[04:49:28.891 D] Activity: [BGFarmer] Signing up for next battleground...
[04:51:13.574 D] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [3g67s68c]
[04:53:49.001 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Auth Session is invalid
[04:53:49.001 Q] Session is invalid!
[04:53:49.021 N] Ignoring flight master Bron Skyhorn since we can't fully navigate to it.
[04:53:49.052 N] [BGFarmer] Stopping BGFamer!
[04:53:49.052 N] [BGFarmer] This Sessions Totals - [Won: 0] [Lost: 5]
PLS HELP where do BGFarmer save the screenshots when i activated the screeshot option?
[21:23:22.113 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Auth Session is invalid
[21:23:22.113 Q] Session is invalid!
[21:23:22.116 N] [BGFarmer] Stopping BGFamer!
[21:23:22.116 N] [BGFarmer] This Sessions Totals - [Won: 1] [Lost: 2]
[21:23:22.243 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detaching Chat Handlers
[21:23:22.244 D] Clearing POI - Reason Bot stopping
[21:23:22.244 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
[21:23:23.580 Q] Shutting down in 20 seconds
ToK > It stands still in the base, doesn't move till a few seconds after the door opens. Maybe 5 or 6 idk.
Dot > The dot problem is just a combat problem. It stands still in combat unless there's someone to kill close by. Down the road? Nah. Gotta be close. It's a problem in AV since its such a big map.
AB > A blacklist would be fine enough, like in IoC. Sometimes horde will camp one spot and it'll run into it dying to 10 people again and again and again.
Hi Millz bought your BGFARMER and i loved it. I am using it on my hunter. Want to know what CR is best to use Singular,Tuanha or Gladiator Suite.
hey millz! I have been a proud owner of your bgfarmer for a while. for some reason lately. i always "freeze" when im in a bg and the ashran que pops.. first of all im sitting in sthe stormshield pvp vendor area to auto buy with anti cap.. and some reason i run automatically to the ashran bridge and que.. while not in a bg.. not sure why is there any way to stop this? from happening thank u
alright my bot froze again.. (this only happens when im using bgfarmer (i can use questing all day grinding enyo etc.) never freezes but when i use it to bg I freeze
thanks again millz
Have anyone experienced character stop moving around after respawn in graveyard?And character just opens map and stand there.
this Botbases does nothing
test with
HazzDruid dd heal
TuanHA Druid dd heal
i gooes meele with moonkin and 1 spell and wait wait wait ...
i have press caster in Botbase why he goes meele
Bot keeps crashing after an hour or so of farming:
Having the same issue with Tuan's Hunter CR, it also spams attack keys to no end, once I get a change I will post a logThis bot is having some issues with the Tuanha Druid CR. It does not show up as an error on the log, but the bot will stop after combat with players for a brief period of time. Other times it will reach its destination and stop working. When the bot dies, it will not mount and continue on.
This bot is having some issues with the Tuanha Druid CR. It does not show up as an error on the log, but the bot will stop after combat with players for a brief period of time. Other times it will reach its destination and stop working. When the bot dies, it will not mount and continue on.
Having the same issue with Tuan's Hunter CR, it also spams attack keys to no end, once I get a change I will post a log
I'm using the trial right now. Whenever I hit "Start" on the bot, HB automatically crashes. So I manually join in a BG and hit "Start" when I'm inside and BGFarmer actually works. However, once the BG is finished and I'm teleported out, HB automatically crashes again. How do I fix this issue?
Millz, you are right. I think this is a problem with the CR. The log shows no error. It just says the usual stuff like "moving to next destination" or "turning in x seconds", but in reality, the bot is just standing there doing nothing. It's probably an issue with Tuanha's CR movement overriding something.