This CC worked awesome at start when I was around lvl 19-50 (using the Prot part). Now im lvl 54 and I never see the CC use Thunder Clap. It used to work before but now it spams all the other spells except that one.
Is it something I haveto turn on ?
We'll have a look into that.
1000th post winner!
I have force single target rotation check. But it will still used Sweeping strikes and bladestorm.
This CC worked awesome at start when I was around lvl 19-50 (using the Prot part). Now im lvl 54 and I never see the CC use Thunder Clap. It used to work before but now it spams all the other spells except that one.
Is it something I haveto turn on ?
Hey Wownerds, Thanks for an awesome CC. I only have one issue while using it for questing. I have the same problem that Rownx has with it ONLY wanting to use charge to pull. It doesn't switch to Battle Stance. I have tried with Auto BS checked and unchecked and also Auto zerker stance checked and unchecked. I have it set to use HT and it doesn't seem to want to use it.
Would it be possible to use this cc leveling instances as tank? thinking of leveling my 33 warrior as prot through instance.
i can't get this cc to work anyone help me out?