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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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it automatically reverts to Burst on Boss no matter how many times I save/reopen the config window or save/restart HB.

which class?!? for me this never happens! "all cds" is a bit to general ... which class? which cds?
and no log, no help ;)
View attachment 1396 2012-11-13 21.34.txt

the Log is from a few seconds of using CLU Feral Druid Routine on a dummy, with "Use Cooldowns" and "Burst" on false/never. The cooldowns im referring to are Berserk and Incarnation.

As for my Rogue suggestion, what I meant is that there should be an option which allows us to control Blade Flurry manually. If we turn AoE abilities off on the CC it will simply auto cancel the buff as soon as we use it.
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View attachment 67400

the Log is from a few seconds of using CLU Feral Druid Routine on a dummy, with "Use Cooldowns" and "Burst" on false/never. The cooldowns im referring to are Berserk and Incarnation.

Same thing here. I don't care if it uses Tiger's fury all the time, but popping zerk, incarnation and my potions on its own is totally killing my potential output. Not to mention that it will pop all the cooldowns on the last set of trash before a boss, leaving me with no ability to use them at the start of a boss fight = less damage output.

Picture of my CLU settings: cluaf.webp

Log: View attachment 6036 2012-11-13 17.31.txt
aff not doing bad not using enigner gloves .. also if i wanted to add say seed of courption for 4+ mobs for aoe how could i do that? i did around 78k compared to 112k with a aff lock using soc at the start on 4th boss of hof
Same thing here. I don't care if it uses Tiger's fury all the time, but popping zerk, incarnation and my potions on its own is totally killing my potential output. Not to mention that it will pop all the cooldowns on the last set of trash before a boss, leaving me with no ability to use them at the start of a boss fight = less damage output.

Picture of my CLU settings: View attachment 67411

Log: View attachment 67413

ALSO, just noticed that it AOEss regardless of my AOE settings if there are more than 2 mobs.
From reading the Spell-descriptions i need some help ;)

Pyroblast! procc -> Next Pyroblast is instant
Presence of Mind buff -> Next Pyroblast is instant

so using PoM when Pyroblast! is already up is wasting a CD, right?

Pyroblast proccs after to Critical hits in a row ... so ... it is rng and we have now two possibilities ...
the easy one:
cast PoM, then Pyroblast, cross fingers and hope for a Pyroblast! procc ... if procc up cast Pyroblast, if not up ... repeat with rotation (this one i've already finished^^)
the hard one:
wait for Pyroblast! procc, then cast Pyroblast, then cast PoM, then cast Pyroblast? (this one takes me more than a few minutes so definetly not today)

If you use PoM with Pyroblast! proc up, you can use 2x Pyroblasts one after the other, so it isnt a waste of CD, because you will use one instant Pyroblast from Pyro! and PoM will make the next pyro you try to hardcast after that instant as well, As PoM is not affected by spells that are Instant cast, which in this case Pyroblast! makes pyro instant, therefore PoM won't be used for that, but for the next casting pyroblast that isnt instant. hope you understand what im trying to say.

Therefore using PoM with a Pyroblast! proc, and then using alter time, is the most optimal, and highest burst potential fire mages can do, as it allows you to do Two huge 2xpyroblast bursts, which will rake up the ignite dmg for a huge combustion at the end of altertime. I sometimes get 5-6 pyroblasts out during this time, and end up hitting 150-200k burst on single target fights with this Burst combo.
If you use PoM with Pyroblast! proc up, you can use 2x Pyroblasts one after the other, so it isnt a waste of CD, because you will use one instant Pyroblast from Pyro! and PoM will make the next pyro you try to hardcast after that instant as well, As PoM is not affected by spells that are Instant cast, which in this case Pyroblast! makes pyro instant, therefore PoM won't be used for that, but for the next casting pyroblast that isnt instant. hope you understand what im trying to say.

Therefore using PoM with a Pyroblast! proc, and then using alter time, is the most optimal, and highest burst potential fire mages can do, as it allows you to do Two huge 2xpyroblast bursts, which will rake up the ignite dmg for a huge combustion at the end of altertime. I sometimes get 5-6 pyroblasts out during this time, and end up hitting 150-200k burst on single target fights with this Burst combo.

Thanks for clearing this up for me ...
forget the PM bout that ;)

i will change this today (in 8 or 9 hours... atm at work)
So .... only to be sure ... we should wait until Pyroblast! procc before using PoM, and not like it is atm using PoM if it is ready?
Same thing here. I don't care if it uses Tiger's fury all the time, but popping zerk, incarnation and my potions on its own is totally killing my potential output. Not to mention that it will pop all the cooldowns on the last set of trash before a boss, leaving me with no ability to use them at the start of a boss fight = less damage output.

Picture of my CLU settings: View attachment 67411

Log: View attachment 67413

Have to look into the routine of the droods, i was sure that berserk and incarnation should only be used if cooldowns are enabled (and i could see that u had them disabled ... so yes you found a bug)
View attachment 67400
As for my Rogue suggestion, what I meant is that there should be an option which allows us to control Blade Flurry manually. If we turn AoE abilities off on the CC it will simply auto cancel the buff as soon as we use it.

Please provide a log for Combat rogues, cause i added the Blade Flurry NOT canceling if AOE is disabled some days ago!, maybe LaoArchAngel used an older version when he commited his changes, so i have to redo this change (sorry for this if this really happened, cause we already had this issue and already fixed it!!!)
aff not doing bad not using enigner gloves .. also if i wanted to add say seed of courption for 4+ mobs for aoe how could i do that? i did around 78k compared to 112k with a aff lock using soc at the start on 4th boss of hof

MAN we are happy that it is working atm and u want new features? ... took us 3 weeks to find a small issue with HB!!! ;)

The gloves ... will look at it, but i think we removed it, it was causing an infinite loop last time cause it doesn't remembered that the gloves were used already

SoC ... atm not in there? it is already in there and is used if there are more mobs than u have max soulshards ... means if u have a glyph for Soulshards it is used on 5+ adds, if u don't have the glyph it is used on 4+ adds.

I will change this today to have settings for that, cause i only moved the code from PureRotation to CLU regardless of settings ... will add ONE Setting for SoC adds ... if add count < SoCAddCount then multidot if add count >= SocAddCount then SoC.

But for the Bosses ... we always recognize the distance between adds, so if the adds arent in range of the current target, the routine will never be fired (except you will lower the socaddcount to a minimum of 2!!!!)
But thanks for pointing this out, i was so impressed yesterday from wulfs work that i forgot about the details like settings :D
Added Cooldown checks for Ferals

For the potions ... ferals don't use any potions, please check this again and describe the situation or try to prove the usage of potions with a log, cause in the code there's no line which uses potions atm, we are checking for the buff of virmen's bite, but we never use this potion atm
Thanks for clearing this up for me ...
forget the PM bout that ;)

i will change this today (in 8 or 9 hours... atm at work)
So .... only to be sure ... we should wait until Pyroblast! procc before using PoM, and not like it is atm using PoM if it is ready?

Yeah, its best to wait to use PoM when Pyroblast! procs, its not very good for dps to use PoM on cd.
I've sent you a PM anyways about the rotation ^^, if you need me to test anything for mages, ill give you my skype in PM?
@Warlock Issues: we found the problem, but we've to test a bit more and need a feedback from the HB devs (dunno if wulf already reported it, he wants to collect more issues for reporting instead of reporting every single issue for itself)

@Pull / Range Issues: this should be fixed in some hours, i already know where the problem is, but haven't had time to fix it

@mage evocation: will look at it in the afternoon

@Hunter issue: this should be related to Focus Fire fix ... i think .. will take a look in the log later

@Blowing off all CDs on Trash and using potions: try setting burst on Boss instead Burst on Mob, if this does not help (which is nearly impossible), set use cooldowns to false, if this is not fixing your problem ... attach a log (i hope i haven't ignored it)

Pull / Range Issue still exists .. I have attached logs.

View attachment 4080 2012-11-14 09.52.txt
Please provide a log for Combat rogues, cause i added the Blade Flurry NOT canceling if AOE is disabled some days ago!, maybe LaoArchAngel used an older version when he commited his changes, so i have to redo this change (sorry for this if this really happened, cause we already had this issue and already fixed it!!!)

Hey, I will re-download CLU tonight and run some tests on LFR and ill come back with a log later!
CLU seems to be running fairly slowly, and wasting GCD alot as it doesnt use abilites instantly, and asap. Ill attach a log asap, but is there a way to disable the throttling?
Hey, I will re-download CLU tonight and run some tests on LFR and ill come back with a log later!

Blade Flurry seems to be working ok now when I disable "Use AoE Abilities", however the CC will keep running the "single target" rotation instead of the "blade flurry rotation" (ie: using Rupture instead of using only Eviscerate as a finishing move)

heres the log: View attachment 4300 2012-11-14 17.36.zip
there is no issue!!!
don't u read my answer????

no f***ing WoW-Class has a Pullrange of 100yards ... adjust your settings to a valid pullrange for your character and it will work

Ok i fixed pull radius to 40 yards and loot radius to 100 yards.. Ill see how it works.
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