Nevermind i did i put in some work into the Madness Sorc profile, i basically just copy pasted everything from the Balance Sage and renamed it
I also replaced all Lockselector with Priority Selector.
Did some testing, seems to work fine.
// Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Bossland GmbH
// See the file LICENSE for the source code's detailed license
using Buddy.BehaviorTree;
using DefaultCombat.Core;
using DefaultCombat.Helpers;
namespace DefaultCombat.Routines
internal class Madness : RotationBase
public override string Name
get { return "Sorcerer Madness"; }
public override Composite Buffs
return new PrioritySelector(
Spell.Buff("Mark of Power")
public override Composite Cooldowns
return new PrioritySelector(
Spell.Buff("Force Barrier", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 20),
Spell.Buff("Static Barrier", ret => !Me.HasBuff("Static Barrier") && !Me.HasDebuff("Deionized")),
Spell.Buff("Unnatural Preservation", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 50),
Spell.Buff("Polarity Shift", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.BossOrGreater()),
public override Composite SingleTarget
return new PrioritySelector(
Spell.Cast("Jolt", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting && !DefaultCombat.MovementDisabled),
Spell.Cast("Electrocute", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting && !DefaultCombat.MovementDisabled),
Spell.Cast("Demolish", ret => Me.BuffCount("Wrath") == 4),
Spell.DoT("Affliction", "Affliction"),
Spell.DoT("Creeping Terror", "Creeping Terror"),
Spell.CastOnGround("Death Field",
ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HasDebuff("Affliction") && Me.CurrentTarget.HasDebuff("Creeping Terror")),
Spell.Cast("Force Leach", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HasDebuff("Affliction")),
Spell.Cast("Lightning Strike", ret => Me.BuffCount("Wrath") == 4),
Spell.Cast("Force Lightning", ret => Me.BuffCount("Wrath") < 4)
public override Composite AreaOfEffect
return new Decorator(ret => Targeting.ShouldAoe,
new PrioritySelector(
Spell.DoT("Affliction", "Affliction"),
Spell.DoT("Creeping Terror", "Creeping Terror"),
Spell.CastOnGround("Death Field",
ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HasDebuff("Affliction") && Me.CurrentTarget.HasDebuff("Creeping Terror")),
Spell.CastOnGround("Force Storm", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HasDebuff("Overwhelmed (Mental)"))