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Default Druid (Feral and Balance) by Fpsware

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Can i firstly say thanks for all your CC's that are included in the HB's. They are great and I appreciate the time it would of taken to design and maintain them.

I have a newbie question and I have had a search through this forum, but I could not find an answer. So i hope you forgive if this a simple question and if i have missed the answer.

I use instance bot with a boomkin. The CC works great, i really like the way it distinguishs between starsurge, wrath and starfire! However Due to mana issues i would really like to stop him using Hurricane. I have looked through the options, however i can't see how to "Turn this off"? If thats possible?

Thanks in advance.

Hurricane is the primary spell for damage during instancing. There is no UI option to toggle the use of Hurricane.
Ok, but unfortunately at my level it just eats up too much mana to make it viable....without drinking after every fight.
Noticed a few things:

-When trying to pull with Prowl when the bot starts in caster form, it switches to Cat form but keeps running towards the target, which means by the time the GCD is up from switching forms and he can cast Prowl, he's already in combat.
-Occasionally when fighting multiple adds at once, the bot will kill one add and then fail to properly face the other - It's *close* to at the proper angle, but off by just enough that some skills hit it, but all autoattacks report "You are not facing the right way", which causes some issues and makes it look botty. Should probably always force a facing change when switching adds.
-No option for rejuvenate for feral healing? :(
-Any chance we could get Ravage support (I know you have to be behind the target, so may not be practical)? The feral talent Stampede makes it pretty good, hard to just ignore the DPS it would pump out. :(
-Any option to force a heal when we have Predatory Strikes up (insta-heal) if below a certain % HP?
prowl option - set your pull distance higher..
facing mobs - i noticed this too..
rejuv - i would LOVE this.. regrowth then rejuv then back into cat/bear form
ravage - i'm pretty sure i've seen him ravage before.. i might be wrong
instant heal - never really thought of this, might be a good idea if it was linked to a certain health %
I have also noticed that he tries to swipe in feral when there are no mobs close but the tank is in combat.
i do have one question. Even though i am only in balance tree it goes straight to ferel when attacking. is there a way to get it to stay boomkin?
.... and not a single log file attached.

I'll get a log file for the "Facing" issue, but there is no errors in the log. It just does not perform a new face when switching to the add. Again, almost 100% certain that the check in NeedToFaceTarget::CanRun, namely Styx.ObjectManager.Me.IsSafelyFacing(), is returning an invalid value. This is not an issue with your CC, but it *is* something you can solve, and this will not show up in a log.

I'm doing some tests on my own to verify this, but in the meantime, the solution is to simply have him automatically face a target *fully* whenever he switches to a new target... Or just use one of the constant face functions. There's no need to have him "partially" face a target, it looks a little off to any bystanders anyways. Feral does not have any cast time spells while shapeshifted, so turning to face someone, even if it requires a bit of movement, will not interrupt anything during feral DPS.

The rest of my comments don't require a log and were all legitimate requests/concerns, so I'm not sure why you replied like that. :confused:

I understand how stressful it can be to work on a project like this at no direct benefit to yourself, but there's no reason to be snappy.
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i do have one question. Even though i am only in balance tree it goes straight to ferel when attacking. is there a way to get it to stay boomkin?

Maybe you should see the post directly above yours, what does it tell you?

How am I supposed to fix your problem when I have nothing to work with? No log file. I've certainly never see the issues you're refering to, and I've leveled many characters with this CC.
I'll get a log file for the "Facing" issue, but there is no errors in the log. It just does not perform a new face when switching to the add. Again, almost 100% certain that the check in NeedToFaceTarget::CanRun, namely Styx.ObjectManager.Me.IsSafelyFacing(), is returning an invalid value. This is not an issue with your CC, but it *is* something you can solve, and this will not show up in a log.

I'm doing some tests on my own to verify this, but in the meantime, the solution is to simply have him automatically face a target *fully* whenever he switches to a new target... Or just use one of the constant face functions. There's no need to have him "partially" face a target, it looks a little off to any bystanders anyways. Feral does not have any cast time spells while shapeshifted, so turning to face someone, even if it requires a bit of movement, will not interrupt anything during feral DPS.

The rest of my comments don't require a log and were all legitimate requests/concerns, so I'm not sure why you replied like that. :confused:

I understand how stressful it can be to work on a project like this at no direct benefit to yourself, but there's no reason to be snappy.

I'll have a look and see what I can break.
Maybe you should reread my post? Did i once say it was something with the CC? I was assuming I had done something wrong, so if it wasnt supposed to work like that you could have just said attach a log. I wasn't posting a bug so no need to come across like a ass.
i do have one question. Even though i am only in balance tree it goes straight to ferel when attacking. is there a way to get it to stay boomkin?

Maybe you should reread my post? Did i once say it was something with the CC? I was assuming I had done something wrong, so if it wasnt supposed to work like that you could have just said attach a log. I wasn't posting a bug so no need to come across like a ass.

You make a post telling me it is doing something odd and now you tell me it was not a "bug report". What, you're reporting a bug without actually "reporting" a bug?
balance is working perfectly here you should try reinstalling the cc and/or HB... Or something
You make a post telling me it is doing something odd and now you tell me it was not a "bug report". What, you're reporting a bug without actually "reporting" a bug?

-i do have one question. Even though i am only in balance tree it goes straight to ferel when attacking. is there a way to get it to stay boomkin?" Yup thats a question at the end? Just using proper english a bug report would not be a question it would be a statement. Now reread whats in red? Yup i was asking if there was something i needed to do to get it to stay in boomkin. Do you know the difference between a question and a statement? Statement would have been "i cant get it to go boomkin it always goes feral" meaning there is an issue with the CC now look at my question yup simple I thought there was something i wasnt doing. my bad asking the guy who developed the CC a question about it.
Maybe you should see the post directly above yours, what does it tell you?

How am I supposed to fix your problem when I have nothing to work with? No log file. I've certainly never see the issues you're refering to, and I've leveled many characters with this CC.

-i do have one question. Even though i am only in balance tree it goes straight to ferel when attacking. is there a way to get it to stay boomkin?" Yup thats a question at the end? Just using proper english a bug report would not be a question it would be a statement. Now reread whats in red? Yup i was asking if there was something i needed to do to get it to stay in boomkin. Do you know the difference between a question and a statement? Statement would have been "i cant get it to go boomkin it always goes feral" meaning there is an issue with the CC now look at my question yup simple I thought there was something i wasnt doing. my bad asking the guy who developed the CC a question about it.

Maybe you should see my original answer to your question, especially the part in red. And, maybe you should read the very first post in this thread, specifically the part when you need to attach a log file.

Now, if you ever make a post like that - with that much attitude - in these forums again, I'll start handing out 24 hours mutes. Show some respect! That was a statement if you were wondering!
Oh no not a 24 hour mute. Arnt you billy bad ass the super mod. Whats a matter mommy not love you enough, and were picked on in school so only power you ever had is shown in these forums? Mute me. Dont care, you may want to edit my post to so you dont look like such a toll who is stuck on his mod powers. Respect? I respect the creaters and most of the CC developers because they are all around good people. You on the other hand apparently have never had any power in your life so you think talking to people on forums like your super human is cool. Well go ahead and mute me, just dont forget to go upstairs from your moms basement once in a while for air. Oh yeah try getting a girlfriend/boyfriend may do your attitude some wonder.
Oh no not a 24 hour mute. Arnt you billy bad ass the super mod. Whats a matter mommy not love you enough, and were picked on in school so only power you ever had is shown in these forums? Mute me. Dont care, you may want to edit my post to so you dont look like such a toll who is stuck on his mod powers. Respect? I respect the creaters and most of the CC developers because they are all around good people. You on the other hand apparently have never had any power in your life so you think talking to people on forums like your super human is cool. Well go ahead and mute me, just dont forget to go upstairs from your moms basement once in a while for air. Oh yeah try getting a girlfriend/boyfriend may do your attitude some wonder.

dude stop being a douche and learn to read.

if you have a problem, describe it properly and POST A LOG. If you had read the first post... any problems with the CC you need to post a log as it shows the CC creator exactly what settings you have selected!




Note: The profile devs and CC devs don't owe you anything as we do this work for free. Nobody pays us a dime (except the donators and ppl asking for private profiles). If you would like assistance, you need to understand this!
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Hey fpsware, just identified a relatively major issue with the CC (and it may carry over to your CCs for other classes, not sure). This time I'm posting a log, though it won't tell you much that I can't supply you with. :p

Basically, whenever a mob is attacking you from up a hill or at another area not directly accessible to you (but you're already in combat with it), the CC will attempt to move closer to the target... Unfortunately, HB will generate a path to it, try to move there, and if that results in turning AWAY from the mob, the CC immediately turns you back to face it, interrupting pathing. The bot will continue to spam this until it dies to the mob, usually.

Here's the log:
View attachment 12-12-2010_12_22 AM Log.txt

Stopped the bot after about 10 seconds of it spazzing out against a wall due to this issue, so the issue is right at the end of the log.
Oh no not a 24 hour mute. Arnt you billy bad ass the super mod. Whats a matter mommy not love you enough, and were picked on in school so only power you ever had is shown in these forums? Mute me. Dont care, you may want to edit my post to so you dont look like such a toll who is stuck on his mod powers. Respect? I respect the creaters and most of the CC developers because they are all around good people. You on the other hand apparently have never had any power in your life so you think talking to people on forums like your super human is cool. Well go ahead and mute me, just dont forget to go upstairs from your moms basement once in a while for air. Oh yeah try getting a girlfriend/boyfriend may do your attitude some wonder.

Hostility much, champ? People get so offended these days.
Hey fpsware, just identified a relatively major issue with the CC (and it may carry over to your CCs for other classes, not sure). This time I'm posting a log, though it won't tell you much that I can't supply you with. :p

Basically, whenever a mob is attacking you from up a hill or at another area not directly accessible to you (but you're already in combat with it), the CC will attempt to move closer to the target... Unfortunately, HB will generate a path to it, try to move there, and if that results in turning AWAY from the mob, the CC immediately turns you back to face it, interrupting pathing. The bot will continue to spam this until it dies to the mob, usually.

Here's the log:
View attachment 12660

Stopped the bot after about 10 seconds of it spazzing out against a wall due to this issue, so the issue is right at the end of the log.

That is an old bug and has been resolved in the dev build I have.
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