i got you covered bro. first, im almost completely blind, which all my guildies know. the officers of my guild know i bot. i donate 90% of my gold income to the gbank to be distributed for raid repairs and consumables.
i rolled a new account 4 days ago. ive made 92k in the last three days and deposited 90k to the bank. im only lvl 35. so who benefits from my routine? every person i know.
Not only wow, but D3 had also a bot sweeping.So blizzard has started this big anti bot campaine.
And they are successful.And they are going full throttle this time.
I think the good botting days are over on blizzard games.
bad players are still bad on bots believe it or not. especially the devs - they know wow mechanics very well to be able to make a bot perform that well and it usually translates into if they felt like it they would play wow fine by hand. My arena and raid rankings by hand are both higher than when I use HB even what are considered the best bots (like for PVE Millz Demonic). Botting can make a bad player decent, but for good players it just removes the trash grinding like the mindless WQ's which are absolutely required to get anywhere in the current content.
Frosticus could be an elite player if he felt like doing it for all we know. 2 players using the exact same CR will still perform differently - the better player will still be better.
and yes, the rest of the guild would still prefer the boss be dead and they all got loot if Frosticus got the raid spot than GF XXX who tries really hard by hand and wipes them.
Hold on a sec....I think I am getting deja vu.....no....it's just another wave.........Here's the pickle....There will always be waves.....The thing is the bot makers ability to survive the wave and build a better mouse trap for what has presented itself. I think HB is in a much better position than other bot maker past and present. In the past when a bot was hit sales would slow and because the bot maker only had one bot it would basically kill them because they did not have enough funding to rebuild their name in the market. HB has many bots bringing in revenues so not only can they fight legal battles but also rebuild their name and figure out what went wrong.
Be patient guys. This is just another round in a really long fight. Has the landscape changed any? I don't know and neither do any of us. Are they being more successful than in the past? Yeah. I feel so. But is the end near? I don't think so. Not just yet.
i love it when people try to use this in an actual argument. my tuanhapro routine helps me heal the other 14 raid members much better than your gf 'trying her best'
whats better, your guild actually killing a boss, or giving your gf a raid spot she doesnt deserve?
i love it when people try to use this in an actual argument. my tuanhapro routine helps me heal the other 14 raid members much better than your gf 'trying her best'
whats better, your guild actually killing a boss, or giving your gf a raid spot she doesnt deserve?
Looks like a couple of fat healer chicks got their raiding spot back since I can't raid right now
I figured by taking over as the main tuanhealerpro in my guild I would force these fatties to stop playing video games and MAYBE exercise a little...damn you blizzard and your ban waves.
Ive been botting wow since before i joined this site, HB has been the most reliable i have used over the years.
Anyone whos been doing it as long as me and longer knows this has happened almost every year at some point (maybe 2 years ago if i remember right? good job!).
Just getting pretty tired of people blowing this out of proportion.
Its a big ban wave yes, just wait for the developers to update.
The Buddy team always make a huge effort and always deliver a good product when the new release is out.
Support should be given to them and not all the negative comments, discussions and needless threads. The community on here always used to be supportive and not complain quite as much as ive seen recently, so lets try it guys. Disscussion and appreciation.
This exact same example of a ban wave has happened before as i said, and you were using the version of HB that was updated to fix that. They fix it every time and it works just as well if not better than before.
Why do people not think of this?
Relax and have a week or two off. Im treating this as a holiday to get some home projects done and spend time with family.