This is what the top left and bottom right in the profiles are for. It looks for the most people from your faction in a given area and goes there. Which is great....EXCEPT for when there are more bots than real people on your side in one place
Red gate in SOTA is a perfect example. This weekend i was in a 3 BGs in a row where there were 5 of us at the red gate and stayed there the whole fight because we had the most horde players in one area XD "What the fuck is wrong with you retards at the Red gate!!!??!" Was getting old to say the least
Not to mention the other 4 were standing RIGHT on top of each other...people REALLY need to learn how to change thier own profiles.
Open up Developers Tools and press the refresh button under 'local player info' then double click the co-ords so they go into your log window.
Then, for instance, look at where it runs at the Red gate, stop the bot, move to where you want, make sure it's on the same side as the to the gy for example, get your position and change
<Hotspot x="1244.299" y="-203.5421" z="51.4500122" tlx="1406" tly="-38" brx="1218" bry="-311.0624" name="Red Gate" />
<Hotspot c/p postion from log window tlx="1406" tly="-38" brx="1218" bry="-311.0624" name="Red Gate" />
MAKE SURE you change the X, Y and Z to x, y, z The profile hates Uppercase letters and wont start if it has them.
And do that for each HS and each BG. This is far-far-FAR from perfect but at least i don't stand on top of other people except for the start. You can also change the bounding box using same method but just use the x and y co-ords for the box. In AV i have 2 HS, one outside Van and one inside. Do i die alot? Only at the start when he runs through the fields of strife rather than through IB gy but that's another issue