Same here, seems to give disconnects and insane game lag with those high games-per-hour profiles.I'm just a little worried about the high game count per hour in 3 musketeers
is that anything to worry about?
i'm using v0.9 the normal version (not long nor short)
Trinity v1.8.19 also having the same problem!try different trinity
The unique mobs no longer have a high drop rate (AKA the MM nerf). So yeah its kinda nerfed.Feels nerfed to me as well. I ran this for 6 hours straight and didnt see much for it. Could have been a bad day though. I should log my drops to test.
Feels nerfed to me as well. I ran this for 6 hours straight and didnt see much for it. Could have been a bad day though. I should log my drops to test.
What do you include?Sometimes it just stops near the fountain after killing the wretched queen and all the minions near her in that abandoned town.
The bot just sits there and wait, I had forgotten to turn the gold time out timer on this night and it sat there for about 6 hours and waited.
I'll pull the logs once I get back from work.
let me introduce you to the one of the best item-farm in 2.0.3
version 1.0 uploaded
1. What it does?
[*] Full quest "Rumford at the Gate" + Full quest to kill Captain Daltyn with dungeons
[*] including a lot of white chests
[*]few weapon racks
[*]0-1 Cursed Chest
[*]0-3 goblins
[*]a lot of uniq mobs
[*]a lot of champions/rare (higher difficulty - more)- 0-1 Cursed shrine
3. What you need?
- Legendary Road - to the Captain Daltyn
- Long - to the Headcleaver. with Cathedral lvl1. And with Mira Eamon
- Short - to the zombie Queen only
4. Features
- Start with Quest 1.2
- Trinity plugin. Current version you can find in this section - Trinity
- Trinity Combat Routine, choose it when first launch DB
- QuestTools, bundled in the last DB release, or better download attachement in this topic
- option "Inspect Corpses" must be unticked in trinity, unless you want to stuck near Adria's Cellar!
- trinity options
- ImageUploader - a free and open source screenshot tool for productivity
- Notepad++ for editing profile
5. Known issues
[*]townrun at the beginning of each run- my own blacklist
- max death count=3, you can change it by editing this
<TrinityMaxDeaths questId="1" max="3" />- YAR compatible
6. Troubleshooting:
[*] stuck on those spots - - fixed in last Beta build
[*] Due to the combat radius issues found in Trinity the Full and Only versions of this profile may miss some dungeons and backtracking a lot - will be fixed in next Trinity release i hope,
[*] Cursed chest not lootable yet- Mass Grave not added yet
- sometimes bot still miss first cellars (not Dark), i cant fix this yet
- trinitycombatignore still dont work
- with .13 trinity sometimes you can meet different stucks in the cellars
- Cursed Chest openable by profile tag, but bot anyway cant finish the event, if TrashCount>1(he forgot to kill all mobs)
7. Recommendations
- zip and attach your entire log file.
- guide on How to Attach your Demonbuddy log with pictures
- please use 7Zip, WinZip, WinRAR, or some other compression tool when posting your log.
- include a screenshot of where you're stuck or what strange behavior you're experiencing. This tool is free and awesome: ImageUploader - a free and open source screenshot tool for productivity
- if you are having trouble attacking or any combat behavior, include your character class and full details of your build / active and passive skills and abilities
8. Feature plans
- CLEVER TOWN RUN - find the first number in the Plugins/Trinity/Items/ItemHandling.cs and edit it for your needs, but remember - it must be > than number in trinity slider option
- setup the bot to loot all chests
[*] for FAST version you need build and gear to kill mobs while running, for example - tornadoes from sprint and Fire Walkers boots.
[*] the best class for FAST NORMAL profile - monk, the best stats you need - 10+ games per hour and 2+ legs per hour
[*] before 1.8.6 Trinity better use FAST profile, there was a bug with combat radius with others- choose your build and difficulty level wisely
- Enchantres with azurewrath is the best follower for me
- how to shange difficulty with YAR -
- my barbarian build - Barbarian - Game Guide - Diablo III
- fix and support this profile
IF you want to DONATE ME:
PayPal - [email protected]
WebMoney - Z276832755123
My Skype - quadro.tony
Ok, Kevin, ive calculated smth. Correct me if i am wrong. Leg Road T3 gives me 370kk per hour. Ghome Quest T2 (did it to kill Ghome for Arhon CD) gives me ~ 4.5kk whole run takes ~ 3 min. So 4.5kk x 20 = can get more legendaries with musketeers - Kulle, and A LOT MORE exp with musketeers - Ghome
so this road very useless for now
tablet from the first post of the profile
ghom t2
[7.3] - exp
[35.4] gold
3 min for a run? try more, its too low, if you can handle t3 road
even with this you wil get 146kk exp and 708k gold(only from quest)
but i dont trust you really - try again, 3 min t2???????? your hero really very poor geared....