Some feedback on the ret CC:
I see in the code Avenging Wrath is being used when we have 10 stacks of Ancient Power from GoAK, it should be using it after 10 seconds, stacks are irrelevant.
Light's Hammer should only be used when there are 2 or more targets, an option for how many adds to use it on would be great.
Light's Hammer and Execution Sentence should only be used when we have Inquisition up.
Because I pop my own cool downs, it's more dps this way, is there a chance Light's Hammer and Execution Sentence could be put into the actual rotation as opposed to the cool downs part? Or even have there own option to use them or not. I find I have to edit the CC myself to add them in there at the moment.
Templar's Verdict with 5 holy power incorrectly logs "Divine storm with 5 holy power"
Is there anyway we could reduce the spam in HB? It logs that it's casting an ability 2-3 times each time.
For some reason, Sacred Shield is set to only cast when we have inquisition up. Usually SS is cast as a filler when we're building HP to refresh inquisition so it's not casting, also, I think it needs a !Me.HasMyAura("Sacred Shield") in there.
I know this is a lot of criticism but feedback always helps imo
Could someone also link to the LATEST version of tyreal? Or tell me where to get it? Searching the forums brings up nothing.
Also just noticed it's letting Inquisition fall off, it should be refreshing at 3 seconds.