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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Ey There, do u know why the DK Rotation is not working, just comes up with " Sorry, we were unable too find a rotation for u, Contact us!"

Log attatched.:cool:


Ey There, do u know why the DK Rotation is not working, just comes up with " Sorry, we were unable too find a rotation for u, Contact us!"

Log attatched.:cool:

from what I see, its setting Blood rotation by looking at Rune Tap (SpellID 48982), which you don't get until level 64

to be fair, CLU is only designed for max level toons, and not recommended for leveling toons. Devs may not make any changes because of this. I recommend Singulair or one of the Blood mods in the DK section.
Sorry men, this change is broken mage fire...all time use evocation...whit your change the roation are fireball, fireball, evocatio, fireball, fireball, evocation.

Plz remove this cange to before, or fix.

View attachment 67143

Only need evocation for renew 40second invoker buff
should be fixed ... i never said i have a clue about mages :) so if u want changes ... describe them as detailed as possible ;)
should be fixed ... i never said i have a clue about mages :) so if u want changes ... describe them as detailed as possible ;)

Are still broken men...

Start CC

Use scorch to start, CC use evocation...and stop

I pulse other fireball manually, CC use evocation stop...

View attachment 4120 2012-11-13 10.19.txt

I try whit other CC and no its so awesome about yours, but he detected perfect when evocation buff is over and use evocation to gain buff other time.

Invoker's Energy - Spell - World of Warcraft

See log please

View attachment 3188 2012-11-13 10.29.txt
Are still broken men...

Start CC

Use scorch to start, CC use evocation...and stop

I pulse other fireball manually, CC use evocation stop...

View attachment 67283

I try whit other CC and no its so awesome about yours, but he detected perfect when evocation buff is over and use evocation to gain buff other time.

Invoker's Energy - Spell - World of Warcraft

See log please

View attachment 67284

Should be fixed, i assumed that the buff u'll get is Invocation and not[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] [/FONT]Invoker's Energy
This is fixed now
Evocation should now be used if this buff is not present, and should continue the rotation after the buff is present (or Evocation on Cooldown)
Should be fixed, i assumed that the buff u'll get is Invocation and not[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] [/FONT]Invoker's Energy
This is fixed now
Evocation should now be used if this buff is not present, and should continue the rotation after the buff is present (or Evocation on Cooldown)

I say so many times....but....YOU ARE A FUCKING GOD !!!!

Perfect now, and perfect dps.

please say me your paypal account i like donate for you perfect job
I say so many times....but....YOU ARE A FUCKING GOD !!!!

Perfect now, and perfect dps.

please say me your paypal account i like donate for you perfect job

Feel free to click the donation link in my signature ;)
But keep in mind ... we don't offer any features or special gifts or anything else for donators!
Everyone of the CLU devs will take donations, but there is not a bit more of support or anything else!!!
Is there a chance that you could modify the firemage rotation a little bit, so that when the Talent Presence of Mind is chosen, and used in combat, the next spell will always be Pyroblast while Presence of Mind is buffed on the mage. At the moment, the routine is using Fireball when using PoM and this is quite a significant dps loss. Another thing that could be done is that if you make CLU use PoM automatically when Pyroblast! procs, so that its able to use 2x pyroblasts within 2 seconds, this would be a huge dps gain on singletarget fights.

Also having altertime to be used when both Pyro! proc and PoM is up at the same time, so that we can get two Pyro! and PoM procs one after the other :) This is the best way a fire mage can burst at the start :)
possible ... but not today ;)
write me a pm with this, or remember me in a few days... todays plan: Double Cast prevention and fucking multidotting for affliction ... need more time for my lil baby ;)
Feel free to click the donation link in my signature ;)
But keep in mind ... we don't offer any features or special gifts or anything else for donators!
Everyone of the CLU devs will take donations, but there is not a bit more of support or anything else!!!

I invite you some coffe, i wish that you enjoy ;)

And in some days

Is there a chance that you could modify the firemage rotation a little bit, so that when the Talent Presence of Mind is chosen, and used in combat, the next spell will always be Pyroblast while Presence of Mind is buffed on the mage. At the moment, the routine is using Fireball when using PoM and this is quite a significant dps loss. Another thing that could be done is that if you make CLU use PoM automatically when Pyroblast! procs, so that its able to use 2x pyroblasts within 2 seconds, this would be a huge dps gain on singletarget fights.

Also having altertime to be used when both Pyro! proc and PoM is up at the same time, so that we can get two Pyro! and PoM procs one after the other This is the best way a fire mage can burst at the start

Are more coffes for you ^^
Is there a chance that you could modify the firemage rotation a little bit, so that when the Talent Presence of Mind is chosen, and used in combat, the next spell will always be Pyroblast while Presence of Mind is buffed on the mage. At the moment, the routine is using Fireball when using PoM and this is quite a significant dps loss. Another thing that could be done is that if you make CLU use PoM automatically when Pyroblast! procs, so that its able to use 2x pyroblasts within 2 seconds, this would be a huge dps gain on singletarget fights.

Also having altertime to be used when both Pyro! proc and PoM is up at the same time, so that we can get two Pyro! and PoM procs one after the other :) This is the best way a fire mage can burst at the start :)

From reading the Spell-descriptions i need some help ;)

Pyroblast! procc -> Next Pyroblast is instant
Presence of Mind buff -> Next Pyroblast is instant

so using PoM when Pyroblast! is already up is wasting a CD, right?

Pyroblast proccs after to Critical hits in a row ... so ... it is rng and we have now two possibilities ...
the easy one:
cast PoM, then Pyroblast, cross fingers and hope for a Pyroblast! procc ... if procc up cast Pyroblast, if not up ... repeat with rotation (this one i've already finished^^)
the hard one:
wait for Pyroblast! procc, then cast Pyroblast, then cast PoM, then cast Pyroblast? (this one takes me more than a few minutes so definetly not today)

long story short: this time we have a big update to CLU which is affecting mainly Warlocks (Affliction) and needs some more testing, first run ilvl 442 Warlock doin average 40k dps on 4 Targets

long version:
Common - Implemented DoubleCastPrevention from PureRotation into CLU
Affliction - moved PureRotation to CLU - big Thanks to Wulf, awesome job!
Affliction - we have multidot support (had to tweak this a lil bit to only multidot targets which are attacking Toon,Pet,Party/Raidmember)
Affliction uses maybe a lil bit too much Drain Soul (for this i need testers and feedback)

Please test it with Questing / Grinding (required level 79) and report back!!!
Testers should be able to watch debuffs on 2 and more adds ;) (Wulf did a nice routine for MultiDot-Targets, but this has to be tweaked maybe ... but maybe i'm wrong and got a wrong impression from the 12 Minutes tests)
Hello, today I've tried to run a few heroics on my feral druid and as someone else posted earlier, no matter how much I change the config the CC will still blow all my offensive cds as soon as their ready.

I've disabled cds, burst mode, everything I could think of but it still happens.

As a side note I would also like to suggest that you add an option for combat rogues which allows the manual use of Blade Flurry, since the add detection system doesnt seem to work very well and often cancels out the Blade Flurry buff resulting in huge dps loss quite often.

Thank you for the great work so far!
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Hello, today I've tried to run a few heroics on my feral druid and as someone else posted earlier, no matter how much I change the config the CC will still blow all my offensive cds as soon as their ready.

I've disabled cds, burst mode, everything I could think of but it still happens.

As a side note I would also like to suggest that you add an option for combat rogues which allows the manual use of Blade Flurry, since the add detection system doesnt seem to work very well and often cancels out the Blade Flurry buff resulting in huge dps loss quite often.

Thank you for the great work so far!

Combat rogue - Blade Flurry: set Use AoE Abilities to false if u wanna disable it
log or it never happened!
Feral Druid: which are the cooldowns that should only blowed off on bosses?
log or it never happened!
@Blowing off all CDs on Trash and using potions: try setting burst on Boss instead Burst on Mob, if this does not help (which is nearly impossible), set use cooldowns to false, if this is not fixing your problem ... attach a log (i hope i haven't ignored it)

Hate to sound like "that guy" but I tried every combination of every option. I turned it to Burst on Mob, I turned it to Burst on Boss, I turned it to "never" and I set ALL of the available options to false as I said in my original post. I'm running this on a fresh install of HB with ONLY CLU and Lazyraider added. When I get home tonight I'll grab a log, but there is definitely a bug with the CC and I doubt it's with my own personal configuration(though I'll admit I'm wrong if it is.) In fact, whenever I change the option for Burst on Mob or Burst on Boss to "never", it automatically reverts to Burst on Boss no matter how many times I save/reopen the config window or save/restart HB.

Also I don't want this to sound harsh in any way. I LOVE the CC except for when it blows all of my cooldowns, haha.
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