Feels good to live in Norway, atleast it works for everyone else the next year.
hopefully the court will last for months / years - we can bot more then![]()
Eurohitler goes for ownage
Can i buy the keys in other countries and dl it there and log in on the keys in germany ? Or did the Hitlers even made this impossible ?
... but always quite interesting how these hitlers judge. Please fight for the rights of the German customers. Doen't let the Hitlers win !
Hitler was from Austria, not Germany...stupid fag
Tja, bei solchen Sachen hat Blizzard leider den l?ngeren Arm, zudem haben Sie auch das n?tige Kleingeld, um viele schlaue K?pfe zu bezahlen, die sich irgendeinen Schwachsinn ausdenken um den/die Richter(in) zu ?berzeugen. Das fing damals mit Piroxbots an und wird auch nicht beim HB aufh?ren. Allerdings finde ich das Schwachsinning, da Blizzards Sponsorenvertr?ge eh 2015 auslaufen und auch nicht mehr verl?ngert werden, da die Engine mittlerweile schon uralt ist. Deswegen wir WoW ab 2015 warscheinlich auch kostenlos spielbar sein und es werden keine weiteren Addons kommen. Anstatt das Geld in irgendwelche Klagen zu investieren, sollten Sie es lieber in ein neues Spiel tun, aber nee, so schlau ist Blizzard ja nicht (Manchmal w?nsch ich mir, dass einfach mal ein Blizzardarbeiter ne Forkbomb platziert -.-). Ich finde es traurig, dass so ein Meisterwerk an scripting veboten wird, ich wei? wieviel Arbeit sowas erfordert.. Schade um die Zeit..
MfG dreamunskilled
edit: Klingt zwar doof, aber ich w?re gerne bei so einer Verhandlung dabeigewesen
Dear,Hitler was from Austria, not Germany...stupid fag
Guys I'm interested if all this will have any matter in for example... if anyone get banned by using your bot will they be able to somehow reverse that ban by referring to anything that happened in this lawsuit?
Yes well I just started botting and I have been considering what would i do if Blizz banned me and closed my account. I would definitely sue them for my professional time to restore my raiding charachters & achievements which would be in excess of $50k USD! I reserve the right to have assistance in playing the game, particularly in areas which are mundane but necessary to be competitive in the game. How I play the game & who I allow to use it is MY business! If I wish to use a tool to assist me then it is my choice! Next we wont be allowed to use a calculator to assist in making AH decisions?
not really. try google and find it out yourself...
Lol- no on so many levels. You're either a troll or a fucking retard.... I'm guessing the latter
Yes well I just started botting and I have been considering what would i do if Blizz banned me and closed my account. I would definitely sue them for my professional time to restore my raiding charachters & achievements which would be in excess of $50k USD! I reserve the right to have assistance in playing the game, particularly in areas which are mundane but necessary to be competitive in the game. How I play the game & who I allow to use it is MY business! If I wish to use a tool to assist me then it is my choice! Next we wont be allowed to use a calculator to assist in making AH decisions?