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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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My hunter won't heal his pet. It's set to the default value, and it just won't do it. I keep dieing because my pet keeps dieing. Any help would be awesome!
My hunter won't heal his pet. It's set to the default value, and it just won't do it. I keep dieing because my pet keeps dieing. Any help would be awesome!
Unless it's been changed in one of the updates wulf has said that pet healing is commented out of the CC because it has issues. I don't know if they're major, minor, or just unfixable issues, but he said there are issues with pet healing, and therefore it has been commented out.
Unless it's been changed in one of the updates wulf has said that pet healing is commented out of the CC because it has issues. I don't know if they're major, minor, or just unfixable issues, but he said there are issues with pet healing, and therefore it has been commented out.

Thanks for the info, I hope it get's fixed, because this is an awesome collection, and I like the features. But singular heals my pet, so...
Brewmaster looks fine. But it would be nice, if the CLU tries to maintain the shuffle buff instead of reapplying it when it is missing.
Compiler Error: c:\Users\Artem\Desktop\Itunes\Routines\Clue\CLU\Classes\Druid\Restoration.cs(27,11) : error CS0534: 'CLU.Classes.Druid.Restoration' не реализует наследуемый абстрактный член 'CLU.Classes.RotationBase.Pull.get'
Compiler Error: c:\Users\Artem\Desktop\Itunes\Routines\Clue\CLU\Classes\Monk\Mistweaver.cs(28,11) : error CS0534: 'CLU.Classes.Monk.Mistweaver' не реализует наследуемый абстрактный член 'CLU.Classes.RotationBase.Pull.get'
Compiler Error: c:\Users\Artem\Desktop\Itunes\Routines\Clue\CLU\Classes\Paladin\Holy.cs(26,11) : error CS0534: 'CLU.Classes.Paladin.Holy' не реализует наследуемый абстрактный член 'CLU.Classes.RotationBase.Pull.get'
Compiler Error: c:\Users\Artem\Desktop\Itunes\Routines\Clue\CLU\Classes\Priest\Holy.cs(13,11) : error CS0534: 'CLU.Classes.Priest.Holy' не реализует наследуемый абстрактный член 'CLU.Classes.RotationBase.Pull.get'
Compiler Error: c:\Users\Artem\Desktop\Itunes\Routines\Clue\CLU\Classes\Shaman\Restoration.cs(29,11) : error CS0534: 'CLU.Classes.Shaman.Restoration' не реализует наследуемый абстрактный член 'CLU.Classes.RotationBase.Pull.get'
Can not use CLU anymore since last SVN update and HB update. Not sure which of the two broke it. I have deleted and reinstalled both and restarted my computer. Still same result. It automatically defaults to singular without even the option of selecting CLU now.

EDIT: And it's fixed, that was quick, thanks for all the hard work :)


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Can not use CLU anymore since last SVN update and HB update. Not sure which of the two broke it. I have deleted and reinstalled both and restarted my computer. Still same result. It automatically defaults to singular without even the option of selecting CLU now.

Fixed...Update from SVN.
Demo Lock

Fixed bug was waiting for meta to come off cd b4 cancelling the aura.
Added !Buff.UnitHasMagicVulnerabilityDeBuffs for Curse Of Elements
Added talent check to drain life/ harvest life AOE
Added debuff aura of elements for Aoe
Changed Mortal Coil to be used as a heal only unit.istargetworthy

I have an issue with Hand of Gul'dan and Soul fire double casting. This is caused by the travel time of the spells , so they are being recast before the buff/debuff has occured or been used.


feral druid question, is there a way to get it not to use incarnation, nature's vigil and berserk on trash? i tried turning off use cooldowns but it kept using them.
im having a problem with warrior fury spec.
it keeps using cds even though i have it turned off.
any way to fix that?
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For affliction Locks, it casts Drain soul Way way to much. Is there a way I can make the CR just not cast Drain Soul? or change up the timing for it? Thanks.
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This badboy stops everytime a DK uses "Remorsless Winter". Any way to get it to ignore that spell specifically?
Balance druid issues

(I know only partially tested just pointing out)
Just a couple of things with balance druid:
Firstly not self healing in combat, (suggest /cast natures swiftness /cast healing touch that seems to be able to keep me up with very little other healing)
This observation was while by myself not raiding or in dungeon or anything like that.
Some other things i noticed is that i have it set to only pop CD's on boss but it doesn't, it seems to just pop them whenever.
and it doesnt use starfall at all which is pretty much and extra 1k+ dps
The ones in brackets were observations made in dungeons.
Appreciate the hard work and is an awesome CC
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