Testing it out now, only issue I see is that it's constantly trying to cast Oralius' Whispering Crystal, even though I already have a Greater Draenic Stamina Flask on...
Best CR! The only problem is, in LFR the CR works great for me, in normal Flex the CR doesn´t make anything, it loads up but nothing happens. Using it with Lazyraider Framelock 30. Any suggestions?
Maybe LazyRaider settings ?
I use Enyo and have no problems with it.
Hi all,
I know I’ll probably get a hate response or two
Just wondering if anyone is noticing that the DPS is rather low on the routine?, Don’t get me wrong the tanking aspect is second to none and I love the survivability it offers. It’s just I was in a HC pug the other day with a DK of similar gear and ilvl and he was pulling a good 7k more dps than me?
Is there something I’m missing?
Thanks in advance
I made a few changes to the routine to better suit a raid rank environment.
removed melee range check for death pact
changed death strike logic
-The routine now doesn't use death strike at full hp because death strike is our main mitigation tool.
-It uses it at full hp if we have all of our runes available or more than 3 death runes.
changed blood tap logic
-Only uses blood tap when it's going to cap charges. I think it might be best to have the user decide when it needs the blood tap charges. There isn't a reason to use blood tap as soon as you hit 5 charges because blood tap is supposed to be used for the control such as taking an unusual amount of damage and you quickly need to use 2 or 3 death strikes to heal back up. Runic corruption provides more runes overall and should be used instead of blood tap if the logic does not change.
commented out icy touch and plague strike because I outbreak glyph
-I don't think icy touch or plague strike are ever worth using if you use glyph of outbreak unless you are not using blood tap and maybe runic corruption.
I think these would be great additions to the main cr if you are looking to make it more of a raid tanking cr.
I've used all of the paid routines, but they are pretty much garbage atm for tanking because they all use death strike at full hp which makes our class much weaker at tanking than it should be.
Great work on the routine and I love how I'm able to actually change the file to fit my needs.