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Blood DK - Tank Edition

Nice rotation! Would it be possible to add plague leech + glyphed outbreak? Other than that it does the job quite quite well!
Like the OP mentioned, this CR is for WoD 6.0.2. My DK is still lvl 90 and once I get there to lvl my DK up, I will write a new CR for the current content.

It's complete free and I don't need to update it. In the 1st place, I try to enjoy the game. My main is a druid and I'm still tweaking my CR for the current content. When everything goes well with my Druid CR, then I will start update other CR's.

I'm not a professional programmer and have no obligations for a free routine.

I leveled my Paladin and Elemental shaman, and I have working CR's for those classes, but not optimal for endgame content.

I'm busy, but when my DK is on turn, you may have a whole new routine, because I use the new style what HB will use as standard in the next future.

Be patient and enjoy the game as I do.
Like the OP mentioned, this CR is for WoD 6.0.2. My DK is still lvl 90 and once I get there to lvl my DK up, I will write a new CR for the current content.

It's complete free and I don't need to update it. In the 1st place, I try to enjoy the game. My main is a druid and I'm still tweaking my CR for the current content. When everything goes well with my Druid CR, then I will start update other CR's.

I'm not a professional programmer and have no obligations for a free routine.

I leveled my Paladin and Elemental shaman, and I have working CR's for those classes, but not optimal for endgame content.

I'm busy, but when my DK is on turn, you may have a whole new routine, because I use the new style what HB will use as standard in the next future.

Be patient and enjoy the game as I do.

Thanks for even coding this CC, for a non developer this is amazing!
I've talked with Pasterke and will upload my files. I've made some modifications to his rotation in order to add Plague Leech with Glyphed Outbreak.
It's not 100% optimal but does the job quite nicely. I will post this at a later time after doing a bit more testing.
View attachment 156286

- Implemented Plague Leech.
- Focuses less on AoE and more on single target with Death Strike use.
- Requires Outbreak to be glyphed.

Please provide feedback.

Thanks for the update seems a lot smoother now with glyphed outbreak and plague leech and priority on death strike but I would like to have Defile down even on single target fights as much as possible because it reduces damage taken by 10%

Other than that I saw increase in damage output and survivability for sure.
How exactly? Are you loading honorbuddy while being in blood spec with the entire map placed in "routines" folder?
Are are you unable to download?

Figured my problem out, had problems extracting the file. The shortest way to put this is "windows 8 sucks".

Going to try this modified CR tonight, will report back.
with the changes u added to the CR the selfhealing is Shitty! Death Strike and Blood Boil barely gets used!.... Idd let Pasterke handle it when he have the time tbh. Not saying ur modification is not a good idea but for me its not working. As I said DS and BB is used verry seldom..
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Thanks for the update seems a lot smoother now with glyphed outbreak and plague leech and priority on death strike but I would like to have Defile down even on single target fights as much as possible because it reduces damage taken by 10%

Other than that I saw increase in damage output and survivability for sure.
I'll try to see if I can make defile cast single target, I didn't look for that yet. So far defile is cast the moment there are 2 targets or more in range.

with the changes u added to the CR the selfhealing is Shitty! Death Strike and Blood Boil barely gets used!.... Idd let Pasterke handle it when he have the time tbh. Not saying ur modification is not a good idea but for me its not working. As I said DS and BB is used verry seldom..
Did you glyph outbreak? There should be an increase of Death Strike tbh. I also specifically mentioned that it requires glyphed outbreak. I also recommend the use of Plague Leech.
Other than that I don't see what spells it casts, can you post the log of order of spells?
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Just unzip the DearthKnight folder in your honorbuddy Routines folder [Yourhonorbuddy\Routines\DeatKnight]
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I'll try to see if I can make defile cast single target, I didn't look for that yet. So far defile is cast the moment there are 2 targets or more in range.

Would be better to leave it as is, and then add a option to hold, or press a button, to make it cast on single target. Dont want it to waste it on some thrash mob, not to be up for a aoe.

Also a implementation of dark sim, would be godly, but that requires a lot more work ;)

Huge problem with Death Strike, dunno if you uploaded a wrong version, you are calling S.castDeathStrike0(), that contains so strange checks.

&& !U.debuffExists(FROST_FEVER, Me.CurrentTarget)
&& !U.debuffExists(BLOOD_PLAGUE, Me.CurrentTarget)
&& RPcount >= 10

So will only cast if unit doesnt have diseases, shouldnt be too often for a DK ;)

Removing the 0 seems to fix it, will test in a bit ;)

Also noticed this in death strike:
&& (!U.spellOnCooldown(DEATH_STRIKE) || U.buffExists(CRIMSON_SCOURGE, Me))

what does CRIMSON_SCOURGE have to do with death strike, seems like it will halt the routine quite a bit, if it tries to cast death strike on CRIMSON_SCOURGE procs :x
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Would be better to leave it as is, and then add a option to hold, or press a button, to make it cast on single target. Dont want it to waste it on some thrash mob, not to be up for a aoe.
Was planning for this.

Also a implementation of dark sim, would be godly, but that requires a lot more work ;)
Aint nobody got time for that. Don't even know what spells do work with it.

Huge problem with Death Strike, dunno if you uploaded a wrong version, you are calling S.castDeathStrike0(), that contains so strange checks.

&& !U.debuffExists(FROST_FEVER, Me.CurrentTarget)
&& !U.debuffExists(BLOOD_PLAGUE, Me.CurrentTarget)
&& RPcount >= 10

So will only cast if unit doesnt have diseases, shouldnt be too often for a DK ;)

Removing the 0 seems to fix it, will test in a bit ;)

Also noticed this in death strike:
&& (!U.spellOnCooldown(DEATH_STRIKE) || U.buffExists(CRIMSON_SCOURGE, Me))

what does CRIMSON_SCOURGE have to do with death strike, seems like it will halt the routine quite a bit, if it tries to cast death strike on CRIMSON_SCOURGE procs :x

Please try to follow my train of thought why I coded it like this.

1. Blood Boil gives 20% more healing on the next Death Strike (this effect can even stack to 40% or more). I'm not lying, read the Blood Boil tooltip in game. I think the buff is called Scent of Blood.

2. DeathStrikeO is a different variable name. I could even name it PandaIsAwesome for all I care, it's done on purpose. I intended to create a Death Strike different from the existing Death Strike that Pasterke already implemented.
&& !U.debuffExists(FROST_FEVER, Me.CurrentTarget)
&& !U.debuffExists(BLOOD_PLAGUE, Me.CurrentTarget)
&& RPcount >= 10
The reason behind this code, this death strike, is to make it use Death Strike instead of recasting diseases manually.
Death Strike gives 20RP (notice RPcount >= 10). Outbreak costs 30Rp while glyphed.
If this would be removed I'd have Plague Leech > Icy Touch > Plague Strike > ...
While now it does Plague Leech > Death Strike > Outbreak.

The main idea of using Plague Leech is to get an extra Death Strike, not recasting diseases. This is why it was implemented in this way.

But if you can do better, by all means show me!
Was planning for this.

Aint nobody got time for that. Don't even know what spells do work with it.

Please try to follow my train of thought why I coded it like this.

1. Blood Boil gives 20% more healing on the next Death Strike (this effect can even stack to 40% or more). I'm not lying, read the Blood Boil tooltip in game. I think the buff is called Scent of Blood.
But still, you cant cast death strike if it's on cd, what this check does is Cast death strike if, it's not on cd OR if you have a free blood boil, you could do a && check for scent of blood, if you want higher prio on death strike with the buff up.
You are casting death strike whenever you can anyway, so doesnt make sense to check if you have the buff.

I'm not trying to pull you down, im trying to help improve it.
Fixed blood tap btw, since it wasnt working properly. it didnt check if you had any free slots before casting it, so it halted routine, at the same time it was added to GCD, but not needed with blood tap.

        public static Composite castBloodTap()
            return new Decorator(ret => gotTarget
                && SpellManager.HasSpell(BLOOD_TAP)
                && SpellManager.CanCast(BLOOD_TAP)
                && Me.CurrentTarget.IsWithinMeleeRange
                && (U.buffExists(BLOOD_CHARGE, Me)
                && U.buffStackCount(BLOOD_CHARGE, Me) >= 5)
                && ((Me.GetRuneCount(0) + Me.GetRuneCount(1) == 0) || (Me.GetRuneCount(2) + Me.GetRuneCount(3) == 0) || (Me.GetRuneCount(4) + Me.GetRuneCount(5) == 0)),
                new Action(ret =>
                    Logging.Write(Colors.Yellow, WoWSpell.FromId(BLOOD_TAP).Name);
                    LastSpell = BLOOD_TAP;

Hope it was more usefull than my last post.
You are casting death strike whenever you can anyway, so doesnt make sense to check if you have the buff.
It checks for free Blood Boils. If Blood Boil is cast before Death Strike, it increases it's healing. At the same time there another mechanic in place.
Basically the concept that OP had in mind was to never allow 2x same spell being cast consequently. It won't cast 2x Death Strike unless there's no other option.
Also, the main reason that DeathStrikeO is there to cast Death Strike without having diseases up, right after the use of Plague Leech.
Remove this and you'll find yourself re-applying diseases rather than casting Death Strike while you'd have a glyphed outbreak, it's a waste.
The buff check is something added from OP's original Death Strike. Since the rotation goes as I want it, I don't feel the need to remove it.
If there is a more simple solution to this, please tell me.
I'm not trying to pull you down, im trying to help improve it.
Fixed blood tap btw, since it wasnt working properly. it didnt check if you had any free slots before casting it, so it halted routine, at the same time it was added to GCD, but not needed with blood tap.

        public static Composite castBloodTap()
            return new Decorator(ret => gotTarget
                && SpellManager.HasSpell(BLOOD_TAP)
                && SpellManager.CanCast(BLOOD_TAP)
                && Me.CurrentTarget.IsWithinMeleeRange
                && (U.buffExists(BLOOD_CHARGE, Me)
                && U.buffStackCount(BLOOD_CHARGE, Me) >= 5)
                && ((Me.GetRuneCount(0) + Me.GetRuneCount(1) == 0) || (Me.GetRuneCount(2) + Me.GetRuneCount(3) == 0) || (Me.GetRuneCount(4) + Me.GetRuneCount(5) == 0)),
                new Action(ret =>
                    Logging.Write(Colors.Yellow, WoWSpell.FromId(BLOOD_TAP).Name);
                    LastSpell = BLOOD_TAP;

Hope it was more usefull than my last post.

I appreciate feedback, don't get me wrong. Other than that I don't use Blood Tap atm, ty for pointing it out.
I will change this whenever I feel like it (don't have much time on my hands this week).
The Zip file you uploaded Jupken is an invalid file. Tried with multiple zip programs on 2 different computers, any way you can reupload?