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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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When you update the warlock affliction may you also update the pvp side? And a check if we want to use the sacrifice or use the felhunter that can use the silence if the target have less 25% so we can take the soul and they can't use skills for 3 sec. Also the use of elemental if there are many people in front of us. And all the survival skills that the warlock have.

We need a good cc cause we really have nothing for us and actually I don't use the bot coz of this.

Sorry for my bad English.

Thank you very much.
my pvp skills are limited to:
- Target player
- FEAR, dot,fear,dot,fear,dot
So ... no... i'll never add PVP for Affliction nor any other Warlockspecc... if someone will point me to the pvp of a warlock ... i'll br glad to write the code for that
if u don't want your Warlock to sacrifice the pet ... don't use Grimoire of sacrifice ;)
Technically it is absolutely possible to add a condition for pvping and not sacrificing, but since i won't add pvp, i won't add this exception
R: CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

In pvp my affly only do the same as pve the other guys said up.. Never fear and never dot.

I'll be very happy if you fix this!
In pvp my affly only do the same as pve the other guys said up.. Never fear and never dot.

I'll be very happy if you fix this!

THERE IS NO PVP FOR WARLOCKS -- Storm said that right before your post.
Please read his post and respond to his request if you can.


I would like to share with this thread the huge success, absolutely huge to me at least anyways that CLU / Honorbuddy / Lazy Raider has given me with my guild. I'm 44 years old. During the first Gulf War, I lost 3 fingers on my left hand along with having my left shoulder shattered. My range of motion is not very good, about 40%. Because of this, I am unable to access key bindings normally or fast enough and thus, have been unable to earn myself a raid spot. For the last few years I've had to watch everyone else in my guild get the titles, the mounts, the epics and all the fame and glory while I was reduced to 5 mans and the occasional raid spot here and there. LFR has been a god send but LFR is a run and burn down everything, get loot, leave raid type deal and I hate that there is no challenge whatsoever.

Clu is giving me a very high amount of raid dps while allowing me to use my one good hand to navigate each fight and to focus on raid mechanics. for the first time in 2 years I've been made a core raid member with my guild ( 25 man ) We are 6/6 and number 17 on our realm.

I'm a Fury Warrior. There is one Warrior who is ahead of me on dps who has been an absolute terror to me since I earned my raid spot. If anyone out there has any suggestions for me, tips or tricks so I can beat this punk on dps meters, please let me know. He has teased me about my hand from day one. I've tried other things out there but CLU is just winning it for me now. I would very much be interested in something else out there that would give me extremely high raid dps for my Fury Warrior. Many many thanks in advance!

I want to personally thank each and every person involved with the creation of CLU and its upkeep. You've made a real difference in WoW for me and I very much appreciate it.
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Hey there, first and foremost I suggest getting this dude into a talk with a GM, if he picks on your Hand.
This has nothing to do with botting or something similar. You just don't cross a certain line and this is one of these.

Secondly, has he better gear? And at last, how much more dps is he driving against you?
Because if the span is like less or equal to 5k than i would say fuck it, that's not worth the stress he's giving you.


sure :)
but this will take a lil bit longer - healing is a hard job, but healing and dpsing ... :)
Haha, no problem, i'm patient. Meanwhile i'll be using FTW, i'm working with it's dev for fixing some crashs on it... it is a good spot to get guidelines btw. I myself consider it the best disc profile for running dgs/bgs/afking.
fine ... then CLU is working as intended CD, max DPS means keeping CDs/Trinkets for Bosses :)
dunno if we ever would support Trinket Usage on Mobfight ...
But ... maybe u should test with new CLU?
For trinketusage there is no condition for Boss/Mob or Critter or something else.

I have bad news...i try this night, all questing diary and never use trinkets...use mirror image, but no combustion, mirror blast and my trinkets :(

i have a log, but ist for 3,4 megas and i cant upload in page.

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Tombot, managing your cooldowns manually will almost enhance your dps, so make sure that your CLU bot is just doing the rotation for you, while you use the CDs yourself. Also, knowing the fights and when you use cooldowns, when to move or switch targets properly will also improve your dps uptime and dmg done too.

Its nice to see that this CC/bot has actually improved your WoW experience, other then just helping people earn money by farming.. but by actually having an opportunity to be involved in end-game content with difficulties you have yourself :)

For CLU Dev's: Issues with Deathknight routine

For the CLU Devs, The Two hander Frost Deathknight combat routine is a bit bugged at the moment. There are times when the bot will gather around 100 runic power, and not spend any on frost strikes, and therefore staying at 100 runic power cap quite often. I will try and link a specific log, but is there any fix to this that I could manually use for now?

Also I think the rotation needs a look at, and a bit of tuning too since its very weak compared to Singular's dps output (Singular does about 10-20k more dps compared to CLU, which is for grinding). But I still think this is the best Raiding CC there is! Just frost death knights need another look at since its been untouched for a while i guess :)

P.S. Tombot, use websites such as Icy-Veins, and Elitist Jerks and learn the rotations for your classes yourself a little! A bit of research will help you improve your dps, so you know when to optimally use your cooldowns. Also using consumables such as Str/Agi/Int Potions, will also give you stronger bursts at the start and mid fight (Use them with Bloodlust/Heroism especially). Also using reforging utilities like the addon ReforgeLite, and the website AskMrRobot will also help you optimise your gear for the maximum potential dps!

Links for improving dps
Icy Veins - World of Warcraft News and Guides

Elitist Jerks



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Disc Priest Lag in wow client

I'm using Honorbuddy v2.5.6441.507
CLU SVN revision 738
I'm using CLU on a level 90 Disc Priest

Whenever CLU casts in a Dungeon or Raid my Wow Client lags. I don't have this issue with other Class Routines only CLU and only with the Priest Routine in CLU. My machine runs in raids at 40-60fps in raids just fine but when I'm using CLU it lags bad when the bot casts any spells.


For CLU Dev's: Issues with Deathknight routine

For the CLU Devs, The Two hander Frost Deathknight combat routine is a bit bugged at the moment. There are times when the bot will gather around 100 runic power, and not spend any on frost strikes, and therefore staying at 100 runic power cap quite often. I will try and link a specific log, but is there any fix to this that I could manually use for now?

Also I think the rotation needs a look at, and a bit of tuning too since its very weak compared to Singular's dps output (Singular does about 10-20k more dps compared to CLU, which is for grinding). But I still think this is the best Raiding CC there is! Just frost death knights need another look at since its been untouched for a while i guess :)

I'll just quote my post from page 201 : U can change this very easy by edditing the CLU\Classes\DeathKnight\Frost.cs ... just edit line 136 to "Spell.CastSpell("Frost Strike", ret => Me.CurrentRunicPower > 40, "Frost Strike")," (I choose 40 Runic Power, because you'll always have 20 Runic Power for Icebound Fortitude)
I would very much be interested in something else out there that would give me extremely high raid dps for my Fury Warrior.
CLU fury rotation is very good atm. So just focus on maximizing your uptime on boss and time your cds manually.
I also think a razer naga mouse can be of much help to you.
I have bad news...i try this night, all questing diary and never use trinkets...use mirror image, but no combustion, mirror blast and my trinkets :(

i have a log, but ist for 3,4 megas and i cant upload in page.


Can anybody help me whit my log?? Why my mage never use a trinket?
Love this!
But since yesterday the misdirect does not work for hunters. It gets stuck trying to cast it on the mob rather than tank/pet.

Log attached. View attachment 59293

I have also noticed that it uses alot more Steady Shots, even with full Focus, and not dumping it thru Arcane Shot/etc. :/

I have this problem too, it keeps spamming Steady Shot even though I have full Focus.. any ideas? Thanks!
Having some problems with my toons not attacking in PVP. They are doing great in PVE, and on dumbies. but I enter into pvp and nothing at al . Tryed it on my DK and my warriror. If ya need some logs ill get them for ya.
Use with shadow priest (87) : Sometimes casting Vampiric touch twice (and the spell didn't miss or anything)
Use with enhancement shaman (90) : No problem atm
Use with low level warrior (21) : Never charge

I'm pretty new with hb (not with botting) and I'm too lazy to upload sp logs.

Thank you for your job ! pretty good stuff !
Is there any reason why Warrior's "Charge" doesn't work? Saw some other posts here with the same problem.
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