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Buddy Team and Star Wars: The Old Republic

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the word may not end, but a lot of ppl may lose interest, since the game the bot is made for maybe dead by the time lol

Thats what my worry... I've been milking my Sith Warrior and got him at level 33 so far... Hope it dont turnout like STO and once you get to 50 game over cause there is nothing else to do... Loving the stories though and they are what is keeping me intrested.
Thats what my worry... I've been milking my Sith Warrior and got him at level 33 so far... Hope it dont turnout like STO and once you get to 50 game over cause there is nothing else to do... Loving the stories though and they are what is keeping me intrested.
Patcg 1.2 drops next months with a new raid, new warzone, custom UI, working legacy trees
Thats what my worry... I've been milking my Sith Warrior and got him at level 33 so far... Hope it dont turnout like STO and once you get to 50 game over cause there is nothing else to do... Loving the stories though and they are what is keeping me intrested.
Heroic mode flashpoints are a very decent challenge.
Operations are a very decent challenge.
Heroic mode operations are.... errrrr.... *hard*
Then there's even more difficult versions of the operations.

All in all still enough to do after you reach level 50.
Croga :)
Im with you on the dev part. It will be done when its done. I have the same issues with my department of which im developing stuff for...
The dangerous part about giving ETA's is that people will get angry if its not being made (an initial ETA had already been given) and you never know what difficulties you will run into while developing.

That being said, honorbuddy rocked, so I'm expecting this bot to be rocking as well. If it takes another 2 months, so be it. Thats better than having a buggy piece of software.
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yeah eta wrong its been 3 weeks also 3 months ill give to end of this month before to start to sell
Heroic mode flashpoints are a very decent challenge.
Operations are a very decent challenge.
Heroic mode operations are.... errrrr.... *hard*
Then there's even more difficult versions of the operations.

All in all still enough to do after you reach level 50.

Just hope they have a Dungeon Finder or Raid Finder idea in the works... I got lazy with it in wow and dont want to have to start spamming LFG in general again...
Just hope they have a Dungeon Finder or Raid Finder idea in the works... I got lazy with it in wow and dont want to have to start spamming LFG in general again...
Check out the 1.2 announcements. One of the things is a Dungeon Finder type function. (although I'm not sure it was announced to be in 1.2 or announced that they're working on it)
i'm sure when mists comes out and it fails, a lot of people are jumping to SWToR, or D3

Do you really feel that MoP is gonna fail Kick? Honestly, even with 1.2 changes (I have 3 level 50s in SWTOR, and have cleared all Nightmare raids), there is not going to be anything to do at max LvL. 1.2 Mainly focuses on the fact that now the Legacy System works, encouraging you to just level more alts, nothing high level. They are walling off Nightmare mode, so those of us in high end SWTOR guilds will have hard mode cleared the day of release, and have all the gear we need when Nightmare comes out, to just crush it. Adding a single Warzone, and making it to where you don't get que'd for Huttball 1 out of 10 times, might help out a little, but it's still a terrible grind to Battlemaster, and even after that, there is literally nothing to do.

MoP on the other hand, will have shared achievements, aka, play what you want, no matter what, and still be rewarded account wide. I think MoP is definitely going to make WoW a different game, but at the same time, I think, especially with the new Scroll of Resurrection, there are going to be a lot of people that come back. Our guild is already talking about swapping back to WoW, and wait for D3. I pray to god we have a bot for D3, since the way the AH is going to work =)
i'm sure when mists comes out and it fails, a lot of people are jumping to SWToR, or D3

Do you really feel that MoP is gonna fail Kick? Honestly, even with 1.2 changes (I have 3 level 50s in SWTOR, and have cleared all Nightmare raids), there is not going to be anything to do at max LvL. 1.2 Mainly focuses on the fact that now the Legacy System works, encouraging you to just level more alts, nothing high level. They are walling off Nightmare mode, so those of us in high end SWTOR guilds will have hard mode cleared the day of release, and have all the gear we need when Nightmare comes out, to just crush it. Adding a single Warzone, and making it to where you don't get que'd for Huttball 1 out of 10 times, might help out a little, but it's still a terrible grind to Battlemaster, and even after that, there is literally nothing to do.

MoP on the other hand, will have shared achievements, aka, play what you want, no matter what, and still be rewarded account wide. I think MoP is definitely going to make WoW a different game, but at the same time, I think, especially with the new Scroll of Resurrection, there are going to be a lot of people that come back. Our guild is already talking about swapping back to WoW, and wait for D3. I pray to god we have a bot for D3, since the way the AH is going to work =)
Do you really feel that MoP is gonna fail Kick? Honestly, even with 1.2 changes (I have 3 level 50s in SWTOR, and have cleared all Nightmare raids), there is not going to be anything to do at max LvL. 1.2 Mainly focuses on the fact that now the Legacy System works, encouraging you to just level more alts, nothing high level. They are walling off Nightmare mode, so those of us in high end SWTOR guilds will have hard mode cleared the day of release, and have all the gear we need when Nightmare comes out, to just crush it. Adding a single Warzone, and making it to where you don't get que'd for Huttball 1 out of 10 times, might help out a little, but it's still a terrible grind to Battlemaster, and even after that, there is literally nothing to do.
You mean that, just like all other MMOs, people that dedicate all their time to it can finish all content quickly? How weird.....
What's weirder, though, is that Cata launch took 3 days for a guild to finish all hard modes..... SWTOR took 3 months. I'd say they've done better then Cata already.
MoP on the other hand, will have shared achievements, aka, play what you want, no matter what, and still be rewarded account wide. I think MoP is definitely going to make WoW a different game, but at the same time, I think, especially with the new Scroll of Resurrection, there are going to be a lot of people that come back. Our guild is already talking about swapping back to WoW, and wait for D3. I pray to god we have a bot for D3, since the way the AH is going to work =)
All MoP is going to do is cater *even more* to the casuals. With the disappearance of talent trees and the even further standardization of abilities you can indeed play what you want since it's all the same anyway.

Sorry Fanboy but I simply don't agree with you at all. SWTOR has the most agressive update schedule of any MMO ever. It's got more content which is definitely different then any other MMO. It's got a much better diversity in abilities and better options to make your character look the way you want.
And how much of that time was levelling chars to max to be able to run the hard modes?
True... One of the things that *really* sucked in Cataclysm was that leveling from 80 to 85 took less then a day. I expect MoP to be even worse.
I fully expect MoP to make wow cruble. Maybe not to the extent of failure due to what Blizzard has said before.

However any ETA to bot completion?
I can't wait for this to come out. I really liked this game. Just didn't like the grind of leveling. Hope it come's out around the 27th when I get paid again.
I can't wait for this to come out. I really liked this game. Just didn't like the grind of leveling. Hope it come's out around the 27th when I get paid again.

I'm up to lvl 35'ish atm (Balmorra - Republic)

minor logic issues that apoc needs to fix and we should start mass-testing between all of the devs that we have. I can get up to lvl 5 w/ minor issues - but I also had a handful of QQ's to give Apoc as well
I'm up to lvl 35'ish atm (Balmorra - Republic)

minor logic issues that apoc needs to fix and we should start mass-testing between all of the devs that we have. I can get up to lvl 5 w/ minor issues - but I also had a handful of QQ's to give Apoc as well

While a Questbot would be great. I don't care really how I level. Just aslong as I lvl.
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