You mean that, just like all other MMOs, people that dedicate all their time to it can finish all content quickly? How weird.....
What's weirder, though, is that Cata launch took 3 days for a guild to finish all hard modes..... SWTOR took 3 months. I'd say they've done better then Cata already.
All MoP is going to do is cater *even more* to the casuals. With the disappearance of talent trees and the even further standardization of abilities you can indeed play what you want since it's all the same anyway.
Sorry Fanboy but I simply don't agree with you at all. SWTOR has the most agressive update schedule of any MMO ever. It's got more content which is definitely different then any other MMO. It's got a much better diversity in abilities and better options to make your character look the way you want.
Cataclysm launched December 7th, Sinestra (the final hard mode of the first raid tier) was defeated January 20th 2011. So your statement about all Cataclysm hardmodes being killed within 3 days is incredibly factually inaccurate. Not to be rude but you just should not even respond if you are just going to spout lies and nonsense.