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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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I've been using CLU for Affliction Lock with Lazyraider Plugin (all updated), but in raids isn't performing well, doesn't do any logic rotation on Boss's. Maybe i'm missing something.


Unstable Affliction
Malefic Grasp

then i try to nuke some adds, and he casts:


Spam Malefic Grasp

Then back on Boss that all dots have previously expired


Unstable Affliction
Malefic Grasp (spam)

I'll try to have log next time

Thanks for this great CC, i use it in other classes and performs great
try with combatbot instead of lazyraider
These two aren't working propperly for me :/

- [T] Demonology (5.05)
This specc.. well the character doesn't seem to do any dmg at all.
Seems like it just idles. and lets the pet do the work,
NvM that one, seemed like I had to restart the bot or something

- Destruction (5.0.5)
The character does dmg. but it seems like it is interrupting its spells all the time. by moving around when it shouln't

The CC seems to freez up alot also, when I try to enter the settings for the cc :/
this should not be because of my computer. it should be more than strong enough.

no log? no help!
Demon does well
Affliction does well
Desctruction untested!
I've noticed when running GB2 with CLU on my Ret Pally, and this only been recently (last day or so), that when encountering multiple mobs, the bot /cc tends to pause and have issue, requring manual intervention. On a solo mob, it seems to do fine. I'm trying to run into the issue again so I can put up a log, but I didn't notice anything before. As I said, this has only been in the last day or so, so I don't know if it has anything to do with the server issues.
can u try with combatbot or tyrael instead of Lazyraider? Can't test atm, still fixing my system, can inspect code in some hours maybe ...

Tested with CombatBot still the same thing did notice this time though as was watching more to check what happened single target was no problem soon as i had 2 or more mobs it stops and auto attacks. Kept an eye on it pulled 1 mob rotation fine then pulled second mob it stops manually killed one of the mobs then it kicks in again on the other mob hope this helps. Thx

View attachment Ret Test.txt
@wulf and stormchasing --
Where are you guys getting Tyrael from? From what I can see weischbier has his download links taken down, and I've searched the forum and only come up with it being named in several threads, but nothing for downloading. Did I miss something somewhere?
Good news tonight.

2 hours of raid in Elegon

Tyrael bot + CLU mage fire 470 item level have a 85kdps and always are top 3 on my guild.

Really better Tyrael bot that Lazyraider
Ah! Apparently I did miss something, somewhere. Ok, that link takes me to version 3, back in September. Do you know if this is the most current version? If not then I'll just try and pester wulf to see if he something more current.
I know this Issue but can't solve it atm,but i'll think about a Solution ... While mounted wow returns false for alive pet that's the Issue. Do u use it with questing?does your warlock use harvest Life or dark Regeneration in Combat if below 70% of Health?
have you tried adding !CLU.IsMounted ?
Hi Noel,thanks for the Suggestion but the Problem is the milseconds After dismounting, the Short Time where the PET is Not recognized...this does Not Happen everytime.

Another Short Update: thanks To kbrebel we could find the reason for wrathguard Not Casting wrathstorn...every warlock with this Problem should Check it's petbar with active demon wrathguard ... Make sure the spell is on the petbar. I'll try To find another Solution,but for now ... This worked perfectly.

I'm working currently on Support and usage of all Talents from talenttree and glyphs for warlocks -> if u have Suggestions pm me,no pm means i do it like i feel it's okay and it fits my needs :)
Hi jamster, this explains why my Tests where fine. I'll try with multiple adds when i get home
Hi Noel,thanks for the Suggestion but the Problem is the milseconds After dismounting, the Short Time where the PET is Not recognized...this does Not Happen everytime.

Another Short Update: thanks To kbrebel we could find the reason for wrathguard Not Casting wrathstorn...every warlock with this Problem should Check it's petbar with active demon wrathguard ... Make sure the spell is on the petbar. I'll try To find another Solution,but for now ... This worked perfectly.

I'm working currently on Support and usage of all Talents from talenttree and glyphs for warlocks -> if u have Suggestions pm me,no pm means i do it like i feel it's okay and it fits my needs :)

Hey storm,

I have to disagree with you on the wrathstorm topic: I my example the spell is definitively in the petbar and it doesn`t work.
Hey storm,

I have to disagree with you on the wrathstorm topic: I my example the spell is definitively in the petbar and it doesn`t work.

need Log ... Tests yesterday worked Fine. But we only tested demon,affliction does Not Support wrathguard atm
Dont no whats going on but it was working this morning then it dont want to work. not sure if its honorbuddy or clu, tryed combat bot lazzy and raid bot. it just wont attack. it will aoe but wont single target. Ret Paladin
Im trying to use CLU for my warrior tank.
But it keeps using Intimidating Shout, even if i have turn it off in CLU Configuration under Class Config -> Class Specific -> Protection -> Use Intimidating Shout = False

Tried with Lazyrider, Raidbot & Combatbot

Can you help me out?


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