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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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@Warlock Issues: we found the problem, but we've to test a bit more and need a feedback from the HB devs (dunno if wulf already reported it, he wants to collect more issues for reporting instead of reporting every single issue for itself)

@Pull / Range Issues: this should be fixed in some hours, i already know where the problem is, but haven't had time to fix it

@mage evocation: will look at it in the afternoon

@Hunter issue: this should be related to Focus Fire fix ... i think .. will take a look in the log later

@Blowing off all CDs on Trash and using potions: try setting burst on Boss instead Burst on Mob, if this does not help (which is nearly impossible), set use cooldowns to false, if this is not fixing your problem ... attach a log (i hope i haven't ignored it)

Thankyou Storm! Also, when you have fixed the Pull / range issue please inform!
So when i run the CLU in BG buddymy char doesn't move, but if i run a different Routine it does

not CLU related, try a fresh / clean install, there's a lot messed up with your hb install which does error finding extremly hard

Mr. ItemBuyer crashed
Meshdownload crashed <- this is why your toon didn't moved
Refreshment Detection crashed
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I have a request for a setting for combat Rogues, please make a option to disable/enable Killing Spree, i am doing Garalon and Killing Spree throws me right underneath him, sometimes resulting in my death :/

Just set cooldowns to false and manually control them for that fight.
- Update -
Retribution has now more selfheal (when specced into selfless healer and Stackcount 3
Fire Mages now uses Evocation on Cooldown when specced into Invocation
Affliction Warlocks are using Soul Swap again
Move into Pullrange should work now
Combat Rogues can now disable Killing Spree

I added some more debugging, especially for Hunter, cause i have no Hunter and all Problems with not casting known spells, are related to not using one specific spell atm (need new logs for that)
If movement into pull range does not work ... report back pls.
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with the latest update of CLU, my rogue just auto attack.
Slice and Dice
Sinister Strike ... not just auto attack

but ... Update again, i removed some logging stuff until i find a better way for debugging issues with hunter, should perform better on weak machines now
Running the update with Grind Bot on my Ret Paladin and getting the same issue as before. Bot seems to only attack when the enemy is in range of Judgement or Execution (30yds). If they're out of that range then it will simply stand there indefinitely.
Running the update with Grind Bot on my Ret Paladin and getting the same issue as before. Bot seems to only attack when the enemy is in range of Judgement or Execution (30yds). If they're out of that range then it will simply stand there indefinitely.

uhm okay .. i thought bout that ... it is possible that the move in range fix does not kick in here cause u are already in range for judge and excorcism and execution sentence ... these are all range attacks (all with a cooldown so... yes you have to wait, ore lower the pull range to 8y)
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uhm okay .. i thought bout that ... it is possible that the move in range fix does not kick in here cause u are already in range for judge and excorcism and execution sentence ... these are all range attacks (all with a cooldown so... yes you have to wait, ore lower the pull range to 8y)

Changed the pull distance to 22 in HB settings and seems to be working perfectly fine now. I have a feeling that this was due to advice given by Guest123 on his Ancient Mogu Spirit farming profile, as he advised people to change their pull distance to 100. Thanks for the help and the awesome routines!
damn 100 is far to far :D no char has a pullrange of 100 :D
so yes this could be an issue ;) an issue which i've never thought bout^^ this could give me sleepless nights for ever^^
The Affliction Lock rotation seems to be a bit wonky. It is not refreshing anything but haunt with any sort of efficient up time, using soul burn+ soul swap to reapply dots, and using drain soul above 20% for soul shards. It should open with soul burn + soul swap and haunt, but after that until you hit 20% it should only spend soul shards on haunt and refresh the other 3 dots on their own just before they run out. Drain Soul should be reserved for only sub 20%.
For some reason the CC does not use Tigereye brew. I have tried onBoss and onMob (with 1 under it) and stil I was clicking it :)
The Affliction Lock rotation seems to be a bit wonky. It is not refreshing anything but haunt with any sort of efficient up time, using soul burn+ soul swap to reapply dots, and using drain soul above 20% for soul shards. It should open with soul burn + soul swap and haunt, but after that until you hit 20% it should only spend soul shards on haunt and refresh the other 3 dots on their own just before they run out. Drain Soul should be reserved for only sub 20%.
Tested it some hours ago and .... it does the way you describe it except drain soul which is atm there cause of a lot double casting

but will rework it in some days
- Update -
Retribution has now more selfheal (when specced into selfless healer and Stackcount 3
Fire Mages now uses Evocation on Cooldown when specced into Invocation
Affliction Warlocks are using Soul Swap again
Move into Pullrange should work now
Combat Rogues can now disable Killing Spree

I added some more debugging, especially for Hunter, cause i have no Hunter and all Problems with not casting known spells, are related to not using one specific spell atm (need new logs for that)
If movement into pull range does not work ... report back pls.

Sorry men, this change is broken mage fire...all time use evocation...whit your change the roation are fireball, fireball, evocatio, fireball, fireball, evocation.

Plz remove this cange to before, or fix.

View attachment 1700 2012-11-12 23.34.zip

Only need evocation for renew 40second invoker buff
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