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Buddy Team developing 3rd party tool for Diablo III

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Indeed that HB is the best (for me) group of user or company that make the more Successful bots out here, but the problem is that i know you guys wanto release an AWESOME (lets say like that) product but while we wait for it there are others bots that are free and are getting better and better in the past of the days, a simple example is SWTOR BOT, im using a bot and im amking 2mill Daily Gold (20-30$ daily) and its free, dont get me wrong I WILL BE BUYING UR PRODUCTS but the delay is bad, since if i had a product that is DOING what i want to do, there is no need to try or buy other one at least it does A LOT better and farm more than that.

I love HB Team and they have change my life to be honest and i really appreciate it, im waiting for your release but thats my PERSON OPINION, like i said dont get me wrong.
Yes lazer beams suck. though i'll take them over those stupid poison pools and 3 mob grps that chain cast bubble =\
Amped to see DB out soon. Sucks it isn't out already to take advantage of the prices of gold and the demand for gold farming, but nonetheless it'll be worth the wait..HB team never disappoints.
Yeah, its really too bad this is taking so long. Gold prices are right around $4/100k right now. Would be nice to have a bot making me $8 an hour while I'm at work.. ;x
Yeah, its really too bad this is taking so long. Gold prices are right around $4/100k right now. Would be nice to have a bot making me $8 an hour while I'm at work.. ;x

Yeah that would be amazing. HB/DB team, just know you have money waiting for ya :)
Yeah, its really too bad this is taking so long. Gold prices are right around $4/100k right now. Would be nice to have a bot making me $8 an hour while I'm at work.. ;x

I'd like to know where you're farming to get 200k/hr....
can't wait. I am already tired of this game LOL
botting will make it fun again.
I love Diablo 3, but oh god I hate the auction house and the prices there!

Hope you're having good progress on making the bot, and you won't have to many complications releasing it in a near future! :)
Does anyone have an ETA of the first release? Come on buddies, someone must know something?
I'm allready botting atm with some other software, but it keeps crashing alot :( Works for now tho.
Does anyone have an ETA of the first release? Come on buddies, someone must know something?
I'm allready botting atm with some other software, but it keeps crashing alot :( Works for now tho.

Feel free to read the whole thread... its in here somewhere
Does anyone have an ETA of the first release? Come on buddies, someone must know something?
I'm allready botting atm with some other software, but it keeps crashing alot :( Works for now tho.

CnG said something about june 1st, give or take a few days, but that he'd confirm later, which I don't believe he did.

That's probably the most you'll get gor now :(
Glad someone is getting love. HB hasn't been updated in 6 weeks since last quick fix after patch. As usual, neglected when there is the possibility of milking new money from a new bot.
You can clear the whole game in a day or two depending on your play. How long will interest sustain ? Even if the maps are dynamic ( 4 different ones per stage ?) the same thing over and over seems like even the hardest hardcore fans and nerds will lose interest quickly. The only way i see any long term profit is with expansions and those will take time ( and when they do come they will completed in a day or two again). It seems like everyone will just be farming diablo without any new content, even regular non bot players. IMO the game doesn't have a good enough grip to hold interest long enough to keep the average players interested and even if the Itune .99 cent app style players buy the best gear and deck there toons out what then, you can only watch yourself crit for 400K so many times before you lose the high.

Its just my opinion on losing interest and I could be wrong but when you get to the cut scene after beating diablo its kind of a big let down, then when you do it again, and again, then well you know what Im talking about.
Glad someone is getting love. HB hasn't been updated in 6 weeks since last quick fix after patch. As usual, neglected when there is the possibility of milking new money from a new bot.

I am with you,,,I hope they will be hit with sanity...DB is DOA...I even noticed, I did not login for 7 days, after killing Diablo on nightmare mode...back to wow????
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You can clear the whole game in a day or two depending on your play. How long will interest sustain ? Even if the maps are dynamic ( 4 different ones per stage ?) the same thing over and over seems like even the hardest hardcore fans and nerds will lose interest quickly. The only way i see any long term profit is with expansions and those will take time ( and when they do come they will completed in a day or two again). It seems like everyone will just be farming diablo without any new content, even regular non bot players. IMO the game doesn't have a good enough grip to hold interest long enough to keep the average players interested and even if the Itune .99 cent app style players buy the best gear and deck there toons out what then, you can only watch yourself crit for 400K so many times before you lose the high.

Its just my opinion on losing interest and I could be wrong but when you get to the cut scene after beating diablo its kind of a big let down, then when you do it again, and again, then well you know what Im talking about.

Right, Diablo III is a big fail, and believe me, I waited years to see this happen. All classes are crap...what were they thinking...now its back to wow again, waiting for Ultimate RPG the new ultima online, I got hooked on that one...and if thats crap too, maybe i am to old :) 45y now. But i give it some years....

GW2 is crap, played beta, its hyped....Terra pffffffffff falling on your noose when running, with sounds as if Filipino girls cume during combat....no go for me.

Back to wow, and building my CC's when panda is out...
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