I'd just be happy if the Devs worked on getting this Bot to work properly..we are the only ones paying basically a Subscription.(all other bots pay a 1 off payment, we have to re-buy every 3 months), just get it to work properly as in NOT crashing everytime we change zones and have the one and only routine to work great and it'll be worth re-buying. It seems like we are being taken for mugs because we keep buying but dont complain to the point where the Devs WILL HAVE TO FIX IT.Maybe ask some of the better coders from HB to code this game.Its a lot simpler to play that WOW so that should be easy for those guys. Come on Bossland, get your shit sorted and stop leaving us SwtoR players out in the cold please and fix BW, its been 4 years and we still have the same issues.
As far i understood this bot was actually discarded at one point in time but some people wanted it back even without any support from Bossland expect the usual updates after a patch.
What i want to say is, they really don't give a shit about this bot.