Alright, I did some extensive SMF fury testing.
The Colossus Smash > 40 is an ok idea, but it's not going to work for what you want it to.
The problem is because it delays Colossus Smash, which is a dps loss. The Goal before using CS is to stop using heroic strike when CS is 5 seconds or so away from coming off CD.
Colossus Smash has a 20 second CD, costs 20 rage, and deals 150% weapon damage plus 120. That's nice and all, but the real bonus here is that after using CS, your attacks for the next 6 seconds will ignore all armor on the target.
This lets you set up some pretty crazy burst on a target and dish out the hurt.
During this time, you'll want to dump as much rage as possible, so if you can get CS -> BT -> RB (or Slam proc if SMF and proc'd) -> BT and 1 or 2 Heroic Strikes in there, you're in a great spot.
CS should be kept on CD, only delaying if you can't set up BT->RB/Slam Proc (if smf)->BT initially. - which since this is a robot we should be able to program it to do this correctly (by not using heroic strike to dump rage when CS is about to come off cool down.
The moral of the story is delaying BT is always a dps loss.
However, delaying RB for some rage gain to throw it in with a CS rotation, is not a dps loss.
Delaying CS is not ideal, but we don't wanna use rage on our weakest abilities if CS is about to come off CD (primarily Heroic Strike - unless we hit 90+rage). This is a huge factor that needs to change.
If CS is < 5 seconds off CD, stop using heroic strike unless Rage > 90.
If CS is active get in as many attacks as possible (as listed above).
- Sometimes the warrior will have 45+ rage as the CS debuff is almost finished on target, and the bot WON"T heroic strike again, because its back in normal dps rotation mode.
Is there a way to program different single target rotations based off debuff active? That would be ideal.
The other thing I noticed is that it occasionally skips Bloodthirst for a second or so, This is always a dps loss and should be avoided for both SMF and TG.
Everything I stated above can be applied to TG by changing out the priorities of Slam Procs and Raging Blow.
This is a GREAT CC, and with some work it can be perfect!
You guys have taken one of the hardest classes to implement for HB CC. But it can be pulled off! Warriors are VERY VERY situational in their rotation priorities. But I believe that you can pull it off and make it great!
Two final thoughts.
1. if you make changes, please don't just replace the same version posted. Add a version 2.1 or 2.01 or something so people can know it has been changed.
2. I strongly consider going the route of updating this through a SVN.. But if not, its cool.