So watching my Balance druid in BGs, he does pretty alright, but I feel like he spends a lot of time standing still and thinking. Which I guess means he could just look a lot like a "clicker" that is trying to hunt for his buttons and spends a lot of time standing still because of it. Either way I'm wondering if there's a way to make my druid cast faster? Perhaps this is just a performance issue on my computer and he casts fine for others?
Also, an idea for this class in PVP. It could be nice to add a check box under the balance tab that says "MF Spam" and if we check that, our moonkin just moonfire spams people. The difference is you'd have to add functionality to make him move just a little bit at a time in some direction in order to keep the lunar shower buff up. I'm sure there are more pressing concerns for this class, but figured I'd throw it out there.
One other question I had, does this CC pop starfall at all? Its a great PvP ability and I haven't seen him use it yet. Something along the lines of if there are more than 3 enemies around and starfall is not on CD, pop starfall. I know there would be issues with pulling to many mobs in PvE but it could be great in battlegrounds.
Anyway, thanks for all the great work on this FPS. Your CCs are becoming my go to CCs.
PS - my favorite is when he runs into a big group of alliance, pops trees, and then immediately dies from getting focused. *****s me up.