View attachment 37510
Posted: 07.03.2012, 01:15
I'm having a issue with the Fury PvE portion of the CC.
It seems to only Cast Battleshout then spam Colossus Smash and Bloodthirsty for a long period of time then it may go through 1 full rotation and blowing cooldowns then back to Colossus Smash and Bloodthristy spam.
PvP wise Fury goes through its rotation just fine.
Any Idea what might be cause of the issue I posted earlier?
Posted: 08.03.2012, 16:20
Posting for the 3rd time on this issue. It's been 6 days since the orginal post. I really liked this CC and I would like to continue using it.
What do you use the CC for? 5man-dungeons/raids questing/farming/grinding? Provide a recent logfile of when it freaks out if you want help from the dev's.movement is completely freaking out, often running circles around mob, looks very very bottish and buggy. its making less dmg then too.
CC rotation is good so far but without movement useles. now using singular again.
What do you mean by won't keep anything selected?.. The options you set don't stay selected or The Targets/Players you selected dont stay targeted?
I've had the issue where it won't stay on the player if i'm using BG Buddy and Click the move is enable. Which means if its clicking to move and another player gets in the way of that which happens alot when people are bunched up, it will select that player and go after them. I've ran this CC in BGs with lazyraider/combat bot and had no issue with it not staying on my target. This is just my opinion and experience of what I've had happen and what worked for me and by no means a end all, be all fix.
I control the char i only use the CC movement when im farming.... Other then that i control and i decided to see if what PVP was like so i stayd fury got gear and it workd for one 2v2 and everytime after that it jus stops attacking them... Altho i can keep pets and imp thingys selectd till they die... So im kinda confused
You will have to provide a logfile from where you encountered these problem for the dev's to look at and see what's your issue.excuse my ignorance, ... but you must select the window bot, and what profile you have loaded? my spec is fury gear 393. but on the mannequin than arriving at 17k. Another problem is that dunatank does not rotate on the boss ultraxion and madnes dw .... you know why? and why lionheart post is not available for download ? this profile is very beatifull for war fury
What do you mean by won't keep anything selected?.. The options you set don't stay selected or The Targets/Players you selected dont stay targeted?
I've had the issue where it won't stay on the player if i'm using BG Buddy and Click the move is enable. Which means if its clicking to move and another player gets in the way of that which happens alot when people are bunched up, it will select that player and go after them. I've ran this CC in BGs with lazyraider/combat bot and had no issue with it not staying on my target. This is just my opinion and experience of what I've had happen and what worked for me and by no means a end all, be all fix.
What settings do you use if you could list them please i select pvp rotation hamstring and leave the fury part on
i have all that selected. But in the fury tab i turn off the AoE pummel interrupt. But I just started experience the same issues as you in 3s becuase i normally only do 2 matchs a day, but we got on a roll and did more and on the 3 match it started doing what you described so I stopped and started the bot again and it started working and every 3 or so matches it would started doing it again. So I think the issue we're both experience is more then just what options are selected. If I have time i'm going to try and recreate the problem and post a log for wownerds to take a look at.
STILL trying to charge in zerk stance.