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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Little update here... Just tried my retri pala and its working just fine.

Dismount, attack and go.

DK Frost dismount, glue on enemy but do not attack.

EDIT: Nahhh forget what i have said.. it does not attack to, just once a while!
Thought You might want some logs. Noticed some things when pvping with my druid, Savage Roar & Berserk are buggy(Trying to cast over and over during a fight, eventually moving to the next skill). Is not using Predatory Swiftness to heal itself during combat, could also add a Nature's Swiftness/Healing touch combo in there since its castable in all forms, or if people just want to spec into Renewal. Skull Bash is working nicely :D, I don't believe Mighty Bash(Talent Stun) is. Actually I don't think any talents are working, You might already be aware of this though. Incarnation, Mighty Bash, Nature's Swiftness, Wild Charge, Faerie swarm, Renewal. Also was having a problem with the CLU gui not wanting to save&close after I pressed the button :) Also has a habit of using the trinket before arriving at the Mob, Don't think this would be a problem if Wild Charge was working.


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I would just like to reiterate to everyone. A lot of the druid skills are still buggy inside HB. We are stool waiting on some of the talents and glyphs to cooperate to move forward with the rotations.

First, we are aware of the "Spell not learned" for stealth, and believe it to be mi-spelled in the German client...working on a solution.

@zeldrack: are you still experiencing the Mage issue detecting adds ?

* DeathKnight
- [x] Blood -- Blood Tap Fixed.
- [x] Frost -- Blood Tap Fixed.
- [ ] Unholy -- Blood Tap Fixed.

* Druid
- [ ] Balance
- [x] Feral
- [x] Guardian
- [ ] Restoration

* Hunter
- [x] BeastMastery -- Miss placed cobra shot..arcane shouldnt be starved now.
- [x] Marksmanship
- [x] Survival -- Fixed Explosive shot (yay!)

* Mage
- [x] Arcane
- [x] Fire
- [ ] Frost

* Monk
- [N/A] Brewmaster
- [N/A] Mistweaver
- [N/A] Windwalker

* Paladin
- [x] Holy
- [x] Protection -- Consecration is working. Fixed WoG heal..was targeting us healing then not returning to target :/ Lowered HP requirement for WoG to 55.
- [x] Retribution -- Improved Rotation. 51k burst 39k sustained!

* Priest
- [x] Shadow
- [ ] Discipline
- [ ] Holy

* Rogue
- [x] Assassination
- [x] Combat
- [ ] Subtlety

* Shaman
- [ ] Elemental
- [ ] Restoration
- [ ] Enhancement

* Warlock
- [x] Affliction
- [ ] Demonology
- [ ] Destruction

* Warrior
- [ ] Arms
- [x] Protection
- [x] Fury

Everyone having the error with "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." is Fixed.// thanks Skeetss
Extra action button click is only availble now for Fading Light..theres a bug somewhere that flooding the logs, Ill fix it soon.
I haven't tested it since I reported the issue with the add detection wulf, sorry. I went to bed after I posted that. I can give it a quick spin on a dummy and see how it works out. Reporting back with a post edit momentarily.

Edit: Ok, just ran it for a few minutes and the add detection seems to be working now. It's no longer spamming arcane explosion while mirror images are out. Won't be able to fully test until later today. Must go out to run some errands.
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at first i have to say that i am new in the HB business :D
I tested the new CLU version today and it works fine for me.
The only problem i have with my balance druid is that he dies if he pulls 2 mobs.
Where can i allow or change the rotation to cast a Rejuvenation with low health?
Would be nice if someone can help me ;)
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guardians still not supported ... pls READ

Erm... read what? On first page druid guardians are same color like others (green) you tweet about changes made to druid guardians, when i update CLU I see new files related to Druid guardians. TBH, I cant find where did you say you dont support them. But thats ok. I edited 1 plugin to cast growl (doesnt matter what form do you use, it will go bear) every x seconds and it works for me - if you ask me thats easy solve, just opening rotation with growl.

Now I can let my bots go wild when I'm afk :) Thanks for your work, keep it up! :o
View attachment 53647

The Diseases still aren't being cast, the CC seems to "save" runes to cast them but i still have to cast them manually

Clu is not casting "Pestilence" because you have no diseases on the target. You have no diseases on the target because CLU is not casting outbreak (because you are level 67) and Icy touch and Plague strike for whatever reason. We will look at it but CLU's primary purpose is for HIGH level raiding.

Got another one for you. Fire mage.
View attachment 53648

I cannot see anything in your log except the fact you have renamed the HB executable..for whatever reason
Executable Path: C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\HB Dev Release\Notepad (2).exe ???
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Not sure why, but the latest build appears to be causing HB to crash. This has happened on most of my toons, but most recently it happened this morning on my BM Hunter.


Not sure why, but the latest build appears to be causing HB to crash. This has happened on most of my toons, but most recently it happened this morning on my BM Hunter.

You have something screwd with \TheBeastMaster CC its giving you errors which is probably causing your issues.
I cannot see anything in your log except the fact you have renamed the HB executable..for whatever reason
Executable Path: C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\HB Dev Release\Notepad (2).exe ???

[16:18:12.613 D] System.ApplicationException: Cannot run Tick before running Start first!
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
[16:18:12.613 D] Cleared POI - Reason Exception in Root.Tick()
[16:18:12.613 D] Cleared POI
Wulf, I just hope you have a great evening!

EDIT 1 and you need to get me a todo list.
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[16:18:12.613 D] System.ApplicationException: Cannot run Tick before running Start first!
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
[16:18:12.613 D] Cleared POI - Reason Exception in Root.Tick()
[16:18:12.613 D] Cleared POI

Skeetss, I can read..posting what I have already read and given an answer too in the log will not make it magically work.

I have received that error many times and safely ignored it. I see nothing I can help with.
Skeetss, I can read..posting what I have already read and given an answer too in the log will not make it magically work.

I have received that error many times and safely ignored it. I see nothing I can help with.
I apologize wulf. I was unfer the impression you missed it when you said you couldnt see anything. Sorry for the confusion.
Warrior with arms spec:

[CLU] 3.2.6: ActiveRotation is null..retrieving.
Mindestens ein Typ in der Assembly kann nicht geladen werden. Rufen Sie die LoaderExceptions-Eigenschaft ab, wenn Sie weitere Informationen ben?tigen.
=>English: At least one type in the assembly can not be loaded. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property, if you need more information.


Warrior with arms spec:

[CLU] 3.2.6: ActiveRotation is null..retrieving.
Mindestens ein Typ in der Assembly kann nicht geladen werden. Rufen Sie die LoaderExceptions-Eigenschaft ab, wenn Sie weitere Informationen ben?tigen.
=>English: At least one type in the assembly can not be loaded. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property, if you need more information.

3:33am here btw.

1. Arms is not supported with current patch (please read the first post)
2. Incomplete log files *Do not help* (its like asking a mechanic what is wrong with your car but you do not allow him to look under the hood.)
3. I have just loaded and tested my lvl 85 warrior (and too my surprise he is using most skills).

I will ignore Support questions if they do not have a complete log attached.
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