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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Monk, mistweaver should if health under 90% and if posible use [Expel Harm] instead off the normal Jab.

Or any other healing spells,

Mage "Ice Barrier" is not casting, but it would be nice to see it.
I mean a 55k shield is nice to see and can prevent death.
Anyone having issues healing in dungeons?> I can spank in ret, but in holy... its pulsing VERY very slowly....

View attachment 1996 2012-09-28 06.55.txt

I added a file from the first boss Gu Cloudstrike. It went utterly horrible. I had to self cast basically everything. the bot didn't even use raid buffs to start....... kinda desperate here as I have been using an estremely simple dumbed down UI because I had HB.... will have to move back to something else and setup keybinds otherwise. I am sure it's a problem on my end... please help.
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Anyone having issues healing in dungeons?> I can spank in ret, but in holy... its pulsing VERY very slowly....

View attachment 56125

I added a file from the first boss Gu Cloudstrike. It went utterly horrible. I had to self cast basically everything. the bot didn't even use raid buffs to start....... kinda desperate here as I have been using an estremely simple dumbed down UI because I had HB.... will have to move back to something else and setup keybinds otherwise. I am sure it's a problem on my end... please help.

Known issue with all healing rotations....http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...ed-likeness-utility-pt-2-a-25.html#post729668

btw..im still on holidays :P

<wulf runs off>
Hay guys great work so far. With that said i'm back with the same issue agian. Everytime they update HB i get this same lag/FPS dump problem. As soon as i turn CLU on the botton drops out on my FPS. I go from a nice clean 60-65 to 20-15. Up and down up and down. Lags me so bad i cant even play, I have to use a different CC. Now this only happens on my Arms/Fury Warrior. I also have a Frost DK , and a Enhansment Shaman they do not have this problem. I have set up my wepons in the UI in the PVP section, and have messed with the macros for the PVP to see if that makes a difference. nothing seems to. So hear is my log file. GL and happy hunting. Thanks agian guys for your time.
hello i got a question about the rogue. i am curently using grindbot and i want to use recuperate but how do i set it up in the CC?

need help :)
k i check this out
and give feedback with 362gear and dps ;)

hm atm burst at start 51k dps and than drop to 30-31k dps
With hand im on 40-50 the howl fight over.

I handel my rotation like this guide: Assassination Rogue PvE DPS Rotation and Cooldowns (lvl 90 Mists of Pandaria 5.0.5)

At 362 ilvl I find it very hard to believe ur maintaining 50k dps. Impossible even.

U doing it on the dummy? I will test the CC when I get home but that is the same one I used on my rogue at 85 in heroic DS and is damn near, if not perfect.

Noxxic is shit btw. Icy-veins.
my 90 dk seems to be doing very little in instances and i normally have to dump runic power and do most of the rotation on my own, is it the latest hb build or something up with the cc?
Can we get an option to disable Vanish for assassination somewhere? It's not really a DPS increaser anymore and it seems to be vanishing at weird times.
Can we get an option to disable Vanish for assassination somewhere? It's not really a DPS increaser anymore and it seems to be vanishing at weird times.

Shadow focus: next ability used from stealth no longer costs energy

How is the free use of mutilate without a energy cost NOT a DPS increase?

And what do you mean "weird times"?

It uses vanish when it does not have enough energy to use mutilate, so that it gets a free mutilate.

I wouldn't change a CC based on the information you provided if I was a dev...

If you are assassination and you do NOT have the shadow focus talent or you do not understand how it works you should not be here saying it should not use vanish and that its useless :P

Adding a option to not use it is fine, but the reason you are requesting it is the wrong reason.
Shadow focus: next ability used from stealth no longer costs energy

How is the free use of mutilate without a energy cost NOT a DPS increase?

And what do you mean "weird times"?

It uses vanish when it does not have enough energy to use mutilate, so that it gets a free mutilate.

I wouldn't change a CC based on the information you provided if I was a dev...

If you are assassination and you do NOT have the shadow focus talent or you do not understand how it works you should not be here saying it should not use vanish and that its useless :P

Adding a option to not use it is fine, but the reason you are requesting it is the wrong reason.

Vanish causes mobs to reset if you're solo so it's not always a good idea.
Any idea if it would be possible to have the rogue CC make use of the Deadly Momentum glyph?
Vanish causes mobs to reset if you're solo so it's not always a good idea.

"A. CLU was designed for High level Raiding - having said that it is capable of performing movement, targeting, buffing, combat from level 20-90.
*Note: Using it for these functions are not fully supported. If it's not working they way you want..its for a reason..we just do not want to support low level combat currently. Please use Singular for this, it ships free with Honorbuddy."

Though I will look into making an exception in the CC to enable/disable vanish. i have used it in solo and it would vanish and execute an attack so fast te mobs would never reset, thats just my experience though. Have you even tested this? Make sure you replace ambush and mutilate and the mob shouldn't even have time to reset...
Can we get the current state of the classes with respect to whose rotations are solid and whose aren't updated?? thanks! I have 9 other toons to level.
Is it possible to use Recuperate (as a rogue) or is there no such option in the CC?
If there is, where can I find it?
Can we get the current state of the classes with respect to whose rotations are solid and whose aren't updated?? thanks! I have 9 other toons to level.

First Post is up to date, with exemption to healing which can be resolved by using honorbuddy version .465
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