Hello Tolrauction!
I'm on the 2 day trial and was testing it on my 656 Unholy DK on a single Dummy.
It is doing a lot less damage than TH Special Edition, at least on my toon. Also its not casting defile on the dummy, even though I've tried enabling it more than once.
Here goes my last log.
View attachment 7264 2015-02-21 03.36.txt
When we use Dark Transformation, the bot should stop using Death Coil unless he has more than 80% RP, am I right or not? Your routine is dumping RP all the time...
...prioritize activating Dark Transformation whenever it isn't up. When Dark Transformation is about to expire (~10s), pool your Runic Power without capping to quickly stack Shadow Infusion and gain a higher uptime on DT.
Spell usage listed in order of priority:
[HIDE]Plague Leech when:
Two runes are fully exhausted
Diseases are about to expire
Outbreak is off cooldown or within 1 GCD of coming off cooldown
Soul Reaper when:
The target will reach execute range within 5 seconds
The target is at or below 45%
Blood Tap when:
A rune is needed to Soul Reaper
Breath of SIndragosa when:
Runic Power is at 75
A Blood, Frost, and Unholy rune is recharged
Blood Charges is at 10
Summon Gargoyle when:
It is off-cooldown
Unholy Blight when:
Disease(s) are not ticking on any target
Outbreak when:
Disease(s) are not ticking on any target
Plague Strike when:
Disease(s) are not ticking on any target
Blood Boil when:
Diseases are not ticking on 2 or more targets
Defile when:
The target will remain in the ground effect for most of its duration
Death and Decay when:
Two or more targets are in range of each other
The targets will remain in the ground effect for most of its duration
Both Unholy runes are capped
Festering Strike when:
Both Blood and Frost runes are capped
Scourge Strike when:
Both Unholy runes are capped
Festering Strike when:
The duration of Necrotic Plague does not match or exceed the time remaining on Unholy Blight’s cooldown
Death and Decay when:
Two or more targets are in range of each other
The targets will remain in the ground effect for most of its duration
Blood Boil when:
Four or more targets are within 15 yards of each other
A Death rune is recharged
Dark Transformation when:
Shadow Infusion is at 5 stacks
Outbreak when:
Necrotic Plague is not at 15 stacks
Blood Tap when:
Blood Charges are at 10 or more
Death Coil when:
Sudden Doom proc is active
Runic power is greater than 80
Blood Charges are less than or equal to 10
Scourge Strike when:
An Unholy or Death rune is recharged
Festering Strike when:
A pair of Blood and Frost runes are recharged
Blood Tap when:
Blood Charges are at 5 or more
Death Coil when:
You have enough Runic Power
Empower Rune Weapon when:
All runes are exhausted
Runic Power is exhausted
Army of the Dead when:
6 seconds before the pull
You are unable to attack anything
I hope you don't get offended by my post. If anything is wrong please correct me.
Plus if you have any questions please feel free to ask me. Been playing DKs since their release, so I might have something to add up!