Welcome to the MapBot beta.
As always, please remember this is a beta version, if you found a bug - post a full log. Also read the "Known issues" section.
MapBot uses the same design as QuestBot. It means:
- EXtensions and CommonEvents plugins must be enabled.
- StuckDetection logic is provided by default, you don't need the StuckDetection plugin.
- Third party plugins incompatible with QuestBot will most likely be incompatible with MapBot as well.
Don't forget to properly set stash tab(s) for Maps in EXtensions. Bot will look for maps only in those tabs.
It is highly recommended for you to read the following tutorial in order to properly understand bot's settings and how it works.
Map types
Settings description
Known issues
As always, please remember this is a beta version, if you found a bug - post a full log. Also read the "Known issues" section.
MapBot uses the same design as QuestBot. It means:
- EXtensions and CommonEvents plugins must be enabled.
- StuckDetection logic is provided by default, you don't need the StuckDetection plugin.
- Third party plugins incompatible with QuestBot will most likely be incompatible with MapBot as well.
Don't forget to properly set stash tab(s) for Maps in EXtensions. Bot will look for maps only in those tabs.
It is highly recommended for you to read the following tutorial in order to properly understand bot's settings and how it works.
Map types
A map that consists of one single area.
A map that consists of one big area and a small separate room where boss resides.
A map that consists of multiple small areas connected with each other linearly. Every level leads to the next one. Boss is located on the last level.
A multilevel map where areas are connected non-linearly. This type incorporates many maps with completely different layouts, but all of them share the common factor: backtracking to previous level(s) is required to fully explore such map.
A map that consists of one single area.
A map that consists of one big area and a small separate room where boss resides.
A map that consists of multiple small areas connected with each other linearly. Every level leads to the next one. Boss is located on the last level.
A multilevel map where areas are connected non-linearly. This type incorporates many maps with completely different layouts, but all of them share the common factor: backtracking to previous level(s) is required to fully explore such map.
Max map tier - bot will never run maps with tier higher than specified value.
Monster remaining - bot will finish current map beforehand if monster remaining is equal or below specified value AND map boss was killed AND there are no monsters nearby.
Exploration percent - only for Regular and Bossroom maps. Bot will finish current map beforehand if exploration percent is equal or below specified value AND map boss was killed AND there are no monsters nearby.
Use hideout - bot will use Zana's Map Device in your hideout to open maps. Otherwise The Eternal Laboratory will be used.
Monster tracking - bot will memorize all seen monsters and return to them if they move outside the combat range. This option greatly improves map clear quality, its not reccomended to disable it unless you know what you are doing.
Fast transition - only for Multilevel and Complex Maps. Bot will proceed to the next level as soon as entrance is found (and all seen monsters are killed if Monster tracking is enabled). If this option is disabled bot will 100% explore current level before going to the next one. For Bossroom maps, bot will internally use Fast transition once Monster remaining or Exploration percent is reached.
Run unid maps - bot will run unidentified maps.
Ignore hidden auras - bot automatically applies all auras and summons golems before entering a map. If this option is enabled bot will ignore auras that are not present on the skillbar.
Strict monster remaining - removes boss kill requirement from Monster remaining. Bot will leave current map as soon as Monster remaining is reached and there are no monsters nearby.
Strict exploration percent - removes boss kill requirement from Exploration percent. Bot will leave current map as soon as Exploration percent is reached and there are no monsters nearby.
Stop after current map - bot will stop after finishing current map. Simple as it is.
Trials - bot will enter specified Map Trial and stop.
Enabled- bot will sell 3 maps of the same kind. Works only on the first tab specified for maps since checking all tabs is time consuming and in most cases redundant.
Sell ignored maps - bot will sell ignored maps regardless of all the restrictions provided below.
Max map tier - bot will never sell maps with tier higher than specified value.
Max map priority - bot will never sell maps with priority higher than specified value.
Min map amount - bot will not sell maps if total map amount in a stash tab for maps is less than specified value (excluding uniques).
Some more clarification is required for this option because many users misunderstand it's purpose.
First of all - this option is legacy, its was ported from MapRunner to MapBot just for the convenience. Nowadays it has a very small practical use. Do not edit this option unless you know what you are doing, default value of 7 is perfectly fine.
Original purpose of Min Map Amount was to prevent the bot from selling the last few maps you have. Back in the past, map drops in PoE were much lower than now and it was possible to just run out of them.
This option does exactly what is stated in the description, it counts all your maps in a stash tab (excluding uniques) and compares with Min Map Amount value. If total map count in a stash tab is lower then Min Map Amount - bot will not sell any maps. By setting this option to an absurdly large values you effectively disable the map selling. For example, if you set Min Map Amount to 100 you need at least 103 maps in a stash tab for bot to sell at least one map group (3).
Max map tier - bot will never run maps with tier higher than specified value.
Monster remaining - bot will finish current map beforehand if monster remaining is equal or below specified value AND map boss was killed AND there are no monsters nearby.
Exploration percent - only for Regular and Bossroom maps. Bot will finish current map beforehand if exploration percent is equal or below specified value AND map boss was killed AND there are no monsters nearby.
Use hideout - bot will use Zana's Map Device in your hideout to open maps. Otherwise The Eternal Laboratory will be used.
Monster tracking - bot will memorize all seen monsters and return to them if they move outside the combat range. This option greatly improves map clear quality, its not reccomended to disable it unless you know what you are doing.
Fast transition - only for Multilevel and Complex Maps. Bot will proceed to the next level as soon as entrance is found (and all seen monsters are killed if Monster tracking is enabled). If this option is disabled bot will 100% explore current level before going to the next one. For Bossroom maps, bot will internally use Fast transition once Monster remaining or Exploration percent is reached.
Run unid maps - bot will run unidentified maps.
Ignore hidden auras - bot automatically applies all auras and summons golems before entering a map. If this option is enabled bot will ignore auras that are not present on the skillbar.
Strict monster remaining - removes boss kill requirement from Monster remaining. Bot will leave current map as soon as Monster remaining is reached and there are no monsters nearby.
Strict exploration percent - removes boss kill requirement from Exploration percent. Bot will leave current map as soon as Exploration percent is reached and there are no monsters nearby.
Stop after current map - bot will stop after finishing current map. Simple as it is.
Trials - bot will enter specified Map Trial and stop.
Enabled- bot will sell 3 maps of the same kind. Works only on the first tab specified for maps since checking all tabs is time consuming and in most cases redundant.
Sell ignored maps - bot will sell ignored maps regardless of all the restrictions provided below.
Max map tier - bot will never sell maps with tier higher than specified value.
Max map priority - bot will never sell maps with priority higher than specified value.
Min map amount - bot will not sell maps if total map amount in a stash tab for maps is less than specified value (excluding uniques).
Some more clarification is required for this option because many users misunderstand it's purpose.
First of all - this option is legacy, its was ported from MapRunner to MapBot just for the convenience. Nowadays it has a very small practical use. Do not edit this option unless you know what you are doing, default value of 7 is perfectly fine.
Original purpose of Min Map Amount was to prevent the bot from selling the last few maps you have. Back in the past, map drops in PoE were much lower than now and it was possible to just run out of them.
This option does exactly what is stated in the description, it counts all your maps in a stash tab (excluding uniques) and compares with Min Map Amount value. If total map count in a stash tab is lower then Min Map Amount - bot will not sell any maps. By setting this option to an absurdly large values you effectively disable the map selling. For example, if you set Min Map Amount to 100 you need at least 103 maps in a stash tab for bot to sell at least one map group (3).
Contains various map upgrading options, you can specify minimum map tier and/or priority for every option.
Magic - bot will use Transmutation Orbs on normal maps and reroll them with Alteration Orbs. Augmentation Orbs will be used if resulting map has only one affix.
Rare - bot will use Alchemy Orbs on normal maps and reroll them according to "Rare reroll" settings.
Chisel - bot will use Cartographer Chisels on normal maps until they have at least 18 quality.
Vaal - bot will use Vaal Orbs on maps after all previous upgrades are done.
Fragments - bot will place Sacrifice Fragment along with a map into the Map Device.
Rare to Magic - bot will use Scouring+Alchemy orbs on magic maps and reroll them according to "Rare reroll" settings.
Existing rare maps - main purpose of this option is to give a user more control over rare maps that drop from monsters.
Rare map is considered "existing" if it does not fall under any of the rare upgrade options (normal to rare or magic to rare).
For example, if you have set minimum tier for Rare upgrade to 10 - all rare maps below tier 10 will be considered "existing". If all rare upgrade options are disabled - all rare maps are "existing".
● Run - bot will run existing rare maps normally.
● Do not run - bot will not run existing rare maps. Can be used in conjunction with disabling all rare upgrades to prohibit the bot from running all rare maps.
● Do not run if reroll is required - bot will run existing rare maps without ignored affixes only. Use this option if you do not want to spend any currency on existing rare maps.
● Downgrade to magic if reroll is required - bot will downgrade existing rare maps with ignored affixes to magic via Scouring+Transmutation. If bot is out of Scouring or Transmutation orbs this option is the same as "Do not run if reroll is required".
If there is not enough currency for certain upgrade, bot will internally set it as unavailable, and then restore it once there is enough currency.
Magic - bot will use Transmutation Orbs on normal maps and reroll them with Alteration Orbs. Augmentation Orbs will be used if resulting map has only one affix.
Rare - bot will use Alchemy Orbs on normal maps and reroll them according to "Rare reroll" settings.
Chisel - bot will use Cartographer Chisels on normal maps until they have at least 18 quality.
Vaal - bot will use Vaal Orbs on maps after all previous upgrades are done.
Fragments - bot will place Sacrifice Fragment along with a map into the Map Device.
Rare to Magic - bot will use Scouring+Alchemy orbs on magic maps and reroll them according to "Rare reroll" settings.
Existing rare maps - main purpose of this option is to give a user more control over rare maps that drop from monsters.
Rare map is considered "existing" if it does not fall under any of the rare upgrade options (normal to rare or magic to rare).
For example, if you have set minimum tier for Rare upgrade to 10 - all rare maps below tier 10 will be considered "existing". If all rare upgrade options are disabled - all rare maps are "existing".
● Run - bot will run existing rare maps normally.
● Do not run - bot will not run existing rare maps. Can be used in conjunction with disabling all rare upgrades to prohibit the bot from running all rare maps.
● Do not run if reroll is required - bot will run existing rare maps without ignored affixes only. Use this option if you do not want to spend any currency on existing rare maps.
● Downgrade to magic if reroll is required - bot will downgrade existing rare maps with ignored affixes to magic via Scouring+Transmutation. If bot is out of Scouring or Transmutation orbs this option is the same as "Do not run if reroll is required".
If there is not enough currency for certain upgrade, bot will internally set it as unavailable, and then restore it once there is enough currency.
Contains a list of all maps available in the game. You can specify settings individually to every map. Many column headers are shortened to abbreviations for the sake of saving space. You can mouseover an abbreviation to get the description.
First three columns are pretty self explanatory.
Priority - the most important factor for map selection. Bot will run maps with highest priority first.
Ignore - bot will never run this map.
IB (Ignore bossroom) - bot will never enter a bossroom in this map.
MR (Monster remaining) - monster remaining for this map (-1 to use the global value).
S (Strict monster remaining) - strict monster remaining for this map.
E% (Exploration percent) - exploration percent for this map (-1 to use the global value).
S (Strict exploration percent) - strict exploration percent for this map.
MT (Monster tracking) - monster tracking for this map. Undefined state (hyphen sign) means global value will be used.
FT (Fast transition) - fast transition for this map. Undefined state (hyphen sign) means global value will be used.
First three columns are pretty self explanatory.
Priority - the most important factor for map selection. Bot will run maps with highest priority first.
Ignore - bot will never run this map.
IB (Ignore bossroom) - bot will never enter a bossroom in this map.
MR (Monster remaining) - monster remaining for this map (-1 to use the global value).
S (Strict monster remaining) - strict monster remaining for this map.
E% (Exploration percent) - exploration percent for this map (-1 to use the global value).
S (Strict exploration percent) - strict exploration percent for this map.
MT (Monster tracking) - monster tracking for this map. Undefined state (hyphen sign) means global value will be used.
FT (Fast transition) - fast transition for this map. Undefined state (hyphen sign) means global value will be used.
Contains a list of all map affixes. You can specify affixes for reroll on Magic and/or Rare maps.
Contains various statistics about maps.
Maps entered- total amount of entered maps during this session.
Maps finished - total amount of finished maps during this session. Map is considered "finished" only if bot left it naturally. Abandoned maps (too many deaths, too many loot) are not included.
Average tier entered - self explanatory.
Maps found - total amount of found (picked up) maps.
Map income - "Maps found" minus "Maps entered".
Average tier found - self explanatory.
Total uptime - self explanatory.
Time in current map - shows time you spent in current map and only in map, this excludes time spent for town routines (id/sell/stash), returning to a map after death/chicken etc.
Maps entered- total amount of entered maps during this session.
Maps finished - total amount of finished maps during this session. Map is considered "finished" only if bot left it naturally. Abandoned maps (too many deaths, too many loot) are not included.
Average tier entered - self explanatory.
Maps found - total amount of found (picked up) maps.
Map income - "Maps found" minus "Maps entered".
Average tier found - self explanatory.
Total uptime - self explanatory.
Time in current map - shows time you spent in current map and only in map, this excludes time spent for town routines (id/sell/stash), returning to a map after death/chicken etc.
Vault Map - locked door and multiple levers to open it. May be supported in the future.
Plaza Map - locked door and one lever to open it. May be supported in the future.
Bossroom in Temple Map - scripted boss that must be pursued over multiple bossrooms.
Bossroom in Pier Map - similar to Temple plus bossrooms contain traps.
Bossroom in Palace Map - scripted Dominus fight.
Bossroom in Core Map - scripted Malachai fight.
Plaza Map - locked door and one lever to open it. May be supported in the future.
Bossroom in Temple Map - scripted boss that must be pursued over multiple bossrooms.
Bossroom in Pier Map - similar to Temple plus bossrooms contain traps.
Bossroom in Palace Map - scripted Dominus fight.
Bossroom in Core Map - scripted Malachai fight.
- Problems and issues caused by high latency and/or desync. All of those can screw the bot up unpredictably.
- Bot can fail to pick up an item if its on the other side of some big object (Strongbox, Tribal Chest). This is more related to the game itself which does not automatically pathfind around such objects.
- Error spam in log "[DefaultPlayerMover::MoveTowards] ExilePather.FindPath failed". Happens a lot in certain maps (Ramparts, Crematorium). This is completely normal and nothing to worry about. Bot detects monsters from another level and, obviously, cannot reach them.
- Stuck issues. Some maps have them more often than others:
- Bot can fail to pick up an item if its on the other side of some big object (Strongbox, Tribal Chest). This is more related to the game itself which does not automatically pathfind around such objects.
- Error spam in log "[DefaultPlayerMover::MoveTowards] ExilePather.FindPath failed". Happens a lot in certain maps (Ramparts, Crematorium). This is completely normal and nothing to worry about. Bot detects monsters from another level and, obviously, cannot reach them.
- Stuck issues. Some maps have them more often than others:
- maps based on Aqueduct tileset (stairs)
- maps based on Weaver's Chambers tileset (narrow path)
- maps based on Docks tileset (stairs)
- maps based on Fellshrine Ruins tileset (big ruined building)
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