Mage Frost spec does not seem to be facing target always in both pve and pvp.
Rotations in icyveins and are same
Affliction Warlock DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities (WoW MoP 5.0.5) - Icy Veins
doneFixed spelling error added unit time to die and aoe setting. Also fixed an error where doom was not being cast at the beginning of fights.
Any one got an fiix for
* [CLU] 3.3.3: [Casting Debuff] Immolate : (RefreshTime=2) had 0 second(s) left : Immolate cast time = 0
[CLU] 3.3.3: [Casting] Conflagrate on Crane Hunter
[CLU] 3.3.3: [Casting Debuff] Immolate : (RefreshTime=2) had 0 second(s) left : Immolate cast time = 0
[CLU] 3.3.3: [Casting Debuff] Immolate : (RefreshTime=2) had 0 second(s) left : Immolate cast time = 0
[CLU] 3.3.3: [Casting Debuff] Immolate : (RefreshTime=2) had 0 second(s) left : Immolate cast time = 0
Pref for Destro / affi
There is a reason i didn't answer you but because you are insistent on an answer...There is no plan on adding Recuperate for rogues at this stage, I think this has been mentioned before...remember CLU is for raiding thus our healers should be healing us
Update from SVN. A LOT of changes have been made and im proud to present the 99% completed Level 90 Heroic Tested (cleared ALL HEROICS) Windwalker Monk CC.
What it does:
100% Optimal DPS rotation:
-Uses Mark of Death
-Rising Sun Kick on cooldown
-Maintain 3 stacks of Tiger Power
-Uses Summon Xuen, the White Tiger
-Use 10 stacks of Tigerseye brew (only on bosses, do it manually if u want it on trash, this is to ensure you go into a fight with 10 stacks for the most possible DPS.)
-Uses Fists of Fury on cooldown when certain requirements are met(Not Moving, Rising Sun Kick is on cooldown, not under the effects of energizing brew, and Tiger Power has more than 5 seconds left on it)
-Uses Blackout Kick and Tiger Palm Mastery procs
-Uses blackout kick will all of the above requirements are not met
-Uses Chi Brew appropriately if you have it talented
-Use Expel Harm instead of Jab at sum 80% health(this is a DPS increase) and uses Jab when expel harm is on cooldown
-Uses Jab
-Uses Spinning crane kick on 4+ mobs while maintaining the Rising Sun Kick debuff on them.
What is being looked at:
-Grapple Weapon: Currently getting a workaround as some certain mobs are causing it to try to grapple weapon when they do not have a weapon
-Legacy of the White Tiger does not work
It is recommended that you set up a keybind to enable/disable AoE as there are a few fights at 90 with many mobs around a boss that can and should be ignored.
Anyone else finding that the frost DK rotation isn't using frost strike regularly? i sit at 100% runic power a lot.
Yet if i look at the log, it states that its attempting to cast it, albeit sparingly.
does the profil have problems when popping Light's Hammer (paladin lvl90 talent) on the ground? because my bot won't place it, it tries to but it fails
When running with CLU - my CPU goes up to 80 - 100% while in combat. Anyone expierencing this problem too?
with singular i'm at about 20% - but I die more often