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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Using the latest version from the SVN (about 2 hours ago it was the latest, don't know if you updated at all since then).

When I disable using AoE on my rogue it still will not let me manually turn blade flurry on and off myself. Also blade flurry does not work when in groups of mobs when I have AOE turned on. When I have AOE turned off and I turn on blade flurry it instantly turns it back off.
Bad ass Windwalker monk CC attached. I made changes to it to work effectively. some abilitie dont function right like the talent Chi Brew and Jab(with ascension talent). Everything else is working as it should for maximum DPS. I tested this at Level 80 so if it does not work at lower levels dont complain please.

Devs please include in update :)

Hi, I am trying this CC with Windwalker, tried Combat Bot, RaidBot and LazyRaider also, all three are spamming Touch of Death when it is not on CD but it dont care about target HP, any workaround?
Thanks in advance.
Could you try now? I made some changes to Blade Flurry + Sinister Strike (so it doesn't spam reveling strike too much) Please update to latest SVN

Using the latest version from clu-for-honorbuddy - Revision 522: /trunk/CLU and I am still getting the same issue.

Here is what my bot says when CLU is starting up, is there a different SVN I should DL it from?

Starting the bot!
Chose CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) 3.3.3 as your combat routine.
[CLU] 3.3.3: Attatching BotEvents
[CLU] 3.3.3: Character level: 85
[CLU] 3.3.3: Character Faction: Horde
[CLU] 3.3.3: Character Race: Goblin
[CLU] 3.3.3: Character Mapname: HawaiiMainLand
[CLU] 3.3.3: GroupType: Solo
[CLU] 3.3.3: LocationContext: Solo
[CLU] 3.3.3: Retrieving Talent Spec
[CLU] 3.3.3: Glyphdetection - GetNumGlyphSockets 6
[CLU] 3.3.3: Glyphdetection - Couldn't find all values to detect the Glyph in slot 1
[CLU] 3.3.3: Glyphdetection - SpellId: 56821,Name:Glyph of Adrenaline Rush ,WoWSpell: Glyph of Adrenaline Rush
[CLU] 3.3.3: Glyphdetection - SpellId: 63256,Name:Glyph of Tricks of the Trade ,WoWSpell: Glyph of Tricks of the Trade
[CLU] 3.3.3: Glyphdetection - SpellId: 56810,Name:Glyph of Shiv ,WoWSpell: Glyph of Shiv
[CLU] 3.3.3: Glyphdetection - Couldn't find all values to detect the Glyph in slot 5
[CLU] 3.3.3: Glyphdetection - SpellId: 56818,Name:Glyph of Blade Flurry ,WoWSpell: Glyph of Blade Flurry
[CLU] 3.3.3:  Character Current Build: RogueCombat
[CLU] 3.3.3: CreateBehaviors called.
[CLU] 3.3.3: ActiveRotation is null..retrieving.
[CLU] 3.3.3:  Using Combat Rogue rotation. Character has Blade Flurry
[CLU] 3.3.3: Found rotation: Combat Rogue
[CLU] 3.3.3:  Greetings, level 85 user!
[CLU] 3.3.3:  I am CLU.
[CLU] 3.3.3:  I will create the perfect system for you.
[CLU] 3.3.3:  I suggest we use the Combat Rogue rotation. Revision: $Rev: 520 $
[CLU] 3.3.3:  as I know you have Blade Flurry
[CLU] 3.3.3:  BotBase: Combat Bot  (Supported)
[CLU] 3.3.3: 
This Rotation will:
1. Attempt to evade/escape crowd control with Evasion, Cloak of Shadows, Smoke Bomb, Combat Readiness.
2. Rotation is set up for Hemorrhage
3. AutomaticCooldowns has: 
==> UseTrinkets 
==> UseRacials 
==> UseEngineerGloves 
==> Adrenaline Rush & Killing Spree
4. Attempt to reduce threat with Feint
5. Will interupt with Kick
6. Tricks of the Trade on best target (tank, then class)
7. Will heal with Recuperate and a Healthstone
8. Expose Armor on Bosses only if similar buff is not present
NOTE: PvP uses single target rotation - It's not designed for PvP use. 
Credits to cowdude, alxaw

[CLU] 3.3.3:  You can Access CLU's Settings by clicking the CLASS CONFIG button
[CLU] 3.3.3:  Let's execute the plan!
[CLU] 3.3.3: Localized spell: 'Blade Flurry' is 'Blade Flurry'.
[CLU] 3.3.3:  Setting Current rotation to Solo
[CLU] 3.3.3:  Behaviors created!
[CLU] 3.3.3: Retrieving Racial Abilities
[CLU] 3.3.3:  Character Racial Abilitie: Rocket Barrage 
[CLU] 3.3.3:  Character seems to be outside an Instance
[CLU] 3.3.3:  Character seems to be outside an Arena
[CLU] 3.3.3:  Character seems to be outside a Battleground
[CLU] 3.3.3:  Character seems to be outside a Dungeon
[CLU] 3.3.3: Character HB Pull Range: 3.20000004768372
[CLU] 3.3.3: Initializing list of HealableUnits
[CLU] 3.3.3: Adding: Myself to list of Healable Units
[CLU] 3.3.3:  No Healer Base Detectected
[CLU] 3.3.3: Initializing Bot Checker
[CLU] 3.3.3:  [BotChecker] Combat Bot Detected.
[CLU] 3.3.3:  [BotChecker] *MOVEMENT DISABLED*
[CLU] 3.3.3:  [BotChecker] *BURST ON BOSS SET*
[CLU] 3.3.3: Initializing Sound Player
[CLU] 3.3.3: Initializing Keybinds
Changing current profile to level 0 - 2147483647
[CLU] 3.3.3: WoWStats: Connected to the Grid
[CLU] 3.3.3: CombatLogEvents: Connected to the Grid
[CLU] 3.3.3: CombatLogEvents: Connect UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED
[CLU] 3.3.3: CombatLogEvents: Connect UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED
[CLU] 3.3.3: CombatLogEvents: Connect UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED
[CLU] 3.3.3: CombatLogEvents: Connect UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED_QUIET
[CLU] 3.3.3: CombatLogEvents: Connect UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP
[CLU] 3.3.3: CombatLogEvents: Connect PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED
[CLU] 3.3.3: Attached combat log
Still turns it off the second I turn it on when I have AoE set to off :( Seems to work better when I let it handle AoE now, but I still would like to be able to have full control over it.

here is a log


Touch of Death fix, i should now not used on Player/Pet/CurrentHealth > MyCurrentHealth
Windwalker Monk works nicely. Sometimes it gets stuck trying to cast Touch of Death, when the mob still has too much health. (even over self max hp)
Hi wulf,
Does this Routine support russian client? If not, i can help you with the localization:)
Windwalker Monk works nicely. Sometimes it gets stuck trying to cast Touch of Death, when the mob still has too much health. (even over self max hp)
Just update:

Improved Touch of Death logic
Improved Tiger Palm logic (renew at 10 seconds left for better questing)
Add Expel Harm (self heal and regen 2 chi)

Copy these files into Data\Weight Sets, Auto-Equip 2 should work with Monk now
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6708427/HB/Weight Sets.zip

Have fun leveling buddies.

Add Disable to slow Fleeing Mob or Player (if they are not slowed already)

15 Energy Melee Range
Requires Serpent Stance, Ox Stance, Tiger Stance
You disable the target's movement, reducing their movement speed by 50%. The duration of Disable will be refreshed if the target remains within 10 yards of the Monk.

Using Disable on a target already snared will cause them to be rooted for 8 sec instead.
a typo in brewmaster.cs


it has to be "Tiger Palm"
Paladin does not heal in a group. Tank Set. Any idea why? Sometimes uses holy shock on the tank, but very rarely, a few times during the fight with the boss. I m use DungeonBuddy or LazyRaider.

Sorry for bad English.
Priest also not working will not work only cast prayer of healing and renew and Divine hymn
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Feral Single Target seems to work fine, but a few points are missing:
- AoE ? It doesn't use swipe;
- Healing Touch on Predatory Swiftness ;
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