Have you ever read the TOS of WoW? You agreed to them BEFORE you created your first char! Blizzard can ban whenever and for whatever they want ..
Maybe thats true but as far as i know they provide you a service and they can stop it whenever they want and for whatever reason they want.Actually for a variety of reasons if you pushed it it is not legally enforceable.
Ist doch schwachsinn immer wieder probleme in deutschland... langsam kotzt mich das an
Hehe Mario,
schade das ich nicht mehr in Aachen wohne, war direkt an der Grenze. W lan sollte es wohl Regeln
Die ganze Welt wird wieder weiter botten, aber Deutschland wieder nicht Oo.
Aber gibt ja zum Gl?ck, genug m?glichkeiten auch aus Deutschland weiter HB zu nutzen.
mfg Leute
ye but that is going to take a long time for germany i think its going to be the same as with diablo 3 bot first it wasnt useble for germans either then afther awhile it went ok tosell to germans again i gues.
Honestly, I do not think, that this is gonna happen. Why should it? If I were Bossland and my ass hung in the balance because some jerky judge thought that this hole dumbass-gaming-nerd-stuff-matter is just wasting his time:
I would damn well could Germany off the servers.
Well, luckily I am not him. And, to answer Your question. Nobody knows. Wait for february.
btw: I AM German.