^ no log no help
I put a log the last week and no answer for me, and size 4M i cant attack
^ no log no help
thanks for poiting this out, did u tested this change on a problematic boss (like in Shadow Pan the first boss .. the Azure Serpent)?It doesn't appear that the Blood Death Knight rotation is using the IgnoreRangeCheck boss list. I have tracked through the code and the IgnoreRangeCheck list appears to only be used in CastSpellOnCurrentTargetsTarget(...) and CastSpellOnMostFocusedTarget(...), neither of which seem to be called from anywhere.
I don't have the ability to test this right now, but making the following change should remedy the range check issue (If I understand the spell casting sequence correctly).
Code:public static Composite CastSpell(string name, CLU.UnitSelection onUnit, CanRunDecoratorDelegate cond, bool checkmovement, string label) { return new Decorator( delegate(object a) { if (!cond(a)) return false; if (!Spell.CanCast(name, onUnit(a), [B][COLOR=#FF0000]true[/COLOR][/B], checkmovement)) return false; //This is checking spell, unit, Range, Movement return onUnit(a) != null; }, new Sequence( new Action(a => CLULogger.Log(" [Casting] {0} on {1}", label, CLULogger.SafeName(onUnit(a)))), new Action(a => SpellManager.Cast(name, onUnit(a))), new Action(a => LastspellCast = name))); }
Code:public static Composite CastSpell(string name, CLU.UnitSelection onUnit, CanRunDecoratorDelegate cond, bool checkmovement, string label) { return new Decorator( delegate(object a) { if (!cond(a)) return false; if (!Spell.CanCast(name, onUnit(a), [B][COLOR=#FF0000]!BossList.IgnoreRangeCheck.Contains(onUnit(a).Entry)[/COLOR][/B], checkmovement)) return false; //This is checking spell, unit, Range, Movement return onUnit(a) != null; }, new Sequence( new Action(a => CLULogger.Log(" [Casting] {0} on {1}", label, CLULogger.SafeName(onUnit(a)))), new Action(a => SpellManager.Cast(name, onUnit(a))), new Action(a => LastspellCast = name))); }
I long log whit mage fire combate will of empire
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Our new project. (no ETA)
Currently only Stormchasing works on CLU.
zip your file and attach it here ... dunno where to click on sendspace. every link looks like advertising
Feature request: For Combat Rogues, Recuperate usage should be an option in the GUI. It makes leveling/questing/dailies much easier as Recuperate is like god mode for combat rogues. Currently, my Combat Rogue is never using Recuperate with CLU. I have to manually click it to regen health to keep from dieing.
Our new project. (no ETA)
Currently only Stormchasing works on CLU.
Hey Storm, the assas rogue profile is pretty broken, it's not casting rupture properly - ignoring it for the most part and when it get's into dispatch range it's over-using anticipation and not properly keeping the envenom debuff up as much as it could be.
I can only agree on this
It would make leveling so much easyer when you're grinding in four winds with a lvl 85 combat rogue with average gear
The mobs do a fair amount of dmg vs rogues
i can't find any issue with this atm.
I could see that it is sometimes reaction a lil bit slow ... envenom has a casttime? (sorry for asking, i never played a rogue)
i'm missing some lines in the Log atm, but this shouldn't be the problem.
there are some lines which are written much too often (stupid event logging)
Dispatch is casted very often (this could be an issue, but this happened only at one time in the log as far as i could see, so the rotation was blocked for something like 1 or 2 seconds).
So all in all would you say the rotation is okay, but uses one or two abilities at the wrong time, or is it doin nearly nothing and dps is around 7-16k ? (this should be the autohit value)
@the rogues ... if you posted suggestions some pages ago ... pls do me a favour and rewrite it for me and send it as PM ...
i'll take all your suggestions, but the thread is sometimes growing to fast to follow all of you
the hint with rupture and another rogue in the raid is a good one! we will take this into account
for now i did the following changes
Revision: 751
Combat Rogues can now heal themself with Recuperate
Assassination should never again let fall off Rupture
Added a new Method to provide the ability to check for MY debuff
please test the assassination rupture issue again, if it is working now, report back if it needs tweak, if not working ... report back
please test the combat recuperate ... it should start using it when dropping below min health setting
envenom raised in priority ... should now priorize envenom before dispatching @ blindside, poisons shouldn't drop anymore
i can't find any issue with this atm.
I could see that it is sometimes reaction a lil bit slow ... envenom has a casttime? (sorry for asking, i never played a rogue)
i'm missing some lines in the Log atm, but this shouldn't be the problem.
there are some lines which are written much too often (stupid event logging)
Dispatch is casted very often (this could be an issue, but this happened only at one time in the log as far as i could see, so the rotation was blocked for something like 1 or 2 seconds).
So all in all would you say the rotation is okay, but uses one or two abilities at the wrong time, or is it doin nearly nothing and dps is around 7-16k ? (this should be the autohit value)
If it is using abilities not often enough / too late ... this will take some time, cause atm i'm not working on any rotations!
There's other stuff to fix (like not using CDs on elegon, not attacking mobs around elegon, and so on), rotations get their love another day
could u please test with the new version?
Please try to write in complete sentences, it is very hard to get the situation and whats working / whats not ... from a 4 megabytes long log, where basicly everything is used.
i don't wanna waste time by asking questions everytime again
- CDs used on Elegon himself?
- Trinkets used on Elegon himself?
if one or both are answered with yes, and u want them used on these small mobs, u have to wait! this is something i'm working on.
if one or both are answered with no, i will take a look into that, cause this would mean the targetting / detection of elegon is still broken!
Upcoming changes:
Settings for CD/ Trinket usage will work differently
Thx for your fast answer. I wait for updates for this is my problem, in 3 boss ( Elegon, Will of Emperor and Spirit Kings) we have need attack some mobs, that CLU no detect for boss (Elegon columns, small boss Wild, etc..) that no use trinkets and cds to kill fast, so we loose dps.