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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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I deleted CLU folder, SVN'd again. Ret pally PVP is god awful, haven't run LFR after reinstalling but it was just casting one spell. A bit frustrating
I deleted CLU folder, SVN'd again. Ret pally PVP is god awful, haven't run LFR after reinstalling but it was just casting one spell. A bit frustrating

Ret pala should be fixed (Just tested in BG's)..update from SVN..testing healing now...
Ret pala should be fixed (Just tested in BG's)..update from SVN..testing healing now...
Wulf --
While I was waiting for the healing update on the SVN (at least, I got one SVN update after checking the thread, but you said fix incoming, so I'm waiting again for another update) I decided to try out shadow. It's doing some weird things now. It's using PW:Fortitude in place of something else it seems, because it casts it over and over while fighting. It's also casting VT a couple of times in a row like it was doing before. I was using this in the Theramore Scenario, so I don't know if that makes any difference. But, shadow seems to have gotten wonky now as well. I'm wondering if it's the update that HB did either today, or earlier in the past couple of days, which maybe messed up healing and shadow due to the spell overrides or whatever it was called? All in all, it's looking ok, but until HB and WoW get the changes nailed down, I think it's going to continue causing you guys a headache.


I am having some issues as well on my holy paladin now. Last night it worked fine, and tonight it is waiting to long between each spell. I can't even let it do its own thing with out manually healing on normal difficulty dungeons on trash pulls. I updated, but still is too slow.
the warrior cc keeps using heroic leep at the end of charge. and also keeps switching to my sword/shield to dps instead of 2hder even after i manually put my 2hd back on.
Wulf --
HB just updated again a few minutes ago, and I think it broke CLU again. Now whenever I use the CC, it just keeps spamming "New Run created: name" in both Combat Bot and Lazy Raider.


I cant open CLU cause crash HB anyone have this issues?

We are making allot of changes to diagnose the current healing issues...just keep updating from svn..:)

Wulf --
HB just updated again a few minutes ago, and I think it broke CLU again. Now whenever I use the CC, it just keeps spamming "New Run created: name" in both Combat Bot and Lazy Raider.

blood dks are not using Heart Strike at all. so the 2 blood runes are pretty much never used.
We are making allot of changes to diagnose the current healing issues...just keep updating from svn..:)


Thanks,i was try quest i see there issues about shadow priest he dont cast mind flay or any spell just stay near target and do nothing,any progress about it? thanks
We are making allot of changes to diagnose the current healing issues...just keep updating from svn..:)

Yeah, I just tried running one of the Hour of Twilight dungeons as a healer after updating CLU and it still wasn't healing. Most, if not all, of the party was down to about one quarter of their health before it casted a heal spell, and that was only flash heal once. The tank died, a dps died, and then wow crashed on me and closed.

I know you guys are getting frustrated, because I sure am. It's not you guys. You can only do what you can with what you're given. I know Apoc and the rest of the devs are doing their best, but it seems like as soon as they put out a version that works with the CCs they try to fix something else and end up taking four steps back. For now, I had to give up and just quit playing. It's giving me a headache.


Ok we (Ama and I) have found the issue...and well we hate to say it but we think its an HB issue.....

Private Paste - Pastie

We confirmed this 10 second delay with singular as well :/

no idea how long until its fixed...that just wasted 5hrs of our lifes LoL :/
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Ok we (Ama and I) have found the issue...and well we hate to say it but we think its an HB issue.....

Private Paste - Pastie

We confirmed this 10 second delay with singular as well :/

no idea how long until its fixed...that just wasted 5hrs of our lifes LoL :/
Dang, that sucks guys. I wish you could have found that right off the bat instead of wasting your time trying to fix something that the HB devs are going to have to fix. Does this pause affect only healing, or all things in general (healing, tanking, and dps)? If it's something that affects everything in general, then that could be very bad for all CCs and HB users in general. I think maybe if you guys (the CC and plugin developers) tell them what's going on, then they can fix it ASAP? I think, perhaps, they take the consumers a little more lightly and don't exactly hop right on bugs that we find.

I will be on holiday for the next 5 days. The rest of the dev team should be able to field any questions you may have.



I will be on holiday for the next 5 days. The rest of the dev team should be able to field any questions you may have.


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