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Buddy Team developing 3rd party tool for Diablo III

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This threads obnoxiously long to try to read it for info, is there a FAQ somewhere? I'm wondering about the cost of the bot and possible Warden detection
This threads obnoxiously long to try to read it for info, is there a FAQ somewhere? I'm wondering about the cost of the bot and possible Warden detection

No cost has been listed yet. No specifics on Warden detection have been listed but it has been inferred that they will be using similar concepts that they use for HB.
With some of us using Immortal while waiting for your release, would you be able to tell us if Warden is activated after this patch?
a really good question would be is yea HB makes good bots BUT how is this system going to handle itself on nightmare-hell and Inferno, in normal you can make mistakes and live the other modes arnt so forgiving. Im also guessing the CC's are going to have to be spot on when it comes to damage skills and survivability, like in act 3 or 4 when your ambushed by about 8+ mobs at once. i forsee barbs and monks have a easier time botting.
Hey, asked this question earlier in the thread with no response. For the people with say 10+ sessions of honorbuddy is this something we are going to need to buy? or is this done completely by people not the creators of the hb systems etc and will be on a new website. Was hoping that after 24 sessions of honorbuddy would not have to spend more money on this haha.
Hey, asked this question earlier in the thread with no response. For the people with say 10+ sessions of honorbuddy is this something we are going to need to buy? or is this done completely by people not the creators of the hb systems etc and will be on a new website. Was hoping that after 24 sessions of honorbuddy would not have to spend more money on this haha.

It was stated that this is a separate project. Having purchased anything else doesn't have impact on the costs of this product. Now specifically this was asked about someone with the Lifetime HB, tho.
and WoW is great? Doint the same shit every expansion.

Don't say something is shit just cause YOU don't like it. I love playing Diablo and i think GW2 is a lot better then good old boring wow.

You love PLAYING Diablo???? I love BOTTING Diablo.... lets wait and see how many times you die playing/botting, and what the grind/repair cost ratio will be when you hit Inferno. Also I am very worried, selling gold or items. Everything you put up on RMAH will be weighted before they allow you to transfer funds to paypall. And believe me they watch you under a microscope...grind 24hours for 1m and try to sell it, would be an instant ban... or more shitty, they check you when you decide to transfer your first 10$...

Maybe I am wrong, whehehehe, but I will find out....we will see how soon they BAN HAMMER me... Ofcourse I will give it a try, 10$ a day makes 300$ a month for feeding my dividend machines I have running...:)

PS: There is nothing wrong with PLAYING Diablo and enjoying it....i am in only for the money :)
I'm looking forward to a release. Love Honorbuddy and this community. Can't wait until I can trash Immortal for your bot.
Speaking of which, I don't trust the devs of Immortal to tell me when Bliz flips the switch on Warden.. So when you notice.... Let us know please :>
You love PLAYING Diablo???? I love BOTTING Diablo.... lets wait and see how many times you die playing/botting, and what the grind/repair cost ratio will be when you hit Inferno. Also I am very worried, selling gold or items. Everything you put up on RMAH will be weighted before they allow you to transfer funds to paypall. And believe me they watch you under a microscope...grind 24hours for 1m and try to sell it, would be an instant ban... or more shitty, they check you when you decide to transfer your first 10$...

Maybe I am wrong, whehehehe, but I will find out....we will see how soon they BAN HAMMER me... Ofcourse I will give it a try, 10$ a day makes 300$ a month for feeding my dividend machines I have running...:)

PS: There is nothing wrong with PLAYING Diablo and enjoying it....i am in only for the money :)
Group of friends and me have been farming and selling gold already. We started selling 1 mil/60USD (US realms) on Softcore, not prices are down to about 1 mil/20USD. We are exclusive Hardcore now (been farming Act 1 for the last 5 days) and been selling HC gold for 1 mil/67USD (US realms).

So much gold is moved everyday by a lot of farmers that I know and no bans (hopefully it stays this way). I foresee making more money botting gold and selling it out of game for a few cents off the AH prices. That way stay out of "the system", while you make less money, you risk less for bans. Then selling all rares/legendaries on the AH as we have been doing to sell that gold else where.
With so many people canceling their WoW accounts for Diablo - which results in less new customers for HB or less users in general...

and the addition of new, viable bots for D3 - Hellbuddy, Immortal, etc... What, if anything is that doing to the development of Demon buddy, it's development or timeline?

It seems like a lot of the HB community is spending 50 bucks on Immortal - which would make them less likely to spend more on DB. I know there's a polished product sense here, but it seems like they're losing a lot of business.
With so many people canceling their WoW accounts for Diablo - which results in less new customers for HB or less users in general...

and the addition of new, viable bots for D3 - Hellbuddy, Immortal, etc... What, if anything is that doing to the development of Demon buddy, it's development or timeline?

It seems like a lot of the HB community is spending 50 bucks on Immortal - which would make them less likely to spend more on DB. I know there's a polished product sense here, but it seems like they're losing a lot of business.

here's the thing, blizzard now has a bad habit of knocking on peoples doors with cease and desist orders. and suing people who are making hacks and bots. we saw this with starcraft 2, instead of them make a better warden, they sent some lawyers. will that happen again with d3, probably, and since we're already getting sued its not like they can "sue us harder" so who do you think is still going to be around if that comes up? i can almost guarantee that the other people will take the money and run, and our stance is very clear, "we're here for the long haul and we're here to win".

Blizzard sues Starcraft II hackers - GameSpot.com
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