Warlocks will be taken care of when Stormchasing is feeling better. He has the flu. He was trying to get it done by the end of this weekend, but if you haven't heard anything from him, then chances are it's going to take a bit longer.Is there any ETA on when Warlocks will be working again?
Hmm...I have some sort of "sound bug" with my Fire Mage after a short period of casting. It sounds like working portal. Need to logout after every boss coz it's annoying sound. I think it's something with Nether Tempest ability or some "spam abilities" issues.
thxI am 99.7% sure that this stems from This (see in purple)
Wulf, are the Spriest rotation and Fire Mage also affected by this slowness? I have to turn down all gfx settings in WoW (playing at Low pre-set and Multisampling x1, DX9) to get close to 30fps in LFR, while I get 200fps+ in SW standing still. Sometimes on Ultraxxion I stil drop below 30fps then, and that hurts my dpsUPDATE
well after 30minutes of scratching my brain..it turns out the Lua errors you see here are Honorbuddy issues.....nothing I can do about it for now..this relates to the slooooowwwness with some routines..aka Holy Priest, etc.
Ill keep you posted.
EDIT: Update to Enh shaman roation and fix for Healing surge during movement. //thanks alxaw
[10:07:26.384 D] Activity: Initializing Plugins
[10:07:26.396 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Styx.Plugins.HBPlugin> - Initializing
[10:07:26.850 D] Lua failed! Status:
[10:07:26.899 D] [WeightSet] Selected weight set: Priest-Discipline
[10:07:27.226 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Styx.Plugins.HBPlugin> - RefreshPlugins Called !THROTTLED!
[10:07:27.231 D] Activity: Initializing Navigator
[10:07:27.231 D] Activity: Initializing Blackspot Manager
[10:07:27.235 D] Activity: Initializing Battlegrounds
[10:07:27.236 D] Activity: Initializing Flight Paths
[10:07:27.248 D] Activity: Initializing Routines
[10:07:27.249 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Styx.CommonBot.Routines.ICombatRoutine> - Initializing
[10:07:28.980 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Styx.CommonBot.Routines.ICombatRoutine> - RoutineManager.Reload !THROTTLED!
[10:07:28.981 D] Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
[10:07:28.981 D] CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) 3.3.3 v1.0.0.0
this is a plugin (or the built in weight set validation) ... i stated this multiple times in the last weeksmaybe its CLU..have any of you tried singular and checked for:
[08:22:45.615 D] Lua failed! Status:
as you can see above this happens even before loading CLU into routines manager...cant be CLU.
@Dev Team --
What happened to Disc healing? Roughly 24 hours ago it was working at an awesome rate. I was healing almost 20k hps on my Disc priest. Now, however, I'm lucky if I reach 10k hps. When it was doing awesome healing it was using PoH, Flash Heal, Renew, and all the other healing spells that Disc uses. Now, it just uses PoM, Penance, and Flash Heal. I have to do practically all my healing by hand -- which by the way I totally suck at lol -- and I've noticed a severe cutback in hps. Not sure what changed aside from HB updating a couple of times, and CLU also updating.
Updating is something I do very frequently, especially now. I update at the very minimum at least twice a day, no less. Sometimes, I check the SVN for updates about eight or nine times a day.Make sure you are updating often. Wulf spends like 28 hrs a day working on it.
Will have a look at it. Wulf was saying something last night about some Lua calls. Ill give it some test runs when I get home.
PvP or PvE?You should add a range checker for the use of Dragon Roar. I've seen it use it countless of times while I charge towards the enemy. I do realize that I can disable the use of it, but i'd rather if there was a rangecheck![]()
Updating is something I do very frequently, especially now. I update at the very minimum at least twice a day, no less. Sometimes, I check the SVN for updates about eight or nine times a day.
Not sure what it is, but it's just not throwing heals anymore. The only time it throws out a heal is when someone gets down to about a third of their total health, or less, then it heals them to a little more than half health and stops again. I went as far as deleting CLU completely, along with all its settings, downloading it again, and setting it up again. No change, sadly. It was healing like a boss just about 24 hours, or so, ago.