From what I've encountered in chocobo racing, the course layout is the exact same each time (in terms of treasure chests and magicked panels). The only differences happen at different levels, ie, at level 10, the courses gain more magicked panels (including detrimental ones).
Triple Triad is even easier. It's all mathematics and RNG, and the NPCs all have a very small set of cards (something like 8, and they choose 5). If you have a list for each NPC, it should be easy enough for the bot to know the possible combinations of each NPC, even if some of the cards are hidden. Unfortunately I do not know if a list currently exists. I'll post one if I find it.
That's stuff for plugins and profiles from community devs, after we have the functionality to race/duel at all. Like with crafting, mastahg didn't go and write profiles for every recipes, and for TT he's not going to care about npc card sets.