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Dunatank's Warrior CC - An Arms/Fury/Protection CC

I think there might be something wrong as i've tried this cc now in both raids, dungeons and solo on a dummy. Starts out just fine but then the cc just stops doing anything at all. Sometimes the cc just stays in berserker stance and spams slam...

Attached a log from my latest dungeon which was realy short as it was the love is in the air boss :P But I hope it helps.


Yeah it doesn't want to enter combat whilst questing unless charge is ready.. it just stands there and waits for the charge to come off cooldown =[

(also do you have optimal settings for leveling?)
Cant seem to get my Warrior to actually attack anything in a BG he will smash on something. then sit there and get his ass kicked. I have found that the BG bot is not that great but it could be me could I get some help by having my log looked over? Thanks in advance.


this cc is indeed amazing
cant wait for the update when it ready
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Is this support BGs?

Coz the CC do not use charge,or IC, just riding to the enemy's face.. Dont attack, nor back, just standing and waiting... Is there any chance this CC will be agressive or fight back to enemys?
hmm. when i put it in arms spec. i have speced 2 in the aoe rend. so is there a way to put it in the rotation since im grinding form lvl80-83 with arms spec. or shall i switch to prot and grind?
im luving you CC keep up the good work +reprep
hmm. when i put it in arms spec. i have speced 2 in the aoe rend. so is there a way to put it in the rotation since im grinding form lvl80-83 with arms spec. or shall i switch to prot and grind?
im luving you CC keep up the good work +reprep
hmm. when i put it in arms spec. i have speced 2 in the aoe rend. so is there a way to put it in the rotation since im grinding form lvl80-83 with arms spec. or shall i switch to prot and grind?
im luving you CC keep up the good work +reprep

Do you mean you want to use Thunderclap while Rend is active to get the AoE Rend?
Hey, Im going to try this in an arena, Just to see how it goes, But I cant even get it to work on a training dummy, Ive tried a few different settings such as force PVP rotation, and single target, And he just stands there auto attacking.. EZArms is probably better for arena, But its worth trying everything. Am I missing something or not. If I need to post a log I will learn how, But this could be just an easy fix. Thanks
Just came back from a wow brake and tried out this CC again. It does nothing, noone of the versions. But the CC that comes with Honorbuddy works :/
Just came back from a wow brake and tried out this CC again. It does nothing, noone of the versions. But the CC that comes with Honorbuddy works :/

No logs, no service - if you set the CC up correctly, everything works as intended.
No logs, no service - if you set the CC up correctly, everything works as intended.

Something changed, I have been checking this forum for a week waiting for a fix. My problem is the same as everyone above who has been posting about the problem. The CC does nothing it stands on a target and just stands there.
Alright, here is the deal. I don't have any idea what the "proper" settings you are talking about are. I had phenomenal results with the older version back in Firelands as Fury, but so far as Arms in DS it has been so lackluster that I have not dared to use it in-raid. While Arms is my off spec, it is still 398 iLvL, so there is no real reason for it to perform so poorly. I am seeing dps on a target dummy in the range of 10-19k, yet by hand I can get near 30-40k. Here is a screenshot and the log of the test I just did. Any tips on settings to change? I can do another screenshot of other tabs within the CC window if you like, but I figure this will paint a fairly good picture of what I've got it set up as.

Biggest problem I noticed is that it didn't really use overpower at all. Rend was generally not on the target toward the end of the little test, it kept trying to swap and apply it but it never actually went through most of the time. I am currently progressing on Heroic Madness of Deathwing and would love to be able to just turn on this CC and manage my own CDs and AoE while being able to focus on some of the other aspects of the encounter. I am arms for madness, doing a one tank strategy. Please, help!


View attachment 2-17-2012_9_54 PM 9684 Log.txt
Alright, here is the deal. I don't have any idea what the "proper" settings you are talking about are. I had phenomenal results with the older version back in Firelands as Fury, but so far as Arms in DS it has been so lackluster that I have not dared to use it in-raid. While Arms is my off spec, it is still 398 iLvL, so there is no real reason for it to perform so poorly. I am seeing dps on a target dummy in the range of 10-19k, yet by hand I can get near 30-40k. Here is a screenshot and the log of the test I just did. Any tips on settings to change? I can do another screenshot of other tabs within the CC window if you like, but I figure this will paint a fairly good picture of what I've got it set up as.

Biggest problem I noticed is that it didn't really use overpower at all. Rend was generally not on the target toward the end of the little test, it kept trying to swap and apply it but it never actually went through most of the time. I am currently progressing on Heroic Madness of Deathwing and would love to be able to just turn on this CC and manage my own CDs and AoE while being able to focus on some of the other aspects of the encounter. I am arms for madness, doing a one tank strategy. Please, help!


View attachment 36132

Simple answer. Use titan arms.. its doesnt do stance dance but its enough without it. Im still myself waiting someone to make or fix some current one work like a dream.. but so far im using Titan arms or Singular(My own edit). Duntanks arms is the weakest atm. No offence to the maker but it just is.
Something changed, I have been checking this forum for a week waiting for a fix. My problem is the same as everyone above who has been posting about the problem. The CC does nothing it stands on a target and just stands there.

this works with lazyraid so if you have disabled movement then yes it just stands there because YOU need to move it, read the freaking first post
this works with lazyraid so if you have disabled movement then yes it just stands there because YOU need to move it, read the freaking first post


If you DISABLED movement, naturally, it will only stand there.

Wtf is wrong with some people here?

If you DISABLED movement, naturally, it will only stand there.

Wtf is wrong with some people here?

I am not a noob to honorbuddy, I know that if you disable movement you have to move it, And yes i tried it in lazyraider with movement disbaled, and it didnt move a muscle, except for the auto attacks, i tried charging in and still nothing. I aint stupid, theres obviously a bug in your cc, Or if there is "proper" settings tell us dont flame us....