Alright, here is the deal. I don't have any idea what the "proper" settings you are talking about are. I had phenomenal results with the older version back in Firelands as Fury, but so far as Arms in DS it has been so lackluster that I have not dared to use it in-raid. While Arms is my off spec, it is still 398 iLvL, so there is no real reason for it to perform so poorly. I am seeing dps on a target dummy in the range of 10-19k, yet by hand I can get near 30-40k. Here is a screenshot and the log of the test I just did. Any tips on settings to change? I can do another screenshot of other tabs within the CC window if you like, but I figure this will paint a fairly good picture of what I've got it set up as.
Biggest problem I noticed is that it didn't really use overpower at all. Rend was generally not on the target toward the end of the little test, it kept trying to swap and apply it but it never actually went through most of the time. I am currently progressing on Heroic Madness of Deathwing and would love to be able to just turn on this CC and manage my own CDs and AoE while being able to focus on some of the other aspects of the encounter. I am arms for madness, doing a one tank strategy. Please, help!
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