In regards to your concerns about SE monitors, it seems to be in contradiction to your Dungeon runner idea. I don't doubt that SE monitors gil transfers, through whatever means, carefully so as to combat RMT and such. However, if you're really worried about detection then dungeon bots would be among the last things you'd use, at least in the form that we'd be likely to get. Perhaps someday we'll have a dungeon bot that paths through perfectly, stays with the party, handles each boss's mechanics, etc., but that day is not for years. I don't know about you, but I personally have seen obvious bots in dungeons, like level 50 gladiators with no other class/jobs unlocked, in quest gear, who never talked or interacted with the party. Granted that's at the extreme end of obvious, but if you're dungeon botting every week to hit your cap though, I can promise that the reports will add up sooner rather than later. Its one thing to bot in a 20-40 man battleground/frontlines where you can get lost in the crowd; another to do so in a 4 man dungeon where you play a crucial role.