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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Feature request: For Combat Rogues, Recuperate usage should be an option in the GUI. It makes leveling/questing/dailies much easier as Recuperate is like god mode for combat rogues. Currently, my Combat Rogue is never using Recuperate with CLU. I have to manually click it to regen health to keep from dieing.
Seems to not be using any finnishers when using AssRogue after the mob is bellow 35%, only spams Dispatch. At first I though it was doing that since I already had SnD on and Rupture. But Ive seen those fall of a few times without Envenom or Rupture being used. Seems to me like using Envenom even if its not needed to refresh SnD would be a dps boost in this scenario, since it opens up for more poinson dmg..

If this is not whats supposed to be happening I will try to get a log together after work, and if it infact is behaving like its supposed to, then I realy wonder why?!
Its not spamming healing touch.

For whatever reason you decided to pick the horrible talent of "Dream of Cenarius" in your level 90 talents. The CC, when out of combat, will check if you have the buff, if you don't it will cast one healing touch to apply the buff to you. Get Natures vigil dude, its better, and the CC will stack it with incarnation

thanks didnt notice, i still had healing talents.
Seems to not be using any finnishers when using AssRogue after the mob is bellow 35%, only spams Dispatch. At first I though it was doing that since I already had SnD on and Rupture. But Ive seen those fall of a few times without Envenom or Rupture being used. Seems to me like using Envenom even if its not needed to refresh SnD would be a dps boost in this scenario, since it opens up for more poinson dmg..

If this is not whats supposed to be happening I will try to get a log together after work, and if it infact is behaving like its supposed to, then I realy wonder why?!

Below 35% the logic of the assasination cc is, that if you have the Talent "Anticipation" it spams Dispatch until you have 5 stacks of Anticipation or Rupture/S'n'D is about to run out.

But it would be indeed a dps gain, if it would envenom at 5 combo points for more envenom uptime and so more poison damage. It would be nice, if this change could be reverted.
just a heads up its not using lava lash
for enhancement shammy
more details or log ...

Lava Lash is currently only used when Searing Flames Stack is at 5 or higher (couldn't be higher atm cause 5 is max), and Stormstrike on CD and Unleash Elements on CD
oh my bad then =) stuff dont last that long while questing
glad its not a bug cuz you and the team have had their hands full

ps thanks for all ya'll hard work on the cc

pss sry for the false alarm

btw is there a way to have fury warrior spec to pool rage once the boss reaches a certain health %??
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Im lvling a bm hunter and the CLU is works good as far as telling my pet what to do, but as far as my guy attacking he just sits there. also if i aggro something while running he also just sits there and the pet kills it
i'm using BGbuddy with my tauren druid resto and he only walk around Bg without use any skill
i'm using BGbuddy with my tauren druid resto and he only walk around Bg without use any skill

i'm using combat bot with my n811 druid resto, standing in sw and earning 10k gold per hour.
or maybe not ... a log could prove it ;)
Im lvling a bm hunter and the CLU is works good as far as telling my pet what to do, but as far as my guy attacking he just sits there. also if i aggro something while running he also just sits there and the pet kills it

thanks for reporting, we know this already, but i couldn't find the issue ... i'll keep looking for this
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