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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Ret Paladin

Just adding that it will not target the dragon on phaze 2 of Gu Cloudstrike in Shado-pan Monastery and it still not attacking 2 mobs. Get a pack of 3 and it will kill 1 then do nothing apart from auto swing till 1 of them is dead then start attack the last mob.The targeting is FUBAR :P hope its fixed soon.

Oh and also wont do sweet fa in arena or battle grounds
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i found a horrible bug with ret paladins after all your description and logs.
this should now be fixed and it should now work with one,two and/or more mobs :)

Please test and report back!
Hey so I have been using CLU for the longest time, and i'm having a problem with a DK i'm just trying to level. Its brand new just started at 55 and every time i select CLU as the CC it crashes HB. I logged over to my priest and found that it works. Does anyone have this bug? Does anyone have a solution? Also I used singular on the DK and it works fine and leveled 59, but I hate singular:P

need a log!
Ok been doing some testing with the shadow priest in dungeon/raid environments using lazyraider it performs pretty well a couple of concerns though.

1.) If i have to move it uses Devouring Plague with how ever many stacks of shadow orb i have, this is bad DP should only be used with 3 stacks.
2.) If i am standing still it often ignores that i have 3 stacks of shadow orbs and continue's casting Mindblast/mind flay etc. This is a dps loss and a waste of a mindblast, Devouring plague should be cast as soon as 3 stacks of shadow orbs have been reached. Mind blast generates shadow orbs, they cap at 3, so using mindblast with 3 orbs...is a waste.
3.) Sometime's it ignore's refreshing shadow word: Pain, and continue's on casting mindflay, this only seems to happen when it's in the filler part of the rotation Eg. Mindflay> Mindflay(SW:P falls of mid cast)>mindflay>mindflay. It should cast the SW:P directly after that mindflay that was being channeled when SW:P dropped is finished (some people prefer to clip the mindflay if a swp drops..not me).

It refreshes Vampric touch perfectly.

Thanks for all the hard work that goes into this custom class, and many many thanks if the above mention concerns could be addressed.

Hey i posted the above a couple days ago, just wondering if anybody has looked at the shadow priest?

Another major problem is it is Mindflay spamming when Mindlast is off CD, mind flay is a filler move and should not be used if other higher priority spells are ready.

The two major problems are:
1.) Continuing to cast mindflay (3-4 times) while Mindblast is off CD, mind flay is a filler move and should not be used if other higher priority spells are ready.
2.) same issue as above although it is with the Devouring plague spell, 3/5 time's it will ignore that you have 3 shadow orbs and just keep doing it's normal rotation. including casting mindblast...wich is a huge waste as you can not generate more then three shadow orbs. So Devouring plague Procced ( three shadow power) CAST IT NAOW!

I am willing to pay to have the priest made raid ready.
Some feedback on the ret CC:

I see in the code Avenging Wrath is being used when we have 10 stacks of Ancient Power from GoAK, it should be using it after 10 seconds, stacks are irrelevant.

Light's Hammer should only be used when there are 2 or more targets, an option for how many adds to use it on would be great.

Light's Hammer and Execution Sentence should only be used when we have Inquisition up.

Because I pop my own cool downs, it's more dps this way, is there a chance Light's Hammer and Execution Sentence could be put into the actual rotation as opposed to the cool downs part? Or even have there own option to use them or not. I find I have to edit the CC myself to add them in there at the moment.

Templar's Verdict with 5 holy power incorrectly logs "Divine storm with 5 holy power"

Is there anyway we could reduce the spam in HB? It logs that it's casting an ability 2-3 times each time.

For some reason, Sacred Shield is set to only cast when we have inquisition up. Usually SS is cast as a filler when we're building HP to refresh inquisition so it's not casting, also, I think it needs a !Me.HasMyAura("Sacred Shield") in there.

I know this is a lot of criticism but feedback always helps imo :)

Could someone also link to the LATEST version of tyreal? Or tell me where to get it? Searching the forums brings up nothing.

Also just noticed it's letting Inquisition fall off, it should be refreshing at 3 seconds.

Revision: 690
Light's Hammer has now a Setting for Mob Count (Default 2)
Light's Hammer is now only casted with Inquisition up (AOE must be enabled)
Execution Sentence is now only casted with Inquisition up
Templar's Verdict is now logged correctly
Sacred Shield is now casted everytime (when not up) to prevent damage taken, Inquisition condition removed

Added Inquisition FallOff-Prevention, can be disabled unter Class Specific Settings if it should lead to spamming (shouldn't do, but who knows)

to your Tyrael Question: ask Weischbier, he moved from code.google.com to assembla.com and i don't have the new URL atm :)
Hey i posted the above a couple days ago, just wondering if anybody has looked at the shadow priest?

Another major problem is it is Mindflay spamming when Mindlast is off CD, mind flay is a filler move and should not be used if other higher priority spells are ready.

The two major problems are:
1.) Continuing to cast mindflay (3-4 times) while Mindblast is off CD, mind flay is a filler move and should not be used if other higher priority spells are ready.
2.) same issue as above although it is with the Devouring plague spell, 3/5 time's it will ignore that you have 3 shadow orbs and just keep doing it's normal rotation. including casting mindblast...wich is a huge waste as you can not generate more then three shadow orbs. So Devouring plague Procced ( three shadow power) CAST IT NAOW!

I am willing to pay to have the priest made raid ready.

Tweaked Priority List, removed DP from Movin

Orb-Detection not fixed atm, it should work as it is, but if not -> report back and i'll take a look if i can do some workarounds, since this BuffCount should be reported properly by HB not by a workaround of CLU, but ... this is a neverending story with updating the Objects :D
Ret Paladin

Thanks Stormchasing your my hero. Its all working fine and dandy now.

Thank you
Tweaked Priority List, removed DP from Movin

Orb-Detection not fixed atm, it should work as it is, but if not -> report back and i'll take a look if i can do some workarounds, since this BuffCount should be reported properly by HB not by a workaround of CLU, but ... this is a neverending story with updating the Objects :D

Thanks heaps stormchasing, will test and report back.
For today's evening (and the weekend) i'll need some testers if Wulf has no time to take a look
I'll need
- Restoration Druid
- Holy Paladin
- Disc / Holy Priest
- Restoration Shaman
- Monk (Healer)
Cause i don't own all these toons, i'll need some help to test multiple scripts for targetting.

I'll need people which can write / talk fluid english or german, that are able to form complete sentences and describe situations exactly
"don't work" <- THIS is not a detailled description of what's goin on atm ;)
I prefer people which can test in a given scenario, which are able to reproduce a situation multiple times (so ... peoples with 2 or more accounts are absolutely welcom), and of course ... with basic understanding of coding (it'S not a need, only a nice to have which could speed up some things)

Yes ... since Cataclysm this is the first time (and maybe the last) i'm looking into the Healing and the Healtargetting of CLU :)
I've only a very very very short time window in the evening (and the weekend) and would like to find a solution for the healing parts! cause the rotations itself should all working as far as i understood from your reports IF there's a target (some classes seems to have minor bugs related to selfcasting but this can be fixed by someone else^^)
Ret Paladin

It will not target the dragon on phaze 2 of Gu Cloudstrike in Shado-pan Monastery. I cant post a log, the size of it is to big
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For today's evening (and the weekend) i'll need some testers if Wulf has no time to take a look
I'll need
- Restoration Druid
- Holy Paladin
- Disc / Holy Priest
- Restoration Shaman
- Monk (Healer)
Cause i don't own all these toons, i'll need some help to test multiple scripts for targetting.

I'll need people which can write / talk fluid english or german, that are able to form complete sentences and describe situations exactly
"don't work" <- THIS is not a detailled description of what's goin on atm ;)
I prefer people which can test in a given scenario, which are able to reproduce a situation multiple times (so ... peoples with 2 or more accounts are absolutely welcom), and of course ... with basic understanding of coding (it'S not a need, only a nice to have which could speed up some things)

Yes ... since Cataclysm this is the first time (and maybe the last) i'm looking into the Healing and the Healtargetting of CLU :)
I've only a very very very short time window in the evening (and the weekend) and would like to find a solution for the healing parts! cause the rotations itself should all working as far as i understood from your reports IF there's a target (some classes seems to have minor bugs related to selfcasting but this can be fixed by someone else^^)

I've a lvl 90 Restoration druid || code my own cc, so can describe situations too.
Would love to contribute to the CLU team.
Dont think this is a cc issue i have this problem on multiple chars and multiple cc's think it a HB issue.

Ret works great now with multiple adds thx for the update on this.
Ret Paladin

It will not target the dragon on phaze 2 of Gu Cloudstrike in Shado-pan Monastery. I cant post a log, the size of it is to big

zip the file and attach it

- edit -
update your CLU, i added two lines to the Bosslist and to ignore range check ... report back if this works
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Just a quick update storm chasing, it is still not using Mindblast on CD wich is probably the biggest dps loss. Could you try and make it function like this:

Mindblast off CD but less then 3 stacks of shadow orb = Cast mindblast
Mindblast off CD we have 3 shadow orbs= Cast devouring Plague
Three shadow orbs Cast DP ASAP.(next spell/channel should be DP)

I understand it is most likely HB causing it -_- but if you could try a work around i would be much appreciative

Many Thanks.

Edit: Just letting you know the DP movement fix is working thanks for that :)

Edit2: The only time Something else should replace the mindblast Cast is if VT/SW:P need refreshing, (wich it seems to already be prioritizing correctly just thought i would let you know.) seems to be having priority problems during the mindflay spam.
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the problem is the Clipping of a spell atm ... same issue with warlocks drain soul, drain life, health funnel and Malefic Grasp ... i'll need some time for that

if i get it right from your descriptions the main problem should be that a dot falls off (or a cd is not used) while channelig a spell (mind flay?)
For Frost DW DK rotation i notice that it always keep the unholy runes up and never use Obliterate. Is this intented ?
the problem is the Clipping of a spell atm ... same issue with warlocks drain soul, drain life, health funnel and Malefic Grasp ... i'll need some time for that

if i get it right from your descriptions the main problem should be that a dot falls off (or a cd is not used) while channelig a spell (mind flay?)

Yes that is correct. Although with shadow priest not clipping the Mindflay to cast a DoT/mb etc is not a HUGE dps loss..it is a loss but only small, so even if it could be made cast the fallen dot/DP or off CD Mindblast after the current Mindflay channel would be a big improvment over what it is doing now.

Currently it does: Mindflay (<--- Dot or MB or DP proc happens mid channel here), Mindflay , Mindflay, Mindflay, Then starts re-apply stuff.

Thanks, i hope i am being descriptive enough.
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It starts at 08:53:32.909 D where iam self casting judgment. and will try new version will take time as I'am locked from that dungen, hope it pops on random.

Oh and thanks Stormchasing your on fire today really appreciate all your hard work :)


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