I think the admins/whoever is in charge of coming up with the payment options should take some community feedback on the options we prefer, considering we will be the ones purchasing it. If you cater to peoples needs, you will have more success selling it. I'm sure i don't need to educate you guys as you've done really well with HB!!
I got in on the old school lifetime HB (3sessions) and for one really liked that, heres a few ideas from me.
- 1 session for $30usd
- 3 sessions for $75usd
- 5 sessions for $100usd
The gradual discount is very appealing, and i for one would 100% go for the 5 session deal just incase i ever decide to invest in more D3 accounts. Does anyone else have opinions on pricing that you think is acceptable? Lets remember this is a premium prodect from a well respected company. You must expect to have to pay a little more here.