1. destruction lock never casts immolate. other than that, works great. but immolate is important, so because it doesnt cast it, makes destruction unusable atm.
2. havent used affliction much, as it pulls extremely poor dps. not tested enough to see why.
3. demonology is really the only viable spec for pve using CLU atm. the ONLY issue i can see in demo right now, is that sometimes when it moves in to metamorphosis, it wont cast doom, and will just change back into human form. not a huge deal, sometimes i'll just do it manually, cus doom adds alot of dps, especially on boss fights.
Sooo many posts, so I am sure this has been asked before, but how do you turn off trinket usage? My lvl 86 blood dk keeps trying to use the watermelon trinket, but since its an on use cast that has to target the ground like DnD, it just sits there getting ganked. I have looked through all the settings, and can not find anywhere to turn off trinket usage, but could have sworn that the option was there a few weeks ago when I was leveling my feral, but could be wrong.
I would rather just remove the option to use trinkets on CD lol. I don't have another trinket to use in its place, and its a +stamina trinket which is nice for leveling =Pwe never had a setting for trinkets
remove the trinket (easiest fix atm), these on use and click location trinkets are on my todo list, but atm not first in prioritylist
[CLU] 3.3.8: [CLU Movement] Target in Pullrange. Movement Stopped.
[CLU] 3.3.8: [CLU Movement] Target in Pullrange. Movement Stopped.
[CLU] 3.3.8: [CLU Movement] Target in Pullrange. Movement Stopped.
Just from reading over the past couple of pages of comments, try changing your pull range to 10 in HB. If it's already at that value, or less, then I'm not sure what the issue is. Stormchasing will be making changes to the pull distance behavior at some point, which will make it work properly. It's on his To-Do list of many things.HB 515, latest CLU
Ret Paladin
Char moves to the targetmob, stays out of agro range and just waits there, console says this:
PHP:[CLU] 3.3.8: [CLU Movement] Target in Pullrange. Movement Stopped. [CLU] 3.3.8: [CLU Movement] Target in Pullrange. Movement Stopped. [CLU] 3.3.8: [CLU Movement] Target in Pullrange. Movement Stopped.
Just from reading over the past couple of pages of comments, try changing your pull range to 10 in HB. If it's already at that value, or less, then I'm not sure what the issue is. Stormchasing will be making changes to the pull distance behavior at some point, which will make it work properly. It's on his To-Do list of many things.