Did you have any minions on the board? This seems to be an issue when you have no minions on the board and only sometimes. This tends to happen with any card that has a battlecry in which you would normally play on your own minions but since you don't have any the bot goes in a loop. Noted on issues to be fixed already.
same problemshattered sun cleric is bugged again i saw the bot trowing it on the board without buffing a minion
shattered sun cleric is bugged again i saw the bot trowing it on the board without buffing a minion
the bot ends turns he has a taunt with 8/5 i have a taunt with 5/4 he doesend kill that taunt he skips turn?
Enemy had 4/4 taunt bot had 6/2, 2/3 and 3/2 that could attack he did nothingNext turn pew pew pew all my minions dead and enemy 4/4 is now 6/6 and still standing.
I have also witnessed this - he throw Shattered sun cleric and then it goes back to hand - this loops.
Few people reported that but there was no official comment about such behavior. It lost me a lot of matches already.
A wild bug appears! Ok a small bug, but a bug!
If opponent concede to fast (like right after screen shows with who you will fight) bot counts that as a win gets back to card choose screen and just sits there without doing anything. You need to stop/start to get him back to work. He just fails to queue again if enemy concedes to fast. I've seen that around 3 times and it may be encountered quite often because many people famr golden heroes and derank themselves.
Checking hand cards priorities :
Class not found: CardDefs.CS2_050 (Searing Totem)
GetCardToUseOn()? Card behavior not found => using default behavior
Attacking Sen'jin Shieldmasta with Searing Totem
Checking hand cards priorities :
No target for Knife Juggler
No target for Ironfur Grizli
No target for Leper Gnome
No target for Shattered Sun Cleric
No target for Young Priestess
Ending turn.
No target for Stampeding Kodo
Attacking Lightspawn with Temple Enforcer
Checking hand cards priorities :
Should we play coin ? There will be 0 cards avaible once coin played
Card The Coin must be ignored
No target for Defender of Argus
No target for Stampeding Kodo
Attacking Lightspawn with Temple Enforcer
Checking hand cards priorities :
Should we play coin ? There will be 0 cards avaible once coin played
Card The Coin must be ignored
No target for Defender of Argus
Attacking Lightspawn with Temple Enforcer
Checking hand cards priorities :
Should we play coin ? There will be 0 cards avaible once coin played
Card The Coin must be ignored