It seems OP got access. He didn't want copies of his profile to be posted since he didn't got access.
Now that he does, I'll ask in a PM if I can.
I've made more slight tweaks to it. The next step is to add health based values so it will make better use abilities (example: If full health, don't use death strike but death coil if RP cap, instead of spamming blood boil, make death strike use higher prio on lower health, ect.).
Just need to see if I can post it.
Now that he does, I'll ask in a PM if I can.
I've made more slight tweaks to it. The next step is to add health based values so it will make better use abilities (example: If full health, don't use death strike but death coil if RP cap, instead of spamming blood boil, make death strike use higher prio on lower health, ect.).
Just need to see if I can post it.