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Dunatank's Warrior CC - An Arms/Fury/Protection CC

This CC worked awesome at start when I was around lvl 19-50 (using the Prot part). Now im lvl 54 and I never see the CC use Thunder Clap. It used to work before but now it spams all the other spells except that one.

Is it something I haveto turn on ?

We'll have a look into that.
How about the bug, which was reported by MrWizard516 and me?
Got any ideas for us to fix it?
are you looking into it?
I would be interested to see someone who has this CC giving them good numbers for their gear level's actual page for the config settings. I used this extensively through FL with great success, but in it's current version I am able to do better single target damage by hand than the CC can, not to mention the whole "why are you bladestorming?!" crap could get sketchy. One each for Arms / Fury would be wonderful.
This CC worked awesome at start when I was around lvl 19-50 (using the Prot part). Now im lvl 54 and I never see the CC use Thunder Clap. It used to work before but now it spams all the other spells except that one.

Is it something I haveto turn on ?

Hi there.

I have exactly the same issue. My lvl 62 warrior never uses thunderclap and rend is very rare...i can grab all mobs while tanking but have to run around for a bit...i even changed to the singular profile again, because it's better for AoE tanking (dungeons are all about AoE :D).

Anyway, very nice work this CC :)
Hey Wownerds, Thanks for an awesome CC. I only have one issue while using it for questing. I have the same problem that Rownx has with it ONLY wanting to use charge to pull. It doesn't switch to Battle Stance. I have tried with Auto BS checked and unchecked and also Auto zerker stance checked and unchecked. I have it set to use HT and it doesn't seem to want to use it.

Gonna have a look into this.
Hey Wownerds,

The same issue is afflicting all cc's.

I had problems with FPSware's DK cc, and Hawker fixed it. Mentioned it was to resolve line of sight issues caused by API changes. You can check it out in FPSware's CC under DK thread.

Hope you can fix ur CC for this as well :)

My poor gnome female warrior is always turning her back towards all the ugly bad guys in Mount Hyjal :( They hurtz her!

Update: Tried for 30minutes now, and gotten 25 deaths. Every combat encounter, the CC moves the char behind the mob. Or inside the mob, so he gets his back towards the mob, gets dazed, and all that kind of fun. Impossible to use this CC because of this API error at the moment. Running the integrated CC Singular now, which surprisingly does not get affected by the API changes.

Just let me know if there's anything I can do to help out here, Wownerds :)
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wownerds, any progress on the thunderclap/rend issue around lvl 50+?
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Would it be possible to use this cc leveling instances as tank? thinking of leveling my 33 warrior as prot through instance.
Would it be possible to use this cc leveling instances as tank? thinking of leveling my 33 warrior as prot through instance.

Absolutely, I did it from 19-60 and it was almost to easy :) . The only problem right now is that after around lvl50+ the CC stops using "Thunderclap" and "Rend" which makes the tanking alittle bit harder.
But they are working on that I think.
I just loaded your CC, and i must say it looks impressive and stuff, but when it gets in combat after charging, it wont move... it will stand still and attack and use abilities and stuff, but it will not turn, or walk after targets.... know what to do about this?
If you have movement disabled under the advanced tab then it wont move unless you move it yourself.