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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Btw, love the fire mage CC, I'm doing OVER what I'm simming at. Another job well done, guys!
Fury warrior works just fine, i'm actually pulling off impressive DPS compared to my ilevel :)

I'm truly sorry to ask this, but what's the ETA of holy priest support :)?

Kind regards
Fury warrior works just fine, i'm actually pulling off impressive DPS compared to my ilevel :)

I'm truly sorry to ask this, but what's the ETA of holy priest support :)?

Kind regards
Testing out the DK Frost. Current ILVL is 382 no gems or chants, no set pieces. Pulling 31k+ on Training dummy.
Seems to be working for me. Soon as i get to a stable connection i will retest and post results.

:/ mine is like very slow for some reason could be my in game settings or bot settings?, never cats howling blast either

that rotation doesn't use harmsting? :( or am i just messing things up.
:/ mine is like very slow for some reason could be my in game settings or bot settings?, never cats howling blast either

It is casting both just fine for me. I just installed the CC today. Using it with Lazyraider also, frame lock @ 30fps
heals still onl working wihth proximity. and still have oto keep manually updated healinghelper
Sorry to ask here, but, I am playing as a pally retri.

The fact that my pally only moves on battle for gilneas is a hb or clu problem?

All other bgs it does nothing, just queue, get inside the bg and sits there.

Thanks alot!

Should I post logs? Will help you guys?
Consistent crash on lvl 85 Prot Warrior (CLU 3.2.5).

Using HB 2.5.6176.416 / GB2 2.0.

No profile loaded yet.
Clicking "Class Config" to activate CLU -> window pops-up -> selecting CLU -> Select -> CRASH ("Please tell Bossland GmbH about this problem") ... dies.

However, continues if you tick "attempt to continue" in the crash-window.

LOG (not clicked START yet):
Logging in...
Attached to WoW with ID 3700
New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
New bot added!: BGBuddy
New bot added!: DungeonBuddy
New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
New bot added!: Grind Bot
New bot added!: Questing
New bot added!: Mixed Mode
New bot added!: PartyBot
New bot added!: Combat Bot
Honorbuddy v2.5.6176.416 started!
Character is a level 85 Goblin Warrior
Current zone is Grizzly Hills
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
Initialization complete.
Chose CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) 3.2.5 as your combat routine.
[CLU] 3.2.5: Attatching BotEvents
[CLU] 3.2.5: Character level: 85
[CLU] 3.2.5: Character Faction: Horde
[CLU] 3.2.5: Character Race: Goblin
[CLU] 3.2.5: Character Mapname: Northrend
[CLU] 3.2.5: Retrieving Talent Spec
[CLU] 3.2.5: TalentManager - looks like a WarriorProtection
[CLU] 3.2.5: Character Current Build: WarriorProtection
[CLU] 3.2.5: Retrieving Racial Abilities
[CLU] 3.2.5: Character Racial Abilitie: Rocket Barrage
[CLU] 3.2.5: Character seems to be outside an Instance
[CLU] 3.2.5: Character seems to be outside an Arena
[CLU] 3.2.5: Character seems to be outside a Battleground
[CLU] 3.2.5: Character seems to be outside a Dungeon
[CLU] 3.2.5: ActiveRotation is null..retrieving.

Then after loading the profile and pressing the START button :

Changing current profile to _-*GB2*-_ AIO Multi Zone Northrend by Bengan12 v1.0
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to _-*GB2*-_ AIO Multi Zone Northrend by Bengan12 v1.0
[CLU] 3.2.5: ActiveRotation is null..retrieving.
Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.

HB stops.
Hey, BM Hunter not casting Cobra Shot. Falldown had simular issue, is it related or was it fixed in dev update but not working in ur cc?
i get my retri work good but my blood dk dont do anything else then cast boneshield,
is it me or aint the fury spec to cool to use execute under 20% ? also an idea maybe make it so its not choosing berserker stand maybe just remove that so we can use battle stand for some fights :-)
  1. Faerie Fire = Broken, Spec Fairie Swarm see if that works.
  2. Frost Strike = Broken, I may put a quick fix in soon.
  3. The Assasin Rouge is very very bad = Thanks...erm what can we do to improve it ?
  4. Holy priest support = I have not tested Holy yet.
  5. Warrior Fury PvP = NO PvP Support, so no..no hamstring yet.
  6. Heals only working with "Proximity" = Healing aquisition can now be set to "Raid/Party" in CLU.
  7. The fact that my pally only moves on battle for gilneas is a hb or clu problem? = Yes, HB problem I am guessing they need to update BGBuddy.
  8. CLU crashes with Retrieve the LoaderExceptions = Update to .net 4 Download: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Web Installer) - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details
  9. BM Hunter not casting Cobra Shot = Broken?, another HB issue it was working a few revs back and I changed nothing.
  10. Execute (Fury Warrior) not casting = Testing.


Affliction Warlock added. Thanks Stormchasing!
Yeah man! really nice work dude!!

Thanks alot for be here for us!

Sorry my English :)
Wulf man always loved your work but are u able to chuck in a quick pick pocket only feature for rogues? asap would be awesome but not a must i know :D
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