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Fight at Joe's

Hey Joe,

Im currently encountering a mob on Nar Shaddaa called Ako Domi with ability "Gather Strength".
When he casts this, he is immune to all attacks.
Your routine however doesnt 'see' this and just tries to nuke him down, what obviously doesnt work.
When he comes out of this mu companion is already dead and i got 3 NPCs banging on me.

Can you code this in, that the routine checks if a NPC got an immune buff up and ignore him for about 10-12 seconds or duration of the buff active...?

Thanks in advance.
i need to know were to change the attack distance with this rutine, my bot just stands out of range and doesnt move until the mob walks in range
@Cryo - To add in the code for this one mob might not be the best idea - can't you just run the fight manually?

If its too much trouble or makes the bot slower then dont :)
I will code in a line for this quest then.
Cy - which class spec, and are you still having the issue as of today


changed to walters mate, so i am unsure, just needed to find the mob engagement distant for a meele , thats all.

Apart from that, i know your bot drops the repair bot but wont use, any chance on working on this , so i can use it to sell to, would be so fuking cool.
hello i am using your Combat Routine
my toon is jedi sentinel i see he is not using force might and skill from combat three precision slash and maybe force sweep i am not sure for last skill.
is there some way to be fixed ?
Anyone have an ideah how to get the repair driod working, if you want it secret pm me
hello i am using your Combat Routine
my toon is jedi sentinel i see he is not using force might and skill from combat three precision slash and maybe force sweep i am not sure for last skill.
is there some way to be fixed ?

Updated, sorry for the holdup.

Hello i have been using this for a little while now.The problem i am having is after you are out of combat it seems it only checks my health and not my companion.Is there any way to fix this so say when out of combat it will check my health and my companion's and heal both of us to full before proceeding?

Also sometimes it does not try to revive my companion.I am not sure why but it will just take off and fight more mobs.
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There is already alot of code dedicated to just that, but it's not 100%, and never will be. Should work 80-90% of the time.

Thank you for the reply back.I have had to stop using this because it is freezing my swtor client.I am not sure why but it does not freeze when i use the default combat.I am still doing some testing and such as i am new to this bot.If i find the problem i will be sure to post it here.Other then the freezing and companion problems i am having this is by far the best routine i have seen.Thank you for your hard work Joe.
When I try to use this routine I just get
[JoesCombat] Trying to find a vendor...
[JoesCombat] Couldn't find a vendor.
over and over

I've deleted all plugins and got rid of other routines.
I'm using the profile [R - Light] 10-17 Coruscant [K + C] (1)

Any advice? I've tried searching to no avail.
The Field Repair Droid (FRD) is a 'Dynamic Vendor/Mob'. I've worked on the FRD code relentlessly, and it takes a MINIMUM of 60-90s to find it once deployed (just takes awhile for the ObjectManager to 'catch up' to find it). Per a previous reply to Cylak on the same question: (1) Max-Out your FRD Legacy Ability (so the FRD will stick around longer), and (2) Just keep in mind it WILL TAKE AWHILE TO FIND once deployed.

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Thank you for the reply back.I have had to stop using this because it is freezing my swtor client.I am not sure why but it does not freeze when i use the default combat.I am still doing some testing and such as i am new to this bot.If i find the problem i will be sure to post it here.Other then the freezing and companion problems i am having this is by far the best routine i have seen.Thank you for your hard work Joe.

Freezing: (1) Is this in an Ops, are you running a Questing or Grinding Profile, or are you running DoRandomGrind? (2) (if you care to look-at/tweak the code, have-at-it) Routine that controls the Process Priority is SetProcessAttrs() in MercHelpers.cs, just look for the string ProcessPriorityClass, currently set to ProcessPriorityClass.RealTime, but if you're constantly hanging you can try setting it to AboveNormal or High.

I believe the 'core of the hangs' when it does happen, is due to the bot internally trying to update object info at the same time my CC is trying to, or also, when pointers/handles shift while an object query is running in the bot (HeroBlade does a s***load of that, and it's the framework for SWTOR). I've already added code to modify the frequency of the BW internal updates, and added framelocks to try and prevent shifting crap while the CC is querying objects, but only so much that can be done. Process priority also plays into that quite a bit, due to interlocks/conflicts etc, but enough on that. Sorry for the dissertation.

Myself, I do encounter the issue periodically, but only in Ops/FPs, I just hit NumPad0 to Abort the bot and then restart it - but every system/setup is different so....

I'll work on the process priority, have been thinking about just making it another (in the plethora) of 'Customizable Variables up-front' you can edit - will release that in the next day-or-so.

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Sounds great man.I ran into the problem with a grinding profile.I have not set the priority because i am running a new computer that is maxed out so i just did not think of it.I will try to set priority and see what happens and will let you know.

Also i would like to thank you for the response.Seems the rest of the forum is dead so its always nice to have some kind of support.
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Not a problem - and thanks.

Update posted - added the customizable variable 24. BotDefaultPriority (notes in the first post).

Hey Joe,

Is it possible to enhance the mounting a bit more?
Currently in your code it says !Me.IsMounted en then does what needs to be done to mount.
Cant you add a check, for checking if the char is inside, if so use rocket boots?

There are many zones where you cant mount up, but still use boots...