[21:20:12.455 V] [UseObject] Moving to interact with: Stolen Tribute
[21:20:14.300 D] Could not use plcProp_DefaultAction, attempting basic Interact()
[21:20:15.621 V] Blacklisting 1BB66404BA for 00:00:30
[21:20:15.816 D] Generating path to Stolen Tribute <-52.00552, 1.493211, 40.5127>
[21:20:15.852 D] Raycast path generated.
[21:20:15.852 D] Generated path to <-52.00552, 1.493211, 40.5127> (Stolen Tribute) with 1 hops.
[21:20:16.278 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 0.008434008
[21:20:16.444 D] Generating path to Stolen Tribute <-52.00552, 1.493211, 40.5127>
[21:20:16.471 D] Raycast path generated.
[21:20:16.471 D] Generated path to <-52.00552, 1.493211, 40.5127> (Stolen Tribute) with 1 hops.
[21:20:16.587 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 0.008434008
[21:20:16.818 D] Generating path to Stolen Tribute <-52.00552, 1.493211, 40.5127>