Does anyone know what to put in for Combat routine field in Arelog for this plugin?
I believe CLU will work. Been awhile since I used arelog
Does anyone know what to put in for Combat routine field in Arelog for this plugin?
CLICKHow can i show you log???
I was using mixed bot ( grind and bg profile ), grind dps rotation works fine, but when i enter AV, my toon go to 1boss ,enter room and go on top of boss and does nothing, same thing when atacked by enemies, he dismount go on top of them wich is bad cause im elemental shaman , and does nothing,no dps rotation at allthx and hugs
Please make sure you have movement enabled, also if you could post a log.How are you getting grind/BG buddy to work. I have a grind profile loaded, and BG, but it doesnt even MOVE when I leave the BG, just ques up again.
Please make sure you have movement enabled, also if you could post a log.
Feral Druid- Faerie Swarm is trying to cast before cool-down is up when switching to new target holding up the entire rotation; likes to cast on anything I target. Cast Thrash on single target rotation, don't know if it is meant to be like this to add another bleed or for the Weakened Blows debuff. If I see anything else Ill let ya know. Logs attached.
toSpell.CastSpell("Impending Victory", ret => Me.CurrentTarget != null && (SpellManager.HasSpell("Impending Victory") && Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent >= 20), "Wild Strike"),
Spell.CastSpell("Impending Victory", ret => Me.CurrentTarget != null && (SpellManager.HasSpell("Impending Victory") && Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent >= 80), "Wild Strike"),
correct me if im wrong, but doesnt this mean that by default Victory Rush/Impending Victory is a prio spell when bellow 80%? If it is, then why am I at about 10% fighting mobs even though I have the Victorious-Buff?Spell.CastSpell("Victory Rush", ret => Me.HealthPercent < 80 && Buff.PlayerHasBuff("Victorious"), "Victory Rush or Impending Victory"),
I want my Fury Warrior to cast Impending Victory every time I get to 80% hp (if possible ofc). I tried to change this line;
Is this enough? Im at the office right now so I cant test it myself.
Noticed this line:
correct me if im wrong, but doesnt this mean that by default Victory Rush/Impending Victory is a prio spell when bellow 80%? If it is, then why am I at about 10% fighting mobs even though I have the Victorious-Buff?
Without a log i can't do anything except explaining
the last quoted line (Victory Rush) should cast Victory Rush if YOUR HP is below 80% (not the mobs hp) and YOU have the buff Victorious.
It should use Victory Rush or Impending Victory in this case (depends on what you are able to cast ... depends on your talent choice)
There's no need to use a line with Impending Victory, cause it is internally transformed to that.
The only issue i could see is, if the Buff (Victorious) is also transformed to another buff ... so if u have talented Impending Victory and the Buff is also renamed by blizz ... this line won't work and we need the name / id of the buff to fix the issue.
Is anyone else having lag spikes while using this?
Hmm it seems that CLU doesnt or will not use Swipe (Feral - Cat) when attacking multiple targets.. i have to click it myself? Tried many times on diffrent mobs/instances etc.. is it a known problem? and yes Use AoE abilities = True![]()