtor priority is kept normal, but shouldnt be the highest Mem user set to High?
  • Swtor affinity is on both processes being set to the same cores, wouldnt be the highest set to 0 and 1 and lowest to 2 and 3 along with BW?
    when i do this i get much better results on stability!

Thanks for your hard work!
Wow awesome routine Joe, I wanted to run myself into battles where do I find the combat file so the bot uses my abilites when I target mobs?
Hello there, Thanks for making this! Amazing software and package!

Just tried the tatooine profile on my jedi consular.
Dying alot and not healing companion or ressing, also not repairing or vendoring.

Fighting routine is great though!

Edit: Restarted bot and game, is now using repairs, still no companion ress or heal though!
Last edited:
Wow awesome routine Joe, I wanted to run myself into battles where do I find the combat file so the bot uses my abilites when I target mobs?

Combat Bot is just a blank profile. Pure/UnPure is packaged with one, but you can easily make your own. Simply open Notepad, and write the following:


Then save that file as CombatBot.xml
Hello there, Thanks for making this! Amazing software and package!

Just tried the tatooine profile on my jedi consular.
Dying alot and not healing companion or ressing, also not repairing or vendoring.

Fighting routine is great though!

Edit: Restarted bot and game, is now using repairs, still no companion ress or heal though!

It's generally not advised to level your character as a healer spec. Currently, BW has trouble targeting companions for heals (it does fine with other players). Several of us are trying to work on fixes for this, but it's slow going so far. Your best bet is to level as a Tank or DPS (I prefer to level as Tank with Healer companion) until you get to max level, then switch to healer.